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Everything posted by M'Kyuun

  1. Jeez, how many repaints are they going to do? At least this one makes sense within one of the TF continuities; Evangelion Prime was a pure money grab. Hoping more info is forthcoming concerning that pic of an alleged V2 MP Megatron. Along with a new Megs, I'd love to see a new improved MP seeker mold, hopefully with the tops of the chest intakes sitting at about chin level, as they should.
  2. Great. I was on the TFW boards awhile back when they were communicating regularly and announced that they were setting up an after-market site to deal with issues, esp since Burden seemed to have the lion's share. It sounded promising, and I felt good about buying one of their products. Now this. I'm still a bit let down that TFSource aren't handling it. At least then I'd have had a shot at getting a replacement and they could deal with ToyWorld. Well, if I hear anything back from TW, I'll post it so others here have an idea of what to expect.
  3. I've been giving consideration to POing Despotron, as the clean chunky bot look really appeals to me, but with TT's announcement, I'm going to roost on the fence until more is revealed. As Mike mentioned, this looks like an early proto, a bit blocky and not as refined as I would expect the final version to be. I recently got ToyWorld's Bulldozer, the first of my eventual unofficial Constructicon team. Lovely figure, but my copy's right heel will not rotate a full 90 degrees to sit flush behind the leg, and the right ankle tilt joint, to which the heel is attached, has a 4 mm crack. I contacted TFSource, who passed me over to ToyWorld. So I've sent my service request in, and hopefully they'll either fix or replace my Bulldozer without its costing me too much. I was hoping TFSource would just do a one for one swap, but they passed the buck. If anyone here has dealt with ToyWorld for a broken toy, what can I reasonably expect?
  4. Yeah, no kidding. He looks a little...angular, kinda blocky, to me. The waist looks odd to me as well, but I'm guessing it's made of two panels folding around the front. I'll wait for color photos and eventual reviews, but aesthetically, Despotron looks better to me than TT's. I wonder if those legs are just simply going to tab together or if there's some well concealed origami going on to form the grip; with those bell bottoms, it'll be a funky grip if they just tab together. Also noticed his feet don't have that little ridge around the base- for some reason, that ridge is a defining characteristic of G1 Megatron to me, and the feet just look odd without it. Edit: Photoshopped pic appeared before I finished my post- looking better with color. Thanks to Bensimus for the shop-job, and to sh9000 for posting.
  5. Most of the animated films have mature themes running throughout that kids under four will likely not understand; action and cute characters are the draw for them, in most cases. I prefer it that way, as it makes the films perennially enjoyable to all ages. Up, Big Hero 6, The Incredibles, Cars, Zootopia, and many other movies like them will likely become celebrated classics because they speak to all ages.
  6. I fail to see where stuff like this is interesting, likewise with the Pop Vinyl stuff. Personal preference, of course, and I respect that people like different things for different reasons, but when it comes to Transformers, or pretty much anything that should have motion, articulation and the like, then I'll stick to models and toys that allow for the greatest amount of dynamism (that I can feasibly afford). It's also the reason why most 80's TF toys really hold no interest for me anymore; I get why they appeal to some collectors, but I'd rather my figs have two legs and a decent amount of poseability. Today's TF toys are what I was dreaming of in the 80's; I'm extremely glad the franchise has remained popular, and that I now have the opportunity (and the financial wherewithal) to own all those old toys, albeit with the benefits of today's technology and engineering. But, whatever your interest, there's likely something out there TF related, so for all of us, there's never been a better time to be a Transformers fan.
  7. Hey now, no pity parties for this Apollyon owner. I like my Apollyon; it's not perfect, but it's still a striking take on Megatron, and I like that the designer kept the G1 transformation mechanic while attempting to not copy MP-5. I read an interview with him where he tips his hat to Takara for MP-5's arm mechanics. Anyway, Despotron is shaping up to be a fantastic looking figure. I love the creative engineering on this guy, and the final result is the cleanest version in robot mode thus far. He still has his flaws, though- the transformation is not G1 accurate, so his shoulder hammers are cheats, the barrel has both a long slot and a screw hole that are clearly visible in gun mode, and clever as the lower torso transformation is, if those locking points weaken or break over time, he'll become Accordiontron. But I digress; I'm playing devil's advocate for a toy I will most likely pick up, and I think everything they did with this figure just works. These third parties are really bringing some amazing creativity to the table, and I can't help but feel that Takara are falling well behind within their own franchise. If they decide to do a new MP Megs, it's going to be challenging for them to create something new, and to meet the standards being set by these unofficial products. Despotron aside, I got my Toyworld Bulldozer in yesterday, my first ever version of Bonecrusher in 30+ yrs of collecting, and I was in love with the chunky beast at first sight. Handling this guy makes me want the rest; overall, just a great toy, except mine has an issue where the right heel wasn't pinned properly so the heel cannot swing out to a full 90 degrees. As a result of the stresses this created, the part to which the heel is attached has a 4mm crack running down its center from the point where it attaches to the linkage, essentially where it rotates to enable ankle tilt for the heel. If the heel parts weren't integral to attaching the Devastator lower arm piece, I'd just glue the crack and live with his gimp heel. But I'm eventually going to get all these guys, and I will be combining them, so this isn't going to work. I've already contacted TFSource, and hopefully they'll just do a one for one swap. It's really a shame that something so small can ruin what is otherwise a beautiful figure.
