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ARMD Deck Swabber

ARMD Deck Swabber (2/15)



  1. VF-4 easily, if for nothing else than the guaranteed Jolly Roger
  2. You know I knew that 7 fared better in Japan but I honestly didn't expect it to be the second most popular Macross title. Then again it does explain how something like Gundam Seed was so damn successful over there. You lost credibility the moment you threw out Plus seeing as how it has least amount of magic and hocus pocus garbage than any other entry in the series. To be frank, the majority of Macross does flow closer to the "magical" elements in Zero than the "reality" based story found in the original. I personally don't care for Mac 7 or Frontier but those sagas account for the lion's share of Macross. I honestly couldn't recommend Mac 7 to anyone but the I also know I'm in the minority as far as Macross fans go.
  3. There is no way Guld could have survived, the Gs utterly destroyed his body.
  4. As others have stated, the biggest problem is that you went straight from the original Macross series with Robotech mindset to Macross Zero, a series which was suppose to help bridge the gap from Macross to Mac 7/Frontier. Macross Zero makes little sense as a strict prequel to Macross and by viewing it as such you get a royally ****** up story. Aside from Roy and the VF-0, there are no clear cut ties to the original series which would explain how a fan such as yourself could feel betrayed. However when viewed as the first chapter to the entire Macross universe, Zero makes perfect sense especially after viewing Mac 7 and Frontier. Trust me the stuff in Zero is realistic compared to the over the top nature of Mac 7. As Keith said, you are dealing with a Super Robot Pilot in a realistic universe (more specifically, a singing plot device). Generally speaking, the original Macross, DYRL, and Macross Plus are the most well received. Frontier is more geared towards the current anime crowd so it may seem a little juvenile for fans of the original series. Zero was, as you can tell, not met with universal praise but it does have it's share of loyal fans. Mac 7 is the most off the wall series in the Macross universe so it gets the most hate.
  5. http://www.robotec.com.ar/personajes/macross_plus_guld.jpg
  6. Oh my mistake. If we are talking about a fighter only VF X4 then it is completely doable with spare VF-1 parts. While it would be feasible for Yamato to comes out with a VF-X4 kit, there is still the problem of consumer demand. Assuming that the VF-4 doesn't have a high enough demand to justify a new mold, would the much lower demand for the fighter only prototype even be worth the effort for a kit?
  7. That list is fine except for the VF-4. While the fighter mode is just a matter of rearranging a Fast Pack loaded VF-1, the battroid mode would require all new parts to complete. The VF-4 cockpit folds in like the SV-51 or the VF-25, it isn't just sitting vertically like the VF-0, VF-1, or VF-11. The hip mechanisms would also need to be radically different to account for the new cockpit and the arms would need heavy retooling. In the end, the legs from the VF-1 are the only part that could be used for the VF-4 and even then they would need to be modified to some extent.
  8. I wouldn't completely rule out places like eBay or Amazon. Granted they should never be your first place to go for valks, they can be pretty helpful for accessories like Ghost Booster, Strike Packs, Fast Packs, and Fold Boosters. That said, along with hlj and amiami, I found that angolz and over-drive are pretty good places to order from.
  9. Good lord at 1/60 that valk would be freaking huge
  10. Well the TV VF-1S (Roy) just came out and you can get Strike Packs separately if you want the safest/best Roy on the market.
  11. While it may not be that difficult to create those valks, there is no guarantee that they'll be a high enough demand to offset their production cost. Yamato can't risk manufacturing a valk that won't sell and Bandai is content with the cash Frontier is bringing in.
  12. The anniversary DYRL VF-1S and most recent VF-1 valks are safe. For a comprehensive list of the older VF-1 releases you can take a look here. http://anymoon.com/blog/2010/03/01/yamato-160-v2-1-low-vis-vf-1s-focker/ As stated earlier, Yamato's VF-11 and Bandai's VF-27 are damn near perfect so if you want a safe valk those are your best bets. For the most part, all of Yamato's Mac 7 valks are pretty good though the original Plus versions of the YF-19 and YF-21 might be floppy. Anything from Macross Zero is risky and Bandai's VF-25 are floppy. So in short. Yamato SV-51 Ivan - Avoid SV-51 Nora - Slightly Risky SV-51 CF - Slightly Risky Early VF-0S - Avoid Recent VF-0S - Slightly Risky VF-0A - Fairly safe? VF-1 - Recent releases should be safe Konig Monster - Really floppy VF-11 - Perfect YF-19 - Slightly floppy VF-19 - Safe YF-21 - Should be safe VF-22 - Safe Bandai VF-25 - Floppy VF-27 - Perfect Konig Monster - Safe (Perfect?)
  13. Wait I thought those meds had to do with piloting the YF-21 not his own personal health. The report highlighting Guld's aggressive tendencies was examined by Millard well after project Super Nova started so they couldn't have put him on pills to control an anger management problem nobody knew he had.
  14. Well Myung does throw herself at Guld later so I seriously doubt it was rape. He definitely assaulted her but given how Myung and Isamu treated him after the incident, I always got the impression that when he saw himself in the mirror he bolted out of the room. I just can't see Isamu and Myung behaving as civilly as they did around Guld if the guy literally raped Myung in front of Isamu back in high school.
  15. So out of curiosity, was the last section of Plus a buzz kill for you? Plus felt like a great side story, completely detached from the original series then BAM...grand finale over the SDF-1. If that is truly the case, why is there discussion about the original series and DYRL? There is barely any venom out there for those two sagas yet they are still brought up more than Plus.
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