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Everything posted by jenius

  1. Canon = canonical as in Yamato said their toy had detachable legs because, according to them, the legs actually do detach momentarily when a VF-1 transforms as designed by Kawamori. They have since seen the light and regardless of what is *supposed* to happen with the legs, they realize that toy fans don't like parts- formers.
  2. Maybe I'm just exhausted... but I thought this episode pretty much sucked. I was shocked to see that I'm like the seventh person to give it a negative review. Sure, the music in the series is still great but the plot of this episode was kinda painful... like... really painful. Even if I forgive the growing Lost-style of just heaping more questions on top of questions and going seemingly out of its way to avoid giving answers ('cause honestly, sometimes that's fun, as evidenced by Lost's ratings) this episode just left me scratching my head and I'm not even talking about that WTF-1 at the end. Is Sheryl still considered important by anyone? How does sending one fighter to escort her while at war with an enemy of unknown capabilities (Varja) to a base with a very uneasy population of well-armed Zents make sense? What are the odds that at some backwood planet there'd be three clones of the three most major Macross Zentraedi all hanging out? What exactly was Alto going to do when he got into his VF-25 that would have been of any consequences? There were two Zentraedi factions in a standoff with reflex weaponry and Alto was going to do something about that in his lone VF-25? Do the new Q-Raus suck that bad where Alto could have super roboted them all? I also have to assume that the VF-25 only costs a few hundred dollars to make if Michel can just hop in his and do whatever he wants without reporting to any sort of command structure. Sure is cool that Luca just happened to get a magic fold device in this episode also. Some spots just felt really unnatural too. Alto hurriedly flies to the concert then switches to GERWALK and drifts away in reverse... it just seems odd. Then the Qamzin-like guy hops up and duels with him and that whole bit feels disjointed from everything else and once again Alto pulls his silly blade. I can kind of stomach the blade with the Vajra now because it seems capable of piercing their armor for some reason but stabbing a Q-Rau to death? Odd. Mac F continues to be really strong with the characters and how they interact and the slow, tedious method in which attractions transform into love so even though I thought this episode was overall pretty terrible by MacF's own standards it was still a step above a lot of other rubbish out there.
  3. Ooh an authentic Japanese ride armor... me likey. Any chance you want to take a picture of the front and back of the box and a close up of the manufacturer's Gakken of Japan stamp on the toy for me so I can add them to my review on Anymoon.com?
  4. Yeah, I prefer Yamato's more secretive approach to Toynami's "Here's what we'd like to do" approach... since they seem to have no grasp on reality.
  5. DYRL paint schemes = boring (except the 2 seaters which are obviously pretty unique). Gimme TV and non-canon schemes!
  6. jenius

    VF-OS or VF-0A

    Even Graham has stated that the VF-0S Focker Ghost combo is the only VF-0 toy to date that incorporated all the fixes. I would avoid any VF-0 toy before it, including Shin.
  7. If I had to guess, I'd say that all the DYRL valks will probably come outfitted like Roy's VF-1s, meaning you can do strike or super depending on your own preference. If that's the case it's definitely not something I would complain about.
  8. Too small by a longshot, it'd have to be at least in the 1:30s.
  9. Hopefully they got the same guy that played Roy in DYRL... his performance was perfect and he looked practically identical.
  10. I'll watch this again but maybe you guys can clarify something for me. The person Leon meets in his vacation clothes (it appears the speculation is that that is a disguised Grace) references an artifact brought back from Eden and that Leon will soon learn how terrible a foe the Vajra are. Are they talking about the thing that attacked Mao? Also, did the green lizard evolve into that creature?
  11. Do a search for "Toynami" in the title and you'll probably come up with some old threads where everything was discussed. At this point just keep an eye on the Mospeada thread. As misterryno says though, there hasn't been anything new since Toynami released their 2008 schedule... which they're already far behind on.
  12. You guys seem to be being very strict with your PT definition... although I suppose the phrase begs for that strictness since it incorporates the word "perfect." Optional parts, like an extra set of hands, shouldn't affect whether or not you consider the toy PT. Soon people are going to be saying that since the gun needs to be removed and reinstalled during transformation the toy isn't PT. The only thing that looks non PT to me about this V2 is the hip/intake covers. You probably have to remove the missiles too.
  13. Yeah but you're marrying her so she doesn't need to worry about it.
  14. Again, if it were the Varja the Zents would be familiar with them. Whatever the Zents were there for (I really think they were just a huge police force and wildcard against unanticpated threat from the galactic wilderness) wouldn't come as a surprise. Some Zentraedi advisor would say "Oh yeah, those bug things? We were fighting those eons ago."
  15. The original 1/55s didn't have heatshields, clip on or otherwise, so they were PT... just not the best representation of the toy.
  16. I'm pretty sure that nose drooping down means you have it mistransformed Ruski, check the pics on my blog post and compare.
  17. Correct me if I'm wrong but I thought the Protoculture began fighting amongst itself. To settle this brewing internal conflict the Protoculture created two armies to determine who would win this internal struggle. They then commanded their armies (the Zentraedi) like chess pieces. It was an attempt to fight a war without any Protoculture actually dying. Then, when the war reached a stalemate one side of the Protoculture developed a new weapon to put on the playing board, the Evals. Unfortunately, the Evals were so powerful they created a tear in the universe that sucked over some super nasties (a la Howard the Duck) who possessed the Eval weapons. These possessed Evals went by the name the Protodevlin and began brainwashing whoever they could in a conquest for more and more energy. The possessed Zentrans and Protoculture became known as the Supervision Army. In order to combat the Supervision Army the non-possessed Protoculture had to createdZentraedi without limitations... meaning they could kill both Zentrans/Meltrans/and Protoculture without hesitation (but with a legend given to them that killing Protoculture is bad). The massive army the remaining Protoculture constructed proceeded to stifle the Supervision Army and wipe out all Protoculture in the process. That leaves the question of the Varja still wide open. The Protoculture empire was vast, to say the least, so it's possible some escaped the reach of their Zentraedi puppets and created super powerful defense systems. Since NUNS seems to be ignorant to them then I think we can deduce the Zentraedi are ignorant to them which means that the Varja can't be as old as the Zentraedi (if there is a Protoculture relationship). We know the Protoculture saw their demise coming for a while... that's how Earth was tampered with and why we got the events of MacZero.
  18. Legend, go back a page, we already went through all the math. Mao would indeed be a rather old mother (especially in anime/macross terms). Grandchildren is far more likely. Seeing as Sheryl has Mao's last name... I'm guessing these would be children out of wedlock?
  19. My girlfriend is 23... next year she will have earned herself a new nickname thanks to this little tidbit of information. Of course, that might backfire terribly and have her start pleading for a ring...
  20. With all the technological advances, kids at 43 should be no problem so maybe the theory could work. I think "grand kids" might work better though 'cause Ranka seems pretty young and we know that 17 is marrying age in the Macross-iverse.
  21. Don't hold your breath. The 1/100 stuff was due out in April and it hasn't hit stores yet. I think it's safe to say we're going to see delays across the Toynami board. If I owned a toy store I wouldn't bother doing preorders on Toynami goods, they've never once come close to hitting a release date. I think the one sure fire way to know when something is going to be released by Toynami is to watch the Robotech.com store. They still haven't put a single thing up for sale from Toynami's updated release schedule... not one preorder = nothing coming any time soon.
  22. I think the dates wouldn't work. What year is Frontier taking place in? Mao would have been like 50 during the Mac+ shows right?
  23. If Toynami ever makes their MPC Beta it would logically be a better fit than the CMs Tread for the 80s model as the Toynami MPC Alpha is based off of that model.
  24. As odd as this show may become, I think you're probably a long way off. The Varja we've met so far are brainless tools with something presumably controlling them. If one can control an army like the Varja I think it'd be a waste to try to hack VF-27s. I think the VF-27s are setting up that Macross three-way conflict but I suspect, much like all the other homages, Macross F won't have quite the same result as the past series. We have Frontier, we have the Varja, and we have another group with VF-27s who want to either see the Varja accomplish something (while keeping Frontier from seeing it) or who want something from the Varja before Frontier can get it. Here's a theory: Maybe the VF-27 people realize that the Varja have a relationship to the Protoculture and have deduced that there must be a planet housing Protoculture somewhere. They are trying to track, hunt, and manipulate the Varja in hopes of revealing the last Protoculture colony and the doubltess nirvana of technology that would exist there. The other theory would be the VF-27 created a Varja queen as an attempted weapon and that queen then flew off and has been amassing an army. Now the VF-27 folk want to wipe out the Varja on their own before it is realized what they unleashed on the galaxy.
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