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Everything posted by M'Kyuun

  1. Agree on all those and add Ratchet, Ironhide, Trailbreaker, the remaining Dinobots, Constructicons, Insecticons, all the remaining cassettes from both factions, Reflector, and a new improved Megatron.
  2. I'm happy for those who are finally getting a MP version of Star Saber. It does nothing for me personally, but I can appreciate finally getting a modern update of a toy from childhood. MP Prowl was that toy for me, and now I have him, Silverstreak, and Smokescreen. And just like Prowl, the designer of SS was personally invested in making the best version he could out of love for the character/original toy.
  3. Everything would be cool, but really, really expensive. I'll whittle my wishlist down to two: Variable Glaug, and a new YF-21 with improved battroid proportions.
  4. I wasn't familiar with the name, but I've seen his stuff while browsing. Cool indeed. As for returning to the LEGO hobby, there's never been a better time, since they produce such a plethora of sets across quite a number of themes, both their own and IPs. Bricklink, Brickowl, and ebay are some avenues to explore to acquire parts and sets you may want or have wanted in the past. Granted, LEGO is already an expensive habit, and once you delve into the secondary market, it can become even more so. I speak from experience. If you're interested in dedicated LEGO forums, I'd suggest FBTB.net and Eurobricks.com. Welcome back to the hobby. Concerning your user name, are you stationed at Fairchild AFB? Just curious.
  5. Hi Fairchild, I'm a fellow LEGO builder and Macross fan. Welcome to the boards! Are you saying he does LEGO Macross customs, and if so, do you know his name? Tyler Clites, AKA Legohaulic, does commissions. He built a transforming Alpha Fighter on a commission. Anyway, I thought I'd let you know if you're looking for someone to design something for you. Otherwise, Jack McKeen, Gla-Gla, Daikoncat, Sebastio Neto, .Tromas and many other folks have done LEGO Macross stuff. There's also a LEGO Macross Flickr group that's definitely worth checking out. Hope these help, and you find the article you're looking for. Play well!
  6. Agreed, Ratchet and Ironhide are long overdue official G1 animation accurate toys. The original toy was full of WTF. A MP version would be most welcome. I'd really be amazed if they could find a way to make Ironhide's big gun retract into his back like in the show.
  7. I thought I was the only adult who took toys with him on trips. Nice to know I'm in good company. As far as Play-Asia goes, I took the leap and preordered, knowing that it may be a setup for disappointment. I figure nothing ventured, nothing gained, and maybe I'll get lucky. If they don't end up getting enough stock, my only hope is that I'm refunded without a battle, and in a decent timeframe. If I don't get one, I certainly hope I won't be derided for making the effort. The whole situation with procuring these things is shitty, and it's equally so if folks here laugh at those who take a gamble and lose.
  8. Just put in my pre-order with Play-Asia. I've never ordered with them before, so I hope there are no issues. At $142, it's still reasonably priced, and I've been wanting this valk since Frontier came out. Anyway, they took my money; they'd better give me my toy!
  9. I've been hoping for a TRU rerelease of MP-10, but I figure this is the closest I may get to getting a copy, so I preordered from Robot kingdom. Good price on Prime, but the S&H hurts. Oh well, it still came in under $200, and from everything I've seen and read about this toy, he's worth it.
  10. Wife and I just saw it today. Loved it. Lots of good sci-fi content and funny dialog/moments. Have to agree that Ronan was a little flat as a villain, but I guess Kree fanatics bent on destruction aren't meant to be funny. Yondu was a good character, though. Overall, one of the best films I've seen this year.
  11. Unbelievable how fast these sold on every site that had them. Kinda sucks the joy out of the hobby when availability is this sparse, given the obvious demand. Hope HLJ gets them, and gets enough to keep their pre-order open longer than 2 seconds. Time for bed.
  12. I think it's the same head, but the lighting and angle of the head in the right photo gives an altered impression. If I'm wrong, then I agree with you.
  13. I wish they'd designed Windblade's feet to fold down in jet mode; they look dumb just sticking up. Otherwise, it's a nice figure, and a nice addition to the Generations female bots. I'm also anticipating the release of Arcee and Chromia. It's been a long wait for a G1 Arcee figure, and from the pics I've seen, Has/Tak did a nice job with her design, even if she is a bit of a shellformer.
  14. The dino legs look the same to me from left to right; the upper back legs look too bulky compared to the lower leg, but they're the robot's arms so there's probably not much that can be done. They did a nice job capturing the curvature of the stego's back in the right pic. Looks nice.
