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Everything posted by KiriK

  1. KiriK

    Yamato 1/60 VF-X

    haha, what a cheap way to make a VF-X toy but just adding that extra piece to cover the arms. Not accurate by any means, but at least it's a cool paint scheme. may be tempted to get this
  2. haha... love the zentraedi invasion! thanks for all the work and info... i love reading up on this random stuff every once in awhile.
  3. Toynami just released the heavy armored missle pod regults today too... haha... i think i'll stick with the $25 vinyl toy instead
  4. hahaha, not quite a golden girl... although my some of my volunteers still refer to me as "Mrs. Kong" when they see my name as 'Bee'.... I just delete their profiles from our system... haha... jk
  5. RIP Carl and condolences to his family. Totally sucks when this comes out of nowhere and you leave behind your family. Robotech and Macross seem to be a part of my daily routine now so I guess he's influenced my life quite a bit. I remember only watching a few episodes of Robotech as a kid and never seeing the entire series until i was older, but it was always about the toys for me. Those mini "veritechs" i flew around my room have definitely helped shape my hobbies, as well as the dedicated room in my house to toys... haha
  6. So after hearing all the responses in this thread and after much thought and consideration, I'm giving it another go with planning this year's MW con with the help of a LOT of people. I've already taken the initiative to secure a location for this year's con so here is the good news for now: MacrossWorld Convention 2010 Fall 2010 Los Angeles, CA more info to come =]
  7. the stock Tampo Printing definitely makes it look a lot better
  8. I don't know why, but i might just buy this. Woulda been cool if they do include both pilots as extras though!
  9. Thanks for putting yourself out there, but how do you expect to get Kawamori and Yamato to come if you don't even have a location and date set? As I said, the main thing a coordinator's responsibility is to handle logistics and book a location and date for the con and you just asked me to do that again for this year. And do you have any event planning experience? haha, i guess i should have thought this through before asking anyone to step up to the plate.
  10. if the con is still local in So Cal, i'd be happy to help out. Finding the location and setting up the con is what took up a lot of my time as well as all the other things i did. here's a list of stuff i was responsible for in the past to give someone an idea of what is needed to host the con (at least for what i did the last 3 years): -Find and book MW Con location (did this by using my own local connections to UCLA and the LBARC) -Contact potential sponsors for donations to the con (sent cold emails to several places, but also had big help from Save and BigKid) -Handle all pre-registration and onsite registration (set up MW Con email account, set up paypal pre reg fees, made badges for con attendees, etc) -Schedule MW Con program events (organize schedule of events to fill up weekend) -Facilitate program events during the con (Make sure events you plan actually take place and have an organization to it) -Contact special guests (I just cold emailed Mari and was able to contact her for MWcon 2007, Also got Tommy Yune to come as well as a guest) -Bring Macross display items for con (brought a LOT of my personal collection just so we could have stuff to show off at the con, so does xstoys and others) -Set up day of the con and clean up (work with host site to figure out logistics of the day of the event) Last year was just pretty exhausting since some of the locals that I usually count on to attend couldn't make it last year for 1 reason or another. I still had some good help offered the day of the con, but the planning of it was really just 3 people between myself, bigkid, and EXO, and bigkid was one of the people that couldn't even go to the con. I feel like i could still lead the con, but in the end i think it'll fall back on me to be responsible for everything. There has to be a point person to make sure everything happens. We just need that 1 motivated person to keep everyone that is helping with the con to make sure they do their part.
  11. i thought it was gonna be a panda bear on the body, but then i saw it's supposed to be her buns.... haha! nice job keeping up with the WIP. It's definitely cool to see this being built from the ground up
  12. she's already starting to look kinda fat... haha... j/k, great stuff!
  13. KiriK

    Supah Happy Party Set!

    if you made a Macross RISK Board game, i would buy it... haha
  14. i don't think it 100% has to be socal based, but that's where a lot of people that used to plan the con are located, including Shawn who used to attend every year. That sort of made it a legit thing, plus Mari is in LA so if we ever wanted her to attend, it would be easy to get her to come back again. Just depends on the programming you want to happen at the con. We've been able to grow the attendance of the con each year fortunately so there's already a good base of attendees in socal. However, if you wanted to try another venue such as NorCal, or the midwest, i'd only worry about attendance, but maybe there's good Macross fan base enough in those areas.
  15. So it's already April, and some people have been asking about if there's going to be a MacrossWorld Convention this year. Unfortunately, I haven't had the time or energy to dedicate this year to the con and I had already mentioned last year that it might have been my last in organizing it. It's been a good 3 year run for me, but I'm officially handing over the reigns to anyone that wants to take on the job. I'd be happy to help consult and share all the contacts I've made in terms of getting sponsors and stuff, but someone needs to step up and take over if the con is going to happen this year. =] Otherwise, Mac Aus Con may be the only official MW Con which would be cool too. The main thing a coordinator needs to do is find a location and date, and the rest is easy. Post here if you have any interest or questions or PM me. Anyone out there interested in planning/coordinating the 10th anniversary of MacrossWorld Convention?
  16. KiriK

    1/100 Toynami Regult

    Toynami's warehouse has completely sold out of it's stock, so once the vendors that have ordered cases of them sell out, there won't be any stock left of this version.
  17. Heard current reports for upcoming Yamato 1/60 VF-4 Lightning based on these drawings. Should be sweet!!!
  18. does anyone know anyone that has one of these? LOVE to get this at the next MW Con... ehem, whenever that happens
  19. I agree it's a bit late to split up the VF-25 variants since there won't be much discussion on them at this point, but they should have each deserved their own thread. We do it for every other toy line except Bandai's efforts. Guess Yammies get more individual attention for each variant/release that goes out
  20. Review from Jenius http://anymoon.com/blog/2010/03/16/bandai-...7-brera-custom/
  21. Yay new dedicated thread for VF-27! I personally think this is is a GREAT toy and well engineered to be sleeker and thinner than the chunkier VF-25's. I was disappointed though that it cost the same as a VF-25 WITH armor and had less accessories.
  22. Discuss any news and stuff on the Bandai 1/60 DX VF-27 here Eric Yard's Review Links to old super threads: Bandai DX Super Thread v6 Bandai DX Super Thread v5 Bandai DX Super Thread v4 Bandai DX Super Thread v3 Bandai DX Super Thread v2 Bandai DX Super Thread v1
  23. That may be ok for the daily or weekly MW'ers, but still sucks for the occasional member that comes on every once in awhile to find out news about a specific toy, only the find it lumped on page 23 of a 40 page thread. This thread has 2-3 different conversations already about different valks and can already be split. I'm getting to a point where i don't even look for toy news in these super threads. Now that most of the VF-25's and VF-27's have been released, there's not going to be a lot of discussion about them, but i still think at least there should be a VF-27 thread and VF-25's thread if not the least. Is it too much to split the thread that much? Gonna create a VF-27 thread now and maybe a mod will take a few minutes to change this thread into a 1/60 DX VF-25 thread or something.
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