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Everything posted by kajnrig

  1. Gonna link this in the VF-31 thread. Works with the 31A preorder, $228 shipped.
  2. That's a pretty good summary, now I think about it. Well, to be fair, the contexts of the two movies are very different. The first takes place after a long, long war, with the Jaeger program being decommissioned and literally the last scraps of it being hodgepodged together for a final mission. The facilities and equipment had seen over a decade of use by then. The second, on the other hand, comes on the heels of those same decommissioned Jaeger programs saving the world; it stands to reason that funding for them would skyrocket and they would update their facilities. ...that said, I agree that it's way more Apple and not enough... Cowboy Bebop? That "lived-in" sci-fi. The in-universe reasoning seems spotty at best. I saw the regenerating kaiju at the end and wondered if it was maaaaybe a large Category 3 like the one that took out Gipsy in the beginning of the first movie. Maybe they've downsized because the kaiju sizes seem to be much more varied this time around as well. There seem to be human-sized kaiju (the mass of wormy ones, thus "necessitating" regular infantry) this time around in addition to the New Jaeger-sized ones and the Old Jaeger-sized one at the end of the trailer. Ah, the wordsmith himself.
  3. kajnrig

    Bandai DX VF-31

    For clarification: The preorder window on this 31A, being a web exclusive, will be open for a relatively long time? Since the toy's releasing in March, will preorders close around February? January? Thanks.
  4. Not to be dismissive, but... What is this!?!? This looks like a half-finished concept sketch! They actually bothered coloring this and publishing it? Didn't even clean it up or give it a quick second pass to refine the design?
  5. Eh... I think you guys are letting your Robotech hate get the best of you. They look decent. Proportions could be better (though I have a feeling that in person they would look better), everything is bit too busy like JetJockey hit on the head, the detailing is too stark (and the choice of details makes them give off a decidedly more Robotech feel than Macross), and a Super Gerwalk wouldn't be skating along the water's surface like that. And call it a personal nitpick, but the exhaust should be blue-white, not orange. I feel like they could have stuck to some more iconic poses, or at least chosen a scene that more closely sticks to the source material. The bases they've gone with are just generic sci-fi backgrounds, and while the water brings to mind DYRL's sea battle against Milia et al, the configuration of the Valk (Fast packs attached) is wrong for the situation. Remove the Super parts, splay the legs out for a more aggressive A stance, and maybe tilt the "thighs" back so that they're bending back more instead of hanging almost vertical, and I think the Gerwalk statue is successful. The Battroid... Make the head either look up at where it's going or down at what it's trying not to crash into instead of vaguely to its left, and the problems with the proportions and such can largely be ignored.
  6. Yeah, on first viewing I was put off by the smaller scale and quicker movements, too. That said, now it has a more real robot feel to it, for better and worse. That's true for the rest of the film as well. More shounen anime, less 80s Mazingers. I hate the whole "combiner sword" shtick, but the way this one pulled it off just hit me in all the right spots. That said, the original designs were definitely more interesting. Kinda comes with the territory, I suppose. No Del Toro means no Del Toro magic. Yeah, visually there's no comparison. The lighting and color choice in general is a major step back, again probably due to a lack of major Guillermo Del Toro involvement. The original paid a lot of attention to those two things - Del Toro even assisted the VFX artists personally, and the lighting didn't necessarily match from scene to scene in order to achieve certain effects. They purposely limited the use of red, such that it would stand out all the more when it did appear (ie times of crisis). The scene where Gipsy looks into a skyscraper before Otachi bursts out from behind it, the skyscraper's windows are striped with neon blue, mimicking the blue of the kaiju and the slash wounds Otachi received from Crimson Typhoon earlier in the battle. And so on and so forth. This one looks to be taking cues from sci-fi trends right now, so it looks more generic. I'm seeing some Transformers influence, some of the Star Trek movies... This one has less that's unique to itself than the first movie does. But we're still a long ways off from the release. There'll definitely be more FX work being done, and even as it is, these effects don't look bad. Boy, someone's salty about getting old. EDIT: On a different note, is that some Jaeger-on-Jaeger fighting? And a Nemesis Prime Gipsy Mutilator? Any ideas about the story behind this? I'm going to guess that the two scientists have split and are working on competing Jaeger designs, and then people have to come together when the Kaiju attack again? Maybe they're expanding on the whole Jaeger-themed sports thing from the first movie and it's turned into all-out G Gundam. (Oh man, if only...)
  7. kajnrig

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Hey, spacemanoeuvres, a couple questions. 1) Is the VF-31J/c an event exclusive? 2) Did FJ give an explanation for what each fee covered? 3) I'm guessing that the quote they'll give me for the VF-31A Kairos will be different? It's my first time requesting a quote.
  8. kajnrig

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I complained, but I now also have all the preorder tabs open. In case anyone's interested, here's the previous links collected together: BigInJapan (24390, 3700 shipping*): https://www.biginjap.com/en/completed-models/19726-macross-delta-dx-chogokin-vf-31a-kairos.html Anime Export (23800, ??? shipping*): http://www.anime-export.com/product/37625 CDJapan (27216, 2110-3700 shipping*/**): http://www.cdjapan.co.jp/product/NEOGDS-252726 Nippon-Yasan (23080, 2290-22504 shipping*): https://www.nippon-yasan.com/figures/22661-macross-delta-dx-chogokin-vf-31a-kairos-regular-limited-edition.html (UPDATE 10-25-2017) Mykombini (23680, 2490-4700 shipping*/***): https://mykombini.com/en/march-2018/8928-dx-chogokin-vf-31a-kairos-macross-delta-bandai-limited.html *shipping to USA **according to chyll22, CDJapan will send credit authorization to your credit card company, but will not bill until item release ***requires 50% up-front deposit instead of whole deposit Right now it looks like NY is cheapest, both in price and shipping, but I don't know the ins and outs of how these sellers handle shipping. Those shipping costs could simply be placeholders... (Does AE calculate shipping at checkout? Or only once the package has been finalized?)
  9. I am all in for this dumb kiddie show giant robot action. The new designs can't beat the original goodness, but they're doing their own thing, and that's fine by me.
  10. kajnrig

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Right? Though I suppose to be fair, it's way easier to implement the changes they did than the one they didn't. The wings and missiles are probably just parts swaps, and the fold quartz is swapped for 2x fold carbon that are glued onto the preexisting body. (The head is obviously a simple swap as well.) Depending on how the nosecone is constructed, they would have had to remold significant portions just for this variant. For those who are wondering about the nosecone sensors (from the Hasegawa model kits): Maybe they randomize it to surprise you. Or maybe they'll leave numbers off entirely and include a waterslide sheet. I can't speak personally; I know a lot of people have been singing the praises of the VF-31. Not that there's been many complaints about the VF-1, but my sense is that the VF-31 has really left a mark on people with regards to how smoothly everything comes together.
  11. kajnrig

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Ooh, I'm so stoked for this, but I don't know anything about pricing. (I've only checked the last two pages.) Can anyone refresh me on when/where/how much to preorder? The official materials don't specify a different pod configuration for the VF-31A, just notes that the VF-31 was designed to handle different container pods. The missile launcher + sensor that we see on the customized Bandai model kits are... well, customized by the modeler. It's not necessarily a canon design (as far as I'm aware... it may well be based on lineart from the Perfect Files/etc.). It stands to reason that Alpha Squadron has a different pod setup "canonically" and that the animation reuses the charger pod to save money, but if the animation is taken as the primary source, then yes, the rest of Xaos has a charger pod as default as well. (The "canon" also says that the legs' racks contain missiles instead of Delta's drones, but I'm sure if those were ever shown they would have had drones, too.) That all said, the lack of a different pod setup is already putting me off this toy, despite how much I've been yearning for it. It couldn't possibly have taken very much effort to design a replacement for the charger pod. Even just a different part that caps onto the existing charger pod that turns it into a missile launcher would have been enough. If the price is too high (like it seems to be, judging from people's posts), I'll reluctantly pass on this and make do with the kits.
  12. Seems everyone started their PW stashing around the same time lol. I'm waiting 'til the end of the month for the VE-1/VT-1 reissues, and then I'll (finally!!!) be able to get my hands on my my VF-31As. I'm grabbing a whole bunch of old Gundam HGUCs/Wing-era HGs to maybe do a little video retrospective with, too, but that's not gonna be part of my HLJ package. I think you're thinking of @anubis20. I'm not interested in the Hi-Res Wing Zero. (That being said, nice haul to you, too. I had to do a double take since you had almost the exact same things they did. )
  13. I wondered that as well, but honestly I don't know enough about the T-Rex(? Trex? TRex?) Supers to get an idea either way. It's likely that these are indeed based on the Trex parts - I know Trex also made the shoulder parts as missile packs - but still... /shrug
  14. It looks like the Super parts are ONLY the VF-19EF/A-specific parts. So only the wing boosters, missile pods for the central fuselage/inner shoulders, and it looks like... a couple spacers or filler pieces, possibly for the boosters. No YF-19 Fast parts or fold booster. (I forget if the Arcadia YF-19 comes with its Fast parts. I know it doesn't come with a fold booster.)
  15. Above links, for PC: Regult: https://world.taobao.com/item/555370296852.htm VF-19EF/A Super parts for Arcadia YF-19: https://world.taobao.com/item/557706196452.htm
  16. Nice haul. Even though I'm not too hot on any of those kits, those are some very nice box arts that look even better side by side. How are you planning on building the SV-262? In a straight Roid scheme, or with the Deculture itasha?
  17. Unconfirmed. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/lapd-clarifies-cannot-confirm-tom-petty-death/
  18. Eh, black lining on white parts is fine... if you're going for a particular look. It's easier to use other, lighter colors so that there isn't quite so much contrast, but the wonderful thing about black-on-white IS the absolute contrast; you have a broader range of "shading" available to you, so you can thin certain areas of panel lines to achieve certain effects. Mainly this is useful for simulating the uneven visibility of panel lines; if you look at real-world machines, their "panel lines" vary greatly in terms of visibility. You can do the same with an easier gray/brown panel wash, but just to a lesser degree. And sometimes the stark contrast is precisely what you're going for. See any "cel-shaded" model kit build for an example of what I'm talking about.
  19. Oh, is this a 1/60 kit to go with the 1/60 Laevatein? I had a blast with that kit, and I had thought this one would go the way of the dodo (its last appearance was an unpainted prototype from a year or two ago). I'm glad to see it coming back. Hopefully there'll be a reissue of the Laevatein as well. So that's the two 1/60 Kotobukiya kits, the three Aoshima 1/48 re-issues plus their own Laevatein kit, the Almecha Arbalest, and the upcoming Metal Build Arbalest to go with the Metal Build Laevatein. Phew. Gonna have to stock up on ramen now...
  20. Right, that's what I was referring to, the airbrushes that use markers as paint source. They've been around, but I don't know anyone who's actually used them. The inherent flaws in them have seen them mostly marketed to kids as super easy introductory ABs - Crayola, especially, advertises an easy airbrush system that uses their own markers.
  21. By the by, how'd the earlier copyright strike go? Hopefully this won't turn into a recurring thing... :/
  22. I mean... kind of? These "beginner" airbrush systems have existed for a long time, but I don't know a single person in the hobby, or even in general, who has ever used one. Maybe with the Bandai name recognition, some of the "amateur" (I hate to use that word, but I hope you know what I mean) modelers will pick enough of them up that we have an idea of how well they work. The biggest drawback is the compressed air cans, as I DO know that people have tried and really disliked (or at least look down on) those for the uneven pressure they put out and how expensive they get how quickly.
  23. Maybe this thread should be merged with the Ace Combat discussion thread, since now it's not just Hasegawa actively doing Ace Combat:
  24. They're the same objective height (around 16-20cm), but whereas Gundam kits/figures at that height are 1/100-scale, the Laevatein figure is roughly 1/48 scale. The Almecha figure is 1/60 scale, putting it in the same height range as the Robot Damashii line.
  25. HLJ's got some more pictures of Gerwalk mode and runners: Not a fan of that left hand... Hopefully they'll include alternatives. Detail on it is super good, though.
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