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Everything posted by Strumvogel

  1. Tell them it's an investment, remind them how much the original Star Wars toys are worth at one time. Then quickly change the subject before the subject of the pre-equals screwed that up. Your AR, short barreled? Back to the swinging contest: I got the 15th Anniv. SDFM series in LD format back when I couldn't afford it. So much so that I didn't end up getting an LD player till a few years later.
  2. I stood in line for 2 1/2 hours from 8am in the morning to get into TAF to watch the live presentation of Macross Frontier to the public and for May'n & Megumi N.'s very first live performance of Frontier songs. The strange thing about being in the line was that as the morning wore on, the colder it got. So much so that it was just as well we all got in the time we did as it was positively getting frosty towards the end of the 2 hours as the chilly winds suddenly picked. Think 15 C degrees drop in 30 minutes on a morning which was only 18 C to start with and it showed no sign of stopping by the time I got in. I was pretty sure people would have ended up dropping if the line didn't start moving when it did.
  3. Don't lie, you've gotten it anyway if it was only avaliable on DVD.... Looking at the DVDs, it kinda looks like they were putting the thing together around the BD's space capacity specs. The DVD release will come in 2 discs to the BD's one. **Updated: Well looks like they've updated the details. The BluRays also are in 2 discs like the DVDs. Was only one when I first saw it go up.
  4. Looks like the pre-orders are avaliable for the Frontier Concert DVDs & Blu-Ray Discs on CD Japan at least. Have at it!
  5. Cool stuff, and finally after I pretty much given up hope. However what are the chances that it'd be an all region encoding BD release?
  6. The one really fun part I found with that idea is that on the dustjacket of the book there's a ad for the zentran language version of the book.
  7. Whoa, Balloon for Klan... Is it refering to her Micronisation process, or her other features? Or Both?
  8. She didn't do "Ai obeteimasuka?" Would have thought that would be included since she did Tenshi no enougu. While we would always prefer the original, or atleast I would anyway, managing to hear her sing it live during the TAF concert really brings out the range she could achieve.
  9. So just how many time have you been shot down? Don't really know why you you are complaining. I personally still prefer Misa above all the other Macross women.
  10. They had better appeal to a new generation of fans, cos the older ones like me are getting jaded. I was a fan of EVA even before it was aired and it only existed as production art that were published in NewType and the like. But you can only retread the same old story a number of time AND ask the fans to pay for it before one gets disillusioned by the whole thing. Fortunately for them they've developed a new storyline for it which makes me excited for it again. Looks like the production team was listening to the old fans about the first movie before embarking on the second. Btw, which one is Sunshine Cinema? The one which has the HMV store attached to it? Thanks for that Graham, I was going to pick it up for the very same reason. Btw, have you got your copy of the Variable Fighter Master File VF-1 book? Mine was delayed till this time next week.
  11. And you're complaining, because...? Just kidding. New clothing does makes sense in some sense since it gives the movie a new energy in terms of looks and in production they can be a bit more fancy with their clothing designs since they got more time to animate the movie. Clothing textures are one of the hardest thing to animate consistantly which makes Brera the easiest to do. Though he never really had that much screen time in the tv series to make that argument worth a damn.... hmm....
  12. I think DreamsOfIshtar complains too much. Somehow I don't think he realise just how sought after those tickets were. I personally would have loved to have gone to it but I'm several thousand miles away in another country with work to take care of. Even if I was there, I seriously doubt I'd win the lottery for the tickets.
  13. Still quite some time away till the movie is out, close to half a year away, so I'm not worried yet how much of the movie has new scenes. Only thing I could do is wait for the trailer to hit the websto see this trailer myself. I take it you saw it watching a movie, Gubaba?
  14. According to my per-order slip, 7/08. So in just under a week's time.
  15. While reading VFTF1's post it struck me that there's another danger with the mis-information that Shaloom gave out. What if you met some Japanese fans of Macross and struck up a conversation about Macross, sharing info and interest and then you mention Ohnogi's work in Frontier, what he did for the characters and the sources that were supposedly from regarding it? They'd probably look at you like you were an idiot, or worse someone who made all those things up. If they weren't accommodating enough to sit you down and clear up your misconceptions and so-call facts, they'll quite likely not take you seriously or have anything to do with you anymore. I mean just how damaging is that?
