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Everything posted by KiriK

  1. yay! registration closes in 1 minute!!!! i can finally process all the registrants. If anyone didn't register, they can still attend, but will not get a name badge and lanyard.
  2. yes, you can sign up at the convention
  3. hahaha.... yea, that was me. A cappella was part of my former glory days at UCLA as a member of the ScatterTones and was the vocal percussionist for the group. Send me a PM and tell me more about your group or email me at MacrossWorldConvention@gmail.com
  4. Pictures of custom displays are more than welcomed! Actually, we took a ton of pictures of the custom displays, but it was only a few tables so it might not have seemed like much. You can only bring your camera if you promise to post all your pictures
  5. FYI, Pre-registration for the convention will end Friday, October 8th at 4pm!
  6. random post just like the other 2! j/k, good job with the events bigkid! now we can send this to all the registered attendees
  7. We will have security volunteers during the convention watching the displays during the hours of the con. From Saturday to sunday, we will be moving some of the displays into an adjacent room to be locked over night. Just to be safe, if you plan on attending both days, i would suggest taking your customs back with you on Saturday and bringing it back on Sunday. Good question. You are allowed to take Photographs ONLY during the performance with no flash! No videography by attendees will be allowed. We will have only 1 official videography crew recording the event and will release it to the public if approved by Mari. Thanks
  8. I received a notification from Mari and she is offering to MW Con 2010 attendees a special 2011 Mari Iijima Calendar as well as her Lorna Doone Soundtrack! Both items are only available through pre-order only so please email me if you would like to purchase either. Also, if you would still like to pre-order one of Mari's CD's "Echo" or "Uncompromising Innocence" email as well so I can send you information on payment! Preorders will close by Friday at 9pm PST. $15 - Mari Iijima Desktop Calendar $10 - Mari's Lorna Doone Soundtrack $20 - Mari's CD "Echo" $20 - Mari's CD "Uncompromising Innocence" If you would like to order any of the above items, email me at MacrossWorldConvention@gmail.com with your name and items you would like to purchase and i will send you information on payment via PAYPAL only. If you purchase any items, you will have VIP access to the autograph session and will be 1st in line to have your items signed.
  9. KiriK

    1/60 SV-51

    i have a 1st release ivanov that mostly sits in fighter mode all day and its still holding up pretty well. Granted i haven't touched it recently at all, but it's fine in my display shelf
  10. THIS JUST IN! As you know, the Macross Frontier movie comes out in Japan on DVD and Blu-ray on October 7th and we will be receiving a Blu-ray copy to screen the Macross Frontier Movie on Sunday, October 10th at 11:30am! IF there's a reason you can't come to the con this weekend, you better find a way there!
  11. Check out the map i made for the location of the con at UCLA this year!
  12. Here is the preliminary schedule for the con this year. Saturday, October 9, 2010 12:00pm - Convention Starts and doors open 12:45pm - Early attendee Raffle drawing 1:00pm - Video Game Tournaments (Street Fighter 4, Macross Valkyrie Scramble contest) 2:00pm - Toy Panel Discussion 3:00pm - Macross Live Art Contest 4:00pm - Live Music by Booby Trap (Live Band!) Few Macross songs plus more anime favorites! 5:00pm - Open mic Karaoke and practice 5:30pm - MW Con 2010 Group Photo 6:00pm - 2nd annual Macross Karaoke Contest! 8:00pm - Convention Ends Sunday, October 10, 2010 11:00am - Convention Starts and doors open 11:30am - Video game contests (PS1 DYRL) 11:30am - Macross Frontier the MOVIE special screening 11:45am - Early attendee Raffle Drawing 12:00pm - Cosplay Contest 1:00pm - Mari Iijima Concert and Autograph Session 2:30pm - Tommy Yune Photoshop Anime Workshop 3:30pm - 1/55 Chunky Money Transformation Contest 4:00pm - MW Con 2010 Group Photo 4:30pm - Customs Contest Judging 6:00pm - Convention Ends
  13. Apologies for the tshirt mix up since i didn't update the registration page. but $25 for this awesome tshirt is still definitely worth it! We've never attempted a mwcon tshirt with such a unique design and so many colors! Check out this year's Opportunity drawing for a chance to win an autographed Tenjin Hidetaka poster! http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=33914
  14. Hey everyone! Sorry I've been incognito the past few weeks but as the final two weeks come down, we have a lot of planning to finish! Later, I will be posting a special raffle to all mw members for a special launch ceremony poster signed by tenpin himself. In addition, I will be posting special exclusive items from mari for auction or raffle. I want to thank Save and otaku2.com as well as Tokyo-hunter.com for their amazing contributions to the con this year! They are really helping make this con special. I will sending info emails to all registrants later this week. Hopefully, big kid will post a complete schedule of all the weekends events so people can see when to come. See u in 2 weeks!
  15. There aren't any official evening plans hosted by the con so you're on your own to explore LA! =]
  16. awww, a TV wrap up movie would have been nice to those that followed the series down the drain.
  17. KiriK

    VF-1 Thunder Hummer

    Just got mine yesterday! Unfortunately, my hips were also broken during the shipment, however i was able to drill out the original hole in the hip piece and replace the rod with another plastic piece from a CMs figure stand and all fixed! here's my TH on a blank 1S next to a 1/48 TH!
  18. UPDATE 8/22/2010 REGISTRATION FOR MW CON 2010 IS FINALLY OPEN!!! Please use the form below to register FREE for MW Con 2010. Thanks! MacrossWorld Convention 2010 Registration Page
  19. i guess nobody's really interested... oh well, i just finished designing the patterns for version 2.0 plushie. Here's a mock up of how big it will be with newly designed 1S head and better arms and proportions
  20. The trailer was actually decent! i'm kinda interested now
  21. Hey guys, i'm thinking of possibly mass producing my version 2.0 plushies for sale. I'd probably only do a limited run of about 10 or so, each hand made custom to order. Taking in supplies cost and my time and detailing, it'd probably be around $100-$150 each depending if i can get a full run to make them all at the same time. Each one would have the following features: -Detailed plush VF-1 figure aprox 16"-20" tall (VF-1J's are base figure, but i may do 1S or 1A for more cost depending on the detailing) -Moveable Arms -Removeable Gun -Moveable Head Lasers (Depending on which version you want) -Moveable Wings -Possibility of Fastpacks (May cost extra) This is just an interest post at this point, but if you are interested, post here or PM me and when i finish the new proto-type, i'll contact you if i'm going to make them. cheers!
  22. I actually totally forgot about the Q-rau that we got from yamato for a sec! I'd be happy with a regult that was the same quality and build as the Q-rau which was at the $80 price point when it came out. That has an opening cockpit, figure, minimal details, and still rocks next to a VF-1. how can a Regult be more complicated than a Q-Rau figure? I know everyone's been explaining the mold process and development stuff that cost uber amounts of money. But all i'd really want is a simple regult mech with features and quality like the "cheap" Q-rau at a similar price point.
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