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Everything posted by M'Kyuun

  1. Got my shipping notification from HLJ. I have to agree that the only real flaw, IMO, is the black showing at the knees in fighter. It's a bit detracting, but I'm a battroid guy, so I'll overlook it. The fighter mode still looks great. Can't wait to have that uni-booby goodness in my hands. I'll second the suggestion for a valk transformation video thread.
  2. I hope they do well too. I'll have to check out their Huffer. I'd be thrilled if they made an Omega Supreme. I loved the Animated look and alt mode for OS.
  3. That's another lovely set. I bought it for my wife, and we use it and Lord Vampyre's Castle (my favorite castle set) for a Halloween display. Marcos Bessa is the designer for both the Monster's Haunted Mansion and the awesome Arkham Asylum Breakout set. He's fairly new on the LEGO Design Team, but these sets, as well as his own personal builds are testaments to the guy's talent.
  4. I can relate, but for the Parisian Restaurant. Great set which I highly recommend, esp if you like building city stuff. They did a good job on the Simpsons' House, but I'm personally not interested in acquiring it. Too much other good stuff coming this summer, Bennie's Spaceship! topping the list, along with the Super Secret police Dropship, and a slew of the upcoming Ultra-Agents, with some Ninjago & Star Wars thrown in for good measure. ErikElvis, I have that that set displayed in my LEGO room. I find a lot of these capital ships to be quite striking, esp with that dark red on light bley. They're terribly out of scale, though, and usually very limited internally. Anyway, hope you enjoy the set!
  5. No longer the end of the world! HLJ took my money, and I'm feeling pretty damned good about it. They charged 3300 yen for EMS, approx. $32 USD, 26,568 yen Black Friday preorder cost, for a total of 29, 868 yen/ $290. If I can come in under $300 for one of these things these days, I'm pretty pleased. If my Blazer is any indication as to the quality of the YF-19, I'm happy to part with the money.
  6. Starting to have a bad feeling about HLJ's ability to fill their preorders before April, esp since they're already low stock and there are a number of us , including myself, who preordered it and have yet to receive pay requests/confirmation, or shipping notices. Gonna go sob helplessly while I fold laundry.
  7. No one will know until we have a new 19 in hand to check fit. Once released, if you're interested, I'd suggest contacting Kurisama, if possible, since he could make adequate tweeks to his existing design. That would have been a nice extra to include with the new 19. I'd have more use for an arm cannon than the fold booster attachments.
  8. They can accelerate that release if they're so inclined. I won't complain.
  9. Sure is pretty. Hope there's a YF-21 in the works, with an equivalent end result.
  10. Agreed..original Blacktron colors/logo/minifig torso design were better, although there were some neat sets from the second wave. The Allied Avenger comes to mind. As it happens, not one of my original Blactron sets survived being parted out, but I have a few Blacktron 2 sets that are whole. At some point I'll try to remedy the first part of that statement. As much as it would thrill me, I doubt Bennie's Spaceship will be out in May. I'm figuring it'll be part of the August release schedule, which means it'll start showing up in late July. I hope vehemently that I'm wrong.
  11. If we're lucky, that Darth Revan fig will be the May 4th freebie for orders over $75. I'm not familiar with the character, but he looks cool nonetheless.
  12. Pretty impressive effects for a fan-made, and overall well done. Undoubtably, Deus-Ex would make for a good movie in the right hands. Personally, I'd prefer the original, wrist mounted crossbow, music, everything. The original game still stands out to me as one of the best games I've ever played.
  13. Most likely...stretch it out to the very end. I keep checking my email looking for the ship notice from HLJ. Really looking forward to this, and hope it's at least as solid as their VF-19.
  14. I have that piece in a couple recent sets. Definitely useful. There are also 1x1 round plates with a hole in the stud that should prove most useful as well.
  15. Wildstyle's bike with the Super Secret Police truck is an excellent set. That and Bad Cop's flying car were the first two sets I bought. Love 'em both. As for double sided building, the brackets are useful to an extent. I also use bricks with studs on two sides as well as 4595 http://www.bricklink.com/catalogList.asp?catType=P&catID=7&itemYear=&searchName=Y&searchNo=Y&q=&catLike=W. The plates with fully enclosed clips are pretty handy, too. But there are times when space is at a premium, and a plate with studs top and bottom would be the best option, instead of fudging a solution.
  16. Those and a whole host of other parts that are sorely lacking from the palette. For every part, I wish they'd make it's inverted twin. That would solve a heap of building challenges. My parts wishlist is extraordinarily long, and it's a bit frustrating when Megablocks or Kreo or any other "works with LEGO" brand makes these parts that LEGO seemingly has no interest in producing. I did ask Kevin Hinkle, the LEGO Community Rep about plates with studs on top and bottom. He said that in test groups, kids didn't know what to do with them. I question from whence their polling their test kids or the IQs thereof, but I digress. I can only hope they get a group of prodigies at some point, and a whole host of new and much sought-after parts will find their way into the active palette.