  15. Meh. Nothing like an Optimus Prime figure that A.) looks nothing like Optimus Prime, and B.) doesn't look like it can transform at all. I'm not really digging the samurai deco either. Nice for those who like it, but it's completely pointless IMO.
  16. Finally got my "shipped" notification from CDJapan for my Renewal VF-25F. This'll be my second Renewal 25, the 25G being my first. Figures I'll be out of state when it arrives.
  17. I completely agree with your last statement. Let it die. I'm not a RT fan, so a new RT is not on my radar. As for HG, I hope they successfully bilk a modest amount of money from their fans, and then produce nothing, not even a crappy trailer. At some point, I would hope that even the die-hard hold-outs will give up on HG, and RT, and drop all support. As with RT, HG had their time, but it's time for them to close shop and relinquish control of the Macross license outside of Japan. Macross for all.
  18. It's a good year for Classic Space fans. LEGO Ideas (Cuusoo) is producing an Exo-Suit based on Peter Reid's popular design, with two green space figs. It's slated for an early August release. https://www.flickr.com/photos/brickset/14577531012/in/photostream/
  19. Yeah, but you could go places in it at least. If I had 26K of pocket money, I'd be adding a modest addition on to my LEGO room, and probably buy more TFs, Macross, and LEGO, of course. Even if I had Bill Gates' money, I doubt I'd spend it on old 80's TFs; they just don't do much for me. I like articulation, so I'd be more inclined to buy up all the Masterpieces and Generations/Classics toys. I love the G1 characters, albeit with modern engineering. Went to my local TRU this last weekend, and nary a single YotH Prime; just a few of the huge Starscreams. I passed on YotH once, so I probably would again, as much as I want a MP Prime. I'm holding out hope for a rerelease of the original, hopefully still with his trailer. I did pick up the new Shrapnel, though. Nice update and a much needed addition to the Classics Decepticons. I'll be happy to add Bombshell to the team when he's released.
  20. Which is a bummer, as the line-art for the proposed toy used the new Beetle as his alt, and overall looked cool. If Has/Tak ever decide to revisit the design and produce it, I'd happily pick one up.
  21. That auction is up to $10,600, with 7 more days to go. Crazy money, even if they are prototypes. While I hope whoever wins the auction is really, really happy with his/her purchase, personally if I saw these in a toy store, I wouldn't fork more than $20 for them. They're little non-poseable bricks. I'd rather spend my money on current toys. To each his own. MP Bee looks pretty good, and they pretty much nailed Wheeljack. My only gripe with him is the little green and red striped tab below his windshield. I'd rather they had left the windshield rounded and shaped the leg panels accordingly. Still, not a bad looking fig. I'm happy with this line so far, and hope eventually we'll get all the old G1 car Autobots, especially the originals from the 1984 wave.
  22. I'd also be down for a VF-2ss toy. However, I have to concur with the argument that it looks out of place next to Kawamori's designs, the vast majority of which mirror real world aircraft aesthetics. I think the VF-4 would turn heads if such an aircraft were developed, since the closest real world aircraft to that basic aesthetic is the Blackbird. But even with its spaced engines along the planform, it still retains an overall conventional fighter appearance. The VF-2 is odd and unconventional, especially with the small steeply sloped forward fuselage, extremely wide placement of the main engines beyond the main fuselage(they look like they're wing-mounted) , small secondary engines mounted to the upper fuselage, and underslung arms that are aesthetically made to look like a third set of engines, but would not function as such, are incongruent to the main engines, and just plain redundant on a fighter this size. I've seen the majority of US fighters in person (retired AF), been to the AF Museum, and have looked at plenty of pics and vids of experimental and non-US aircraft, and have yet to see anything that even comes close to the VF-2 aesthetically. Current trends are to streamline and remove superfluous structures in order to maximize efficiency and maintain stealth. So the VF-2 would be counter to the current design model, although I have to concede that all those structures wouldn't matter on an aircraft developed solely for space combat. But we don't do that either, at least not with jet fighters. I'm happy to leave Macross II as it stands, in its own parallel universe, along with its mecha designs. Despite its oddities, there is certainly a prettiness to the VF-2ss, and I wouldn't mind a fully transformable 1/60 scale toy to stand with the rest of my valks.
  23. In response to A7's spoiler , neither do the Transformers in Bay's movies. They are mechanical impossibilities; millions of tiny fragmented car parts swimming about on a sea of bubblegum and imagination..pure CG magic. For all his bluster about making them realistic, he missed the mark by a mile. I still wish they'd modeled them more like Binaltech/Alternators. At least the transformations would have been believable, and there wouldn't be fragmented chunks of tire here and there in illogical places on the bots. I'll wait for this to air on tv at some point.
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