  16. Nothing to fear there, I don't have the details myself. I just asked if there was a change in the stoyline since they're introducing a new character and he replied I was correct, and in a good way. Kinda surprised you haven't seen it yet actually. Now as for the Frontier movie, from the buzz, it seems like we'll have to wait till the second movie to get something new in the storyline. More waiting....
  17. Well after exchanging messages to someone who watched the latest one, I'd actually agree with that. Rather than a retelling I've been told that the story has taken a different path and with a new story now as a result. Now that I can get excited with.
  18. Does that mean they're going to talk about sand and stuff and get all romantic about it? (Hate that movie, the only movie I've actually paid to see where I end up trying to go to sleep while watching it)
  19. I think we were expecting the movie will be at least in two parts so no surprises there. Nice to get a confirmation though. Just got to wonder about the nature of each of the parts now though. As for the poster, seem like whoever did it has been taking the Masamune Shirow's School of Design. Namely lots of slick CGI mechanical designs; shiny, skimpy fan-service clothing on character and a slight hint of S&M. Oh yeah, and of course said female character seem to have forgotten her pants. Very typical of Shirows works. In fact it could very well be him the way this poster manages to tick all those boxes. Not that I'm complaining of course. (Much anyway...)
  20. That doesn't mean that he hasn't been by, just not logged in. Still, I'm quite glad that this didn't get nasty and turned into a forum war, this is the internet after all. Thanks to iker for dropping by and keeping us inform of how things are going in regard to this from MG's point of view as well. I was beginning to feel uncomfortable about how it was going to turn out as time passed. I'm more relived now. Gubaba, any ideas on where to keep all the info you collected if anyone ever stumble into this incident in the future? You know some new fan down the road would want to look up info about the series and would end up coming across some word of this and want to know more.
  21. I personally don't want to think there's any sort of malice involved in all of this. Macross has a small but robust sized community and I've always found people in it to be friendly and while there may be arguments, they were almost always cordial and polite. So the very idea of mis-information being deliberately passed around about the series seems to be unusual to the extreme to me. I prefer to think that this may have just been the result of a rumour that's taken a life of it's own. A rumour that's borne out of someone's bias like you mentioned Mr March but passed round like a game of chinese whispers within similar minded group until it's gone out of control.
  22. There is of course the letter you sent to Satelight as well, though I think the reply may take some time in coming. It's not like they can promptly attend to every letter they get. The only thing I fear is that it may have a non commital answer attached to it in the form of "In my opinion.." or "I think.." type of answer which only reflects one person's view and not of the production company official stance on the matter. It is a polite way of answering the question for the company no doubt but can be fustrating as well. In anycase I can pretty much say for everyone here that we'll be very interested in the content of the reply letter anyway when you get it Gubaba.
  23. The fact you have facts to back you up will help alot, Gubaba. This being the internet you just know there will be some people who are going to be a pain about this. Facts be damned to them. So in the end this whole Ohnogi stuff turns out to be either the longest running April Fools joke ever(Though I believe that people have been asking questions about it even before then). Or the most dedicated trolling of the Macross community by someone(s?), or something to that effect.
  24. The white stripes on the skirts and sleeves remind me very much of ToHeart's uniform so to me it's possibly her school uniform. Though the puffy white things attached to her stockings is weird for a school uniform. I'm more puzzled by what that strange ferret type creature with spectacles that looks like falling with her actually is. Here I was just on my last post wondering when the next news about Frontier movie is going to be while totally forgetting Ace No.2 was coming out.
  25. Does that include Gundam Sentinel then? That's actually one of my all time favourite Gundam series, though there is some conjecture whether it's actually part of the greater original Gundam universe or just some alternate non-canon story. Awesome designs though.... As for the alternate universe Gundams, technically everything from Seed onwards is a pain. Granted that the second half of the Seed series redeem itself somewhat with what passes for an original story rather than just a rehash of the original to ZZ Gundam stories which makes up the first half of the season. Just forget about the Destiny series that follows it though. The damn thing plays out like the worse fan-fiction one can think of. We're still months away from the Frontier movie at the moment. I take it that we'll be having a drought of news about it for a bit yet then? Or is there some upcoming event that we'll happen to chance on some more juicy details?
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