  17. As for the new animated show, I'll reserve judgement until it finally airs; however, even though they said that the pic isn't the final look, I'm guessing it's not far off, and the toys will probably be greatly simplified, since that now seems to be Hasbro's direction. Prime turned out to be a very good show, IMO, and the majority of the toys ranged from good to ok, with a few turds (Deluxe Airachnid comes to mind). At this point, the live action movie/animated mix has been done, and I wish they'd find a whole new look apart from what's been done already. Just not War for Cybertron/Fall of Cybertron. Please Hasbro, no crappy Cybertronian modes, and no god-awful neon lighting all over. While the gameplay was ok, I couldn't abide the terrible aesthetic they used in those games. To be fair, I wasn't crazy about the Animated look at first, but the show quickly grew on me, and I loved the toys. I still have the vast majority of my Animated collection displayed on my desk. If anything, I wish more of the characters had been made into toys. MP WJ looks pretty good, but there's something off about the waist in that picture. I hope it's just the angle, b/c the uncolored proto looked good.
  18. That's a pretty good photoshop of Cliffjumper. I doubt the real thing will look too far from this, when they eventually make him. Even if you get YotH Prime, and aren't too put off by the gold, his trailer is transparent. So, buy a can of gray paint while you're out shopping. I think I'll just sit tight and hope for a second release of regular Prime.
  19. My wife and I went and saw it again yesterday. I enjoyed it even more the second time. I think this is the first movie I've seen more than once since SW: Phantom Menace came out. I thought it sucked even then, but it had some pretty visuals, and that awesome fight with Obi-Wan and Maul. The LEGO Movie rocked both times, and it has me wondering what they're going to do as a follow-up. I'm also thinking that Benny's Spaceship will probably coincide with the DVD release. But I think you're right, David; LEGO missed an opportunity here to get a big set on shelves while the movie is still in theatres and kids are snapping up the sets. By July or August, the "next big thing" will be foremost in their malleable little minds, and it may not enjoy the sales rate it would have had it been out right now. But I think the damnable scalpers will hoover this set up with future big dollar signs in their eyes, and so, numbers-wise, it will look like a good seller to the big box stores. It'll probably be a limited item on Shop-at-Home, so that'll be an avenue to get one. I plan on getting two copies. After seeing the movie again, and playing the game, I'm hoping even more fervently that LEGO releases the Batplane. If they do, it will be...Awesome!
  20. Seems an impractical way of doing business, blacklisting folks who cancel items. Nothing like alienating customers willing to pony up several hundred dollars (or more, depending on your country's currency rate)for a single item. Equally odd that they'll forgive non-payment over a cancellation request. Glad I preordered through HLJ. Their Black Friday sale was a good deal. Moreover, my experience with their customer service has been very positive. I keep watching my email, waiting for my ship notification, and a sizeable divot in my bank account.
  21. At that scale, it's not bad, but it still looks off to me. For my money, I think I'd forego the small one and save for Kronos, since he's shaping up to be the most accurate version.
  22. The second face on MP-21 Bee is reminiscent of the face on the G1 toy. Neat that they added it, but I'll stick to his cartoon face. With color, this looks much better. I wish they'd put hinged covers on his arms to hide the hollows where his hands go. That's fine on a $12-15 mass market toy aimed at kids, but on an MP, that kind of detail makes the difference and should be the norm. Part of me wishes they'd gone with the new bug design, since it's more compact than the original and would translate better to the bot mode. I'm just glad that Volkswagen finally relented and are allowing Takara/Hasbro to make it at all. I'm guessing maybe we'll get adult Spike with the Exo-suit. It'd be accurate to the movie. Besides, I hate Daniel. I kept hoping he'd get shot or stepped on in every scene he appeared. Still do. I missed out on the new MP Prime when it was at retail, and refuse to pay the small fortune it goes for now. So I had Year of the Horse version in my hands at TRU today, but I couldn't get past the clear trailer and ugly gold trim. There were two of them on the shelf, and two of the big Starscreams, for which I have no interest. I really hope they do a second release, b/c I like the mold, but those YotH colors are terrible.
  23. Funny, I always envisioned a lot of automation involved in processing these. The pic def makes it seem more like a garage kit, with human hands lovingly putting them to bed in their packaging until they reach their new owners. I count 11, possibly 12, of them in that pic; I can't imagine having that many of one valk in the same room. Sucks to be not-rich sometimes.
  24. Not really a fan of the high speed mode; the forward swept wings are what really make the fighter mode stand out. Macross Plus in general, and the YF-19 specifically, were what drew me into Macross back in the 90's, so my anticipation for this version is off-scale high. If they choose to do a new YF-21, and it kinda follows that they will at some point, I hope they can "match" this in terms of keeping all modes as close as possible to the corresponding lineart/proportions. It's quite the engineering challenge, but I hope they're already formulating solutions. I still wish Kawamori-san had eschewed the belly plate kibble in favor of recesses for the legs to fit into while in fighter. IMHO, it'd been a more elegant design while eliminating large superfluous parts hanging off the legs. But I digress; can't wait for the new YF-19!
  25. I also noticed the rarity of blue in current sets. I'm working on a project in Classic Space colors, and I've been Bricklinking blue like crazy. But it does seem scarce, and expensive. That being said, I hope sales of Benny's Spaceship! will far exceed LEGO's expectations, as well as generating massive positive buzz in social media within LEGO's target demographic. If relevance and sales both spike, perhaps LEGO will do a revival, hopefully not straying too far away from the original look of the sets. I liked Space Police 3, but there was nothing, beyond the name, in common with the old SP sets, and I fear the same fate if a new Classic Space-based line is released. Many of the current designers grew up in the 70's & 80's, and love the classic stuff like most AFOLs, so I believe the awareness, at least at their level, is alive and well; I would guess Marketing probably don't feel that those sets would appeal to today's kids. So Benny's ship may be a litmus test to gauge interest.
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