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Everything posted by jenius

  1. There's a dye for car interior plastics that other members were using to great effect in the past. It did not involve pressure cooking of any kind and seemed completely scratch resistant.
  2. aaajin, that website rocks. Make me feel like I could do that! In fact, if I ever get around to the one custom project I really really wanna try, I will do that! Now, do you have a website like that that shows an idiot how to paint?
  3. The fact you do see their DVDs on shelves actually speaks volumes for their ability to get their product out there. They also do seem to have some ties to cable networks. They've been on Cartoon Network, the Sci Fi channel, and now the Anime Network (does anyone have that/). Are those networks all owned by Turner or something? Anyway, speculation is silly at this point seeing as patience will lend results in (supposedly) only a couple months. Since I do like to be silly, I'd bet it makes an Adult Swim spot.
  4. Model huh? Looks like if you were gonna get any of the playsets that was the one to get.
  5. So you think they'll hit the release date eh? I'm a 4/25 kid myself... unfortunately I don't really trust anyone with buying this kind of item as a present. "wait, so it's like a transformer... but not... and I gotta order it from Japan? Can't I just get you a new work shirt or something, I'm too afraid I'll mess that up..." That reminds me, when the Yammie Q-rau came out I got it for my older brother who introduced me to RT. I gave him that and a copy of DYRL for his birthday. His response "Dude, that was totally awesome... but you know you gotta really grow up. What am i gonna do with a toy?" Son of a... (oh wait, that's my mom). and finally, to get back on track, I'm with Haterist, no preorders for me. I'll wait a few months.
  6. what the heck is this thing? eBay item
  7. The term "Holy Grail" item is completely subjective. It could be something so rare or elusive we're not even sure it exists (like the real holy grail or the prototypes referenced earlier. It could be something we know exists and quest for zealously but seemingly to no avail (like a fundamentalist crusader or some of the models and extremely rare items listed here). It could be something more figurative than literal, something that is just a pain in the arse to find. I think it was SaveRobotech's intention to find out what items we would like but are a pain in the arse to find. He is in anime's Jerusalem and wanted to know what relics he should be looking for. He doesn't want a list of things he could never find.... although that stuff is always fun to hear about also.
  8. I wouldn't mind finding the original 1/35 MOSPEADA Legioss' nice and minty. Crap, I really should just move to Japan.... there are so many toys i want...
  9. Kirith, the real bummer with the Elint is that the backpack just wants to flip downward. It seems like there should be some clicking mechanism or other means for keeping the backpack stable (as the giant radome on top is bound to cause balance issues). Instead the backpack seems to be the only loose part on the whole toy so I have to balance the weight of the radome perfectly over the center of the toy to get it to stay in place. Am I just missing some way of locking that backpack upright?
  10. GOo! Well, HLJ still does show them in stock so it looks like this is the time to pick one up before they all start going for $500+!
  11. How do you convert that price into $$?? It looks like it's $300GBP so wouldn't that be nearly $600? Isn't that six times what HLJ is selling it for? I must be doing some bad math somewhere....
  12. While I do criticize pretty hard, I hope people understand it's the toy I'm bashing. I own a ton of 'em so I hope I'm not picking on the owners. I just want people to buy them for the right reason (absolute completism) and not because they think they're in for some stellar product. Here's a picture of my Elintseeker when I finally managed to balance it standing. Is there anyway to get the backpack from just flopping around and toppling the thing all the time???
  13. Definitely would have to be watching DYRL for the first time. It was about 10 years since I had seen RT's The Macross Saga and I was a fan. I saw DYRL for sale and was like "Hmm, that reminds me of a cartoon I saw way back when" so I bought it. Shortly thereafter I had completely immersed myself in all things Macross and became a member here.
  14. I totally thought this thread would be about the revelation that there are some canadian members of MW Just kiddin' of course. Wow, now I know why so many eBayers mention that they're not responsible for destruction of objects by Customs. At the same time, I did just watch Batman Begins and if people can smuggle drugs in Bunnies and then weapons within the drugs, I guess Customs has to be thorough....
  15. I guess I got caught up in my bashing, the 1/60 fighter mode definitely is fun and sturdy (esp. non-fast pack versions). They suffer from the typical loose missiles in wing scenario at times but otherwise the fighter mode is definitely where they shine.... it's a good thing too because a 1/48 in fighter mode takes up a whole lotta display room
  16. I couldn't disagree more. I own somethin' like 8 of 'em and they're one step above crap for the most part. It's impossible to transform one of these thing without having to hunt down a screw cover. The backpacks are shifty. My elintseeker can't stand in Battloid mode unless it looks like it's trying to simulate some Michael Jackson move. The GERWALK mode is just a byproduct of the fact it can trasnform into battloid mode. The legs in GERWALK are mismatched at best. The head sculpt of the 1S is a shame more than a "compromise" of design. The legs are awkward, transformation is clunky, and did I mention the stupid preponderance of screw covers that come off with a strong breeze? No sir, the only thing that makes the 1/60 good is the number of variations. I own them all to support my display cases but would never recommend them. People bash the MPC religiously but I think I would recommend them over the 1/60. (Obviously I would tell people to just hold their money for a 1/48 over either)
  17. jenius

    Orgami VF-1

    funny, I always thought "Guardian" was the mode in which the MPC Veritech shined most. The fighter mode is pretty bad. The origami VF looks like it has a penis it is hiding with the cockpit of the fighter in battloid mode. Kinda funny stuff.
  18. I thought it was strange we never got a Hik 1J without any armor or a Hik 1S strike.
  19. another quick ?, is your VF-1S Hik wearing Milia's super armor on the legs? Is it supposed to be red or is that just a personal preference?
  20. Chowser, what's the white YF-19 on the far left? Is it a customized Yamato?
  21. Discussion of an Aliens remake???? Nah man... just nah. "GAME OVER MAN, GAME OVER!!" That film is untouchable. Where's Agentone? He's gotta have an opinion on remaking an Arnold film. I would see a new Predator film, I would see an AVP done right, but I doubt you could lure me into a theater for a remake of any of the originals. They were done right the first time.
  22. if that were a woman... i'd make love to it. No wait, it stands about a foot tall so making love to it would kill it... damn the logistics... I think you get the point.
  23. Holy crap, Mikimoto is white???? Oh wait, I think I'm confused How much does a Bandai Elintseeker in freshy fresh condition go for in Japan? I want one. Also, keep an eye out for any odd MOSPEADA stuff I may not know was even made.
  24. For the record, I was just joking about having the Yakuza break his knees... sorry if what I said started that whole snowball. Then again, these issues were all bound to come up eventually so maybe it's good to have these things out early.
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