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Everything posted by MechTech

  1. Shoo fly, shooo! That thing is tiny in comparison! That looks great man, I'm inspired! I personally appreciate the hard work of sculpting and painting that. I'm sure people are still asking for castings of your valk! - MT
  2. Awesome craftsmanship and nice touch with the sensor eye lens/detail! I gotta ask, what parts are you lathing? Awesome as always!!! - MT
  3. REALLY COOL Cool8er!!! I could only hope mine looks that great if I ever get to it! Awesome mix of kit and resin too! I always wondered what those two would look like together. Nice clean paint too! - MT
  4. That's coming along awesome! Keep it up! - MT
  5. Alright, alright, take you're time; unless of course you don't want too... Are you happy now DND ? - MT
  6. Looks great Cap'n as always!!! If only I was building that size scale - MT
  7. I thought your project was becoming a victim of the Zentraedi or something? Keep it coming (when real life doesn't get in the way ). - MT
  8. Awesome work once again!!! - MT
  9. Sebastian, sorry, I didn't see your post earlier. Thank you for the compliments and my wife and I were just talking today about submitting the ship to a magazine or two. In all honesty I'm working on the ramp and main hatch areas now. The engineering is taking a little while to keep the weight down. Part of the plan was to put flashing lights and "safety" paint/markings for realism. Well, at least I won't get written up by OSHA for that. Does any one have the OSHA regs for intergalactic semi-submersible ship safety? - MT
  10. Great job on a not so great model! - MT
  11. I've got all the kits personally just because "I had to." They're like the old video game cartridges. The box art looks cool like two tanks dueling it out. Then you play the game and it's like two blips firing cursors at each other. I think the Capital ship is the most disappointing personally. Personally, I just bought them for my collection (and the tiny SDF-1 inside). - MT
  12. Some HEAVY seems, but not too bad. Thanks for sharin.' - MT
  13. MechTech

    Monster 404

    I much rather see that than the plain ole' stupid error messages! - MT
  14. Welcome too JeffQ! Some one posted this here a while ago. We all thought it was great work! I love your engineering and use of wire. Great model overall!!! There is A LOT of great stuff over at HKML!!! - MT
  15. As I said in another thread here with the same model, that's where the guys sits who has REALLY BAD GAS! It's the "auxillary tank" cockpit ! Actually I think it's awesome work! - MT
  16. That conversion is awesome! Now I know where the backseater goes when he has really BAD gas ! Make your own details! Get some clear and coat it on the back with chrome/silver and green on the front for the monitors. Drill out gauges and fill in with white, or cover with old decals, made up decals on your PC. Keep us posted whatever you do! - MT
  17. Camouflage netting and armor masking; I'll have to remember that. Thanks Sebastian! I'm trying to make this project as canon as possible and deal with the "anime magic" where the stuff wouldn't work in real life. I just finished covering the conduit and am working on drawing the hanger interior parts and building the catwalks. Another problem is the catwalks have no railing, so I'm considering putting some on. A real catwalk 75 feet up would! - MT
  18. That's the true sign that you're serious; you're always looking for "potential" materials. I don't even mind going to some of my wife's favorite stores because I know I might find something I can use. I'm at a loss though for how to use lingerie ! - MT
  19. ...What Hikaru doesn't know is that we're adding spinners to his landing gear and we've got a shaweet pair of limited addition chrome plated RMS-1's for 'em. - MT
  20. Thanks again everyone for all the compliments. The lights will be on their own switch. Remember the port (left) side will be able to open up so the completed project will double as a display case when not in the water. The lights will use about 4 to 4.5 volts when done - I think. I took them all off some Christmas wreaths I got really cheap on sale. I saw the price and realized how much the LEDs cost on their own. Anyhow, they came with battery boxes for three AA's and there's circuits inside with resistors. I could hook them back up and make a "giant" 1/200 destroid disco with flashing lights ! I probably will submit my work to a hobby magazine, but I have to get to the point where it's done or nearly done to get finalized looking photos. There's no pictures of what the Daedalus looks like in the rest of the ship, so the rest of the construction should move quicker. I can just make it up as I go along. - MT
  21. Guys, thank you ALL for your comments. I'm humbled, but more motivated all the same to finish this thing (someday soon I hope)! I have considered submitting it to FSM for an article, or maybe even Hobby Japan. Who knows. Nightmare, the barrels will come close to the main hatch, but still clear it (everything will work like the "real" thing - despite some of the anime magic in the design. My original drawings came close, but I just have to move everything back; easily done at this stage since nothing will be glued in yet. I'm drawing the interior parts and submitting them hopefully this week for engraving/cutting out with a laser engraver. I want one of those things!!! UPDATE SEPT 8 2007 The starboard side bow panel is completely engraved and wired with lights. What a major pain; I redid all the light fixtures in about half the size as before and used them instead. It's blurred (sorry), but you can see the small size (LEDs are 3mm wide) and better shape. The small white piece is conduit I made by taking plastic strip and running it on its edge through the table saw. This is what you see all over the siding. The LEDs had to be soldered together outside of the conduit of course... I even had to make my own wire since I could find the type I needed. Just get small gauge wire, tie it up and put the other end in your Dremel turning SLOWLY! Pictures of the conduit completely installed wires stuffed inside. Thin plastic strips will cover the conduit and the catwalks will attach to these. With the lights on (at 2/3 the voltage) . I put this on the hanger side and covered the top. Still very effective even with reduced voltage. Full voltage will be used when the whole thing is done. I gotta go cut some strips for the covers now. Take care. - MT
  22. That looks great man! I know personally it's a pain in the rear to build that small! Recasts would be awesome! I may have to hijack a carrier model and "alter" it ! You know, later on... - MT
  23. