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Everything posted by jenius

  1. No harm in wishful thinking. The 1/60 CF had more direct appeal to the traditional macross fan though and it does differ from the original TRU release. If they want to release a valk similar to the LV (like a flat gray without weathering or something like that) I don't really think there'd be the same outrage generated. Either way, considering the hikkie 1S was selling for more than the LV I think demand for the LV is curtailed by the fact it never made an appearance in any animation... as such I doubt it, or a variation thereof, would be re-released.
  2. Jesus H. Christ .... Sithlord you have one heck of a collection! Is that three of each HCM I see??? Wait, I think that's three of EVERYTHING I see. Lordy, I thought I caught the bug bad but you sir... you sir are sick. My jealousy is hindered only by the realization that I could never house such a collection. Truly impressive. Where do you get your display cases from? EDIT - Punctuation.
  3. Wishful thinking. Personally, I'd be upset if they re-released a "limited version" toy. None of the other valks said that though so I doubt we'll ever see the end of their being reissued as the secondary market dictates.
  4. Nice collection... I agree about the new Basara... big improvement.
  5. I was right (as were others). NEVER DOUBT ME (mwah hahaha!). You know, about a year ago I determined I should stop collecting anything DYRL and stick to just the TV versions and it has saved me soooooo much money. I do make exceptions for elints and ostriches though.
  6. Imagine an era when people actually looked forward to Toynami releases...
  7. In robotech-speak it's a Beta, in MOSPEADA-speak it's a Tread, in bad translation speak it's a Tlead. When a Legioss is in this mode they call it "armo-soldier" so I imagine it's the same for a Tread.
  8. Man Solscud, you've made me realize how important the background is to these pics. Everything looks very professional.
  9. Release date: 12/06 I think it was actually put "4th quarter 06"
  10. The VFs and YFs from Macross are darn pretty machines. I think I actually like the YF-21 the most due to its Zentraedi influence. He took his sweetest bad guy mech and melded it with a good guy mech to create a bad-butt machine. I can't really comment on what he's done outside of Macross though... I'm not worldly enough in anime.
  11. I paid $250 for mine six months ago (LV). Now if your choice is between a future minty one for $300 or a stickered one for $275 I would just wait for the minty one. Now, if you think the price will shoot to $400 for MIB ones in the future (which I doubt) then maybe you should get it before the big price sky-rocket.
  12. I'll add myself to the list of people looking for a junked Alpha. I'm kinda hoping to get one that is just hopelessly floppy, loose, missing its gun/cyclone/inserts, but not really too broken up as far as the actual toy goes. I want to make a VF-1S style alpha out of it.
  13. I just got home from work, I have the old YF-21 in fighter mode and that probably explains it. Maybe they really are all flawed.... do you think Toynami learns from Yamato or vice-versa?
  14. I gotta disagree. I feel strongly we'll be seeing more Hikkie 1S' eventually. Didn't the 1A stink it up and get reissued anyway? I'm pretty sure it did. Edit - (I'm referring to both the Hikkie and Max 1As)
  15. Agreed! Who is it... and how can I obtain her?
  16. Don't worry Eugimon, i'm in the same boat and thinking the same way. I probably have it even worse, not only am I at work but in a company of 320 people i am the ONLY person at work. If I had a fantasy about going to work naked I could actually pull it off today. Kinda quiet... a little too quiet... Pics look sweet. I might have to drop this as a good idea for a friend or family member as a present
  17. Eeek! Anytime people start talking about modifying toys I get a bit concerned. The problem is, when you bought the toy was the back arched in fighter mode (depending on if it's a FP version or not I guess). If it wasn't arched when you bought it then you know there's a way to get it back to normal. If it's the original version, and other people have non-arched backs, what does that mean? I think there's likely some miniscule detail in the transformation process that has been overlooked and is causing all the tolerances to be off by a tiny fraction. This would cause all the same symptoms and explain why some people can get a decent fighter mode and others can not (ie. if one of the legs has to be turned exactly so many degrees to one side and some people by dumb luck manage to do this during transformation and others do not). All that being said, I'm at work right now so I can't check my own It could also be like Toynami's alphas where some of them look decent in fighter and others look like they have arched backs due to sloppy manufacture (although many of those arched backs are also due to an overlooked detail in transformation). If that's the case then yeah, I'm all for figuring out a way to fix this.
  18. If they ever did a perfectly variable 1/60 I'd be very wary of it. They better make darn sure that those little screw covers didn't come off in a stiff breeze. I was honestly quite underwhelmed by the VF 1/60s so I am very hesitant to rally behind the idea of them trying again. I think they made the right move by going to 1/48. If you dislike the hands so much it shouldn't be difficult for someone to mold a fist that barely fits within the hand chamber and flips out.
  19. I never ponied up for the Animeigo set so I'm voting yes. I am going to hold off and wait to hear about the quality of the dub. I've would love to be able to sit my girlfriend down and watch an episode with her. As it is though, I feel horribly dorky just trying to get her to watch an early 80s cartoon... let alone one she has to read the subtitles on.
  20. LOL, oh God no. It was listed as a takatoku item and, if memory serves at all, the box is just like the one pictured on Toybox DX. It definitely came in a box, not on a card. It was individually packaged and had the proper Focker paint scheme (or very close to it).
  21. Sadly I think I can only check like 5 days worth of ended listings. I'm pretty certain though that it was the legitimate Focker type henkei. Obviously if I still remember the BINs I stared at the product quite a bit. I believe it was listed as "Takatoku Focker VF-1S"
  22. Totoro, there was one of those in the box on eBay about two months back with a BIN of $99 that got relisted with a BIN of $79. I don't know if it actually ever got bought though. It was the Focker type.
  23. It's nice but I think you need to tear an arm off
  24. I wish I could, unfortunately I only collect Macross and MOSPEADA gear... and even that makes my wallet sob. Very nice toys you got there. Would you believe I've never even seen a single episode of any Gundam series? I've seen almsot no anime other than what you can see on Adult Swim and my childhood stuff. Most the childhood stuff I don't even remember any more (a la Orguss, Captain Harlock, that era). So sad... I need to get Netflix and a ton more free time.
  25. I was wondering the same thing as Godzilla but then I thought it might be them showing the progress from an earlier article that was in the magazine. Kinda a "We broke the news and showed it to you when it was this rough of a stage, take a look at now!"
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