  8. I've got TW's Bonecrusher coming on Wednesday and I'm pretty stoked. It'll be my first TW Constructor (I've had Unearth on PO through Captured Prey for months now, and I still don't think they have him in stock ). I'm hoping there won't be any issues, but I ordered through TFSource, who, by all accounts, have really good customer service. I hope the second release of the green versions is announced soon, and that Burden gets a bit of an overhaul to address some of his glaring flaws. More pics of Despotron and his Cybertronian equivalent were posted on TFW2005 yesterday. http://news.tfw2005.com/2016/08/28/maketoys-despotron-rioter-despotron-new-images-324034 Every new pic I see of Despotron furthers my good impression of the figure. I think I'll wait for initial reviews before committing, but I'm about 90% sold on him already. I like my Apollyon alot, but he's a bit of a burden to transform, is fidgety, esp in the waist section which untabs very easily, and has pretty limited shoulder movement. Despotron, OTOH, looks like he'll be a lot more fun to transform and pose. I hope I'm right. Props to Maketoys, as they made him very clean, and I love the engineering in his torso to encompass his trigger and trigger guard. Apollyon satisfies the G1 transformation for me, so the non-standard transformation won't bother me if the robot mode makes up for it with solidarity and good articulation.
  9. Can't disagree with either of those points. As I said, if they reissue this mold down the line with a proper side mounted cannon and a complete fold-away head (this head master stuff is a bit ridiculous), I'll be a little perturbed. I give them points for trying to make it work, but the final result is lacking. As for Universe Galvatron in general, see JBO's post above. Could have been so much better. Opened Crashbash last night- best use of a Headmaster figure I've seen (the HM's arms are used as the T-Rex mode's arms and its legs form the lower jaw). This little guy is just adorable, and it tickles me that he's a Decepticon. I also opened Nightbeat- not as clever or fun as Crashbash, but ok for what it is. It's a shame that the HMs' legs aren't independently poseable, as the possibilities for integrating them into their vehicles would have increased greatly.
  10. Sarcasm, right? If not, you're in a pretty exclusive club of Universe Galvatron fan(s). I like the idea of it- execution, not so much. The TR version, for all its warts, is an all around superior figure, IMHO. Did some toy hunting today, and scored TR Rewind, Loudmouth, Nightbeat, and Crashbash at Fred Meyers. I passed on Stripes; I'm waiting to find the Ravage repaint. I went to Walgreen's in search of Brainstorm, to no avail. TRU had Fortress Maximus- I passed on him. Man, that's a big box! TRU also had TR Sentinel Prime, but I'm not a fan of the mold. For a second or two, I contemplated getting the TRU exclusive RiD warrior class Starscream figure. I wish they'd made the big pauldrons fold back to cover his arms in jet mode. I passed on him, too. Anyway, I'm happy with what I did find (still haven't opened any of them-something to do later or tomorrow). I hope the G1 esque figs keep coming. A new official Reflector is long, long overdue, as well as the Omnibots, all of which were mail-in figures requiring a bunch of 'Robot Points' from the boxes/cards back in '85 or so. I'd also be interested in a new punch/Counterpunch fig- I'd like to see how they pull off the double identity.
  11. I've been an anime fan for a long time, specifically a mecha anime fan, but had never seen any Gundam. So one of my favorite stores, Hastings, is closing shop and my wife and I went on a buying spree. Among my purchases were MSG and Zeta Gundam. So, we watched Zeta first (mostly because I recently completed a Methuss kit and just really wanted to see the thing in action ) and we were both caught up in the show- just some really good storytelling and engaging characters. Anyway, looking forward to watching MSG and hopefully checking out more of the series. I've been watching Iron Blooded Orphans on Cartoon Network, but it doesn't engage me as much as Zeta.
  12. Well, excitement got the better of me after first pics emerged, and, believing the Takara paint job would be superior, I succumbed. In hindsight, I wish I'd just gotten the Hasbro version. It's a good figure, but for all its shortcomings (the back leg panels, no aft gear for starfighter mode, the cannon attachment), it wasn't worth the additional money for the import. But, what's done is done, and he's still the best official Galvatron to date, IMHO, unless the old CHUG tank version just does it for ya. I also bit the bullet for Super Ginrai over TR PM Prime. Both have things I like and don't, but since I already have CW Ultra Magnus, Ginrai offers a number of differences over the PM Prime remold. I like that his feet have ankle tilts, even if his feet look wonky, and his arms are an improvement over the Hasbro version. I admit, though, I think I like Hasbro's stylized cab over Ginrai. I think the differences will help set him apart from Ultra Magnus, both in hand and on the shelf.
  13. Got my UW Bruticus and Takara TR Galvatron today. I really like the packaging for Bruticus; it's a shame Hasbro didn't follow suit and release the entire team in a big box as well. I dig the colors on this guy. Still hate those crappy hand/foot/weapon parts- they're ok for hands, but on a fig this size, they're completely inadequate as feet. Trying to get him in a dynamic pose without falling over was a time consuming process. I've got some PE Bruticus parts PO'd- can't wait to swap them out. Lots of floppiness/loose joints and loose connections (with tabs) with nearly every figure in the set. Blast Off's legs (in arm mode) are especially loose and I constantly have to squeeze them back together. I guess that's the cost of having a proper shuttle mode guy. Galvatron's a pretty neat figure, except for that cannon attachment. How hard would it have been to move the peg hole 90 degrees or, better yet, mount it to his forearm? I see that some enterprising folks have already remedied it with Shapeways. Might be worth a look. I wish they'd just given this fig a proper head; there's plenty of room for it in his chest, so a modified re-release is feasible. I'm already feeling a pang of regret.
  14. I'll chime in with my disappointment that more of the cassettes weren't made; they've always been some of my favorite TFs. The MP designs are pretty incredible, esp the condors, Laserbeak and Buzzsaw. Ravage was always my favorite, though, and I had really high expectations after seeing what was done with Laserbeak. Alas, he's not as good as I'd hoped he'd be, but still decent. I think the Ravage that came with Hound has a better overall aesthetic. Anyway, glad I got my Hasbro Soundwave when it was first released. I was dismayed about not getting Ratbat, too, but I ended up getting a well done KO for about $15. It does the job. If they make a MP Blaster sometime in the future, hopefully that'll open the door to more cassettes being made. Fingers crossed.
  15. I just went ahead and got him through HLJ; I've had nothing but good experiences with them, so I don't mind spending a few extra dollars. Looking forward to getting this guy in hand. I wish they could have integrated the bot mode feet a little better, but overall, he looks pretty amazing.
  16. Odd that he wasn't included in the next wave, or even the first. He looks like he'll likely be a partsformer, similar to Rod Drill, with the option of keeping his head as a short nose, or popping the long nose on him.
  17. Fortunately for those of us buying this guy, AT didn't feel the quality was up to par and made changes which have delayed the figure beyond their original estimate. Moves like this give me hope that the next wave will also have issues addressed rather than just being put on the market as-is. It's not like Bike Robo wouldn't have sold, even with messed up wheels. Nostalgia fuels strong desire in alot of fans, and it's not uncommon to see standards lowered if only to get a dream toy that may never again get made. I'd have thought preorders would be up on all the major retailers after the next batch's pics were shown, but thus far, I haven't seen any. I'm all in for Space and Blackbird, and I'll likely grab Turbo as well. Blockhead, I'm kinda 'eh, either way'.
  18. I went with MMC's Trailbreaker- I like everything about it, especially the thinner look. But I'm glad BC went a different route, b/c options are nice. I doubt I'll bother getting Hoist, but if I do, I'm not sure who I'll go with. I haven't given it much thought, and having Terraegis in hand may sway me one way or the other. Phoenix is a pretty excellent figure except for the wonky head linkage; I wish they'd found a way to lock that down better. But, it's a small quibble on an otherwise great toy. I've been scrutinizing those Despotron pics, and it looks like the arms stay put and just transform into parts of the gun on either side of the chest area. It's not canon, but engineering-wise, it eliminates the need for fragile swing bars like Apollyon has to move the arms into position. They've found a brilliant solution for the legs: they sit tandem, both shins facing forward, with the outermost side leg panels swinging around to cover the inner surface of the opposite leg- if that makes sense. There's a lot of origami happening in the lower torso and waist area that I haven't tried to figure out, but if they can make this a solid figure with a fun transformation, I'll consider getting him, too. Apollyon looks great, and his transformation follows the G1 toy, but he just really isn't fun to transform. The only detail I see on Despotron that might make people upset is the slot on the barrel that I'm guessing is there for transformation. It is a little detracting, and hopefully they'll find a way to cover that on the final. Aesthetics wise, I think his chunky look fits with the look of MP-10 really well. IMHO, this should have been TT's version 2.
  19. Despotron looks pretty good; at least from this angle, they made him kibble free, unlike Apollyon. I guess some folks might not like the chunkiness, but side by side with MP Prime, he 's very clean, much more like what I'd expect an official version to look like. There's definitely some interesting engineering at work throughout - I'm curious to see this guy transformed. Looks like those legs sit one behind the other, and that torso below the chest plate breaks up somewhat. I'm digging him so far.
  20. Ha, no kidding. New brains, depending on what head you pop on there. I'll never get the allure of the Headmasters gimmick. But, I like the current G1 inspired trend in both CW and TR- it feels like I'm getting the toys the way I wanted them to be 30 years ago. I like that they're very close homages, but not absolutely slavish to the old toys or animation. There's a nice amalgamation of the old and modern artistic license, and, HM gimmick aside, I've been pretty pleased with all the figs I've bought so far. I think they've struck a good balance. Thanks for the TFClub rumor, Mike. At this point, if Has/Tak follow the current heavy G1 homage trend, I'd welcome a minty new set of Dinobots, Headmasters or not. I had hopes for the MP line when they did Grimlock, but they did him and quit. The CHUG/TR line would be the next best thing, and hopefully in voyager scale. Deluxe would be a bit small. Keeping my fingers crossed, and hoping they're not as poorly done as the individual Constructicons if they indeed make them. Concerning Ginrai compared to Hasbro's PM Prime- Hikuro stated my thoughts above. However, since I have Ultra Magnus, I feel drawn to Ginrai because of the differences in the mold. Still in the air for now, but that's likely the way I'll go.
  21. Well , the VF-4 had a few seconds just flying in DYRL and we got a toy. The VF-22 was involved in a major plot point and a prime motivator for the Windemereans to seek revenge on NUNS. Kawamori could have used any valk, or even a non-transforming aircraft, to drop the bomb, but he used the VF-22. I doubt it was coincidence. After making the VF-19 for Frontier, I bet Bandai were chomping at the bit to have a go at the 22. All they need is an appearance in Delta for justification. That's fine by me. Interesting ep. I did a double take when "Dickculture" showed up in the subtitles. Pretty much sums up the episode. The scene with the Windemereans watching Walkure vids and getting caught was pretty amusing. As far as the romance angle goes, the question of her age aside, I think they've gone to pains to show that Hayate and Freyja have a unique connection, and given her short lifespan, personally, I'd like to see those two end up together eventually. From the get-go, they complimented each other. I think Mirage makes a good friend and confidant for Hayate, the way they've portrayed their relationship thus far. I normally don't comment on the romantic aspects, but this ep struck a chord with me.
  22. I've also seen posts enamored of the name 'Terraegis'. Beyond its being Greek, I don't get the exuberance. 'Apollyon' is the Greek equivalent of the Hebrew Abaddon, the Angel of Destruction, which is an apropos name for a Megatron based fig, but I never saw any fanfare over that. Toyworld's version of Trailbreaker didn't really appeal to me, based on those proto shots. If MMC had gone the more toy-based route like Badcube, it would have been a tough decision. But I like the engineering Jesslyn brought to the character, as I never cared for the front of the truck just hanging there like a beer gut. Slim and trim Trailbreaker FTW. Now, contrarily, and for variety, I'd consider Badcube's Hoist, although I'm still waiting to see how MMC's turns out, too.
  23. Both Badcube's and MMC's Trailbreakers look good, despite their differences. I guess it comes down to whether you prefer a more svelte bot mode (MMC), or a more toy/animation accurate version. They both nailed the truck mode- beautiful. personally, I'm going with MMC; I prefer the thinner bot mode. I believe, if one is so inclined, that Terraegis can also be transformed to better represent the G1 toy/animation- so it's a win-win. I'll keep him in Jenny Craig mode. I have to say, that's a lovely group shot with Badcube's TB and Hoist with MP Ironhide. Badcube did an admirable job differentiating the arms and legs between their Hilux bros.
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