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Everything posted by KiriK

  1. KiriK

    1/100 Toynami Regult

    Just got some Regults today and added one to my collection at work. haha, my coworkers laughed as i demonstrated a battlescene from my 1/48 VF-1S and the 1/100 regult. Pew pew!
  2. I would think at least the VF-27 should get it's own thread because it's an entirely different valk than the VF-25's that are clustered here and talked about. With 7 versions of this super thread, you'd think that dedicated threads for each toy might have been a better route. there wouldn't have to have been so many super threads that are now archived with tons of great images and news of each of these releases that someone would have to sort through in order to find info on 1 particular valk they want to talk about. I just don't understand the logic for these super threads. It's a total pain to sort through and organize. If allowed, i could create dedicated thread for each valk. It'll only take a second. I can link old images for each thread so people can see what toy they are talking about. and we wouldn't need DX 1/60 thread version 8,9, and 10 down the line
  3. now that the it's in the hall of super topics, isn't this a good time to LOCK this thread and start dedicated toy threads for each Bandai DX valk?
  4. it pulls off and slides back in, sorta like the legs on the 1/48's. Not broken per say, but i wonder why they didn't make these as solid as the 11B. the 11B is still one of most solid yamato toys i own
  5. sounds like a good group, can you also let me know who's gonna come over to my house afterwards? Maybe i'll do BBQ if people are willing to pitch in a few bucks. or we can do pizza
  6. Just found out i have work on the 20th until 4pm, but i can still host a get together at my house afterwards... Jason, you can tell everyone that comes the address of my house Poker and hang out at 6pm, my place in Torrance!
  7. This is really cool that we can give direct feedback to a toy designer for a future Macross product!!! Thanks for the opportunity Maiden Japan! i voted Glaug and Destroids as the 2 products i would most likely buy in this size and scale. Love me some more destroids
  8. I know it may be late to do it, but i wish there were dedicated toy threads for all the DX valks, especially the VF-27... Anyways, looking forward to getting one soon! it looks frickin awesome,
  9. Possibly, but i'll have to check for sure. Will let u know soon =] I think that's the same day as the Norcal meet so we'll be doing simultaneous MW meetups... haha
  10. i'd be willing to host a game at my house afterwards. I think i can make out that day. I just have a training in the morning at USC, but that'll be done by 12pm and downtown is really close by. =] works out perfectly!
  11. and then poker afterwards!! haha... kidding kidding... but really, we should.... haha
  12. KiriK

    Supah Happy Party Set!

    Is Max's right hand punching his own helmet? haha... nice paint job!
  13. KiriK

    Supah Happy Party Set!

    nice detail! Can you take close up shots to show off more of the details on the pilot figs?
  14. KiriK

    Supah Happy Party Set!

    What's Feb Bonus fig?? /hehe... .i'm down for a set!
  15. I don't htink i got any TV hands for either of my TV max or kakizaki
  16. i LOVE this toy!!! Been waiting for this since the Hikaru 1J is my favorite valk, and this GBP makes it look so sexy... Love the flush fit and tampo printing! my GBP shelf is now pretty complete!!
  17. Roy VF-1S strike has a broken left shoulder. No sign of breaking on the other side yet.
  18. wow, all these pics look fantastic! cant' wait to get mine in a month or so! haha... now the only problem is finding space for this bad boy since all the VF-25's fill up my Mac Frontier shelf
  19. may be just me, but i LOVE the size and quality of the 1/48's still over the new v2 1/60's. I think as a collector that displays all my toys, the 1/48's are far more impressive as display pieces over the 1/60's. They just look awesome! And all those cons people are saying about 1/48 for the floppy nosewing/wingflaps, they don't fall off by just looking at it. They fit pretty well and display perfectly. The chicken hands are replaceable by all the TV hands or DYRL custom hands which most of my valks have so they look fine... Something about the v2 valk in battroid most looks funny to me compared to the 1/48...
  20. oooo.. nice! i am definitely out of space for more detolfs, otherwise i'd be all over this
  21. It's not air tight true, but it's still better than putting it on a regular bookcase. =]
  22. KiriK

    Supah Happy Party Set!

    FINALLY you got something done... hehe... nice set of figs!
  23. Check out what i did to my Ikea Detolfs to make the most out of them. Put 2 of them together and you have a super display shelf for only $120 plus some bolts and plates. Best budget display case evar!!! http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...l=ikea&st=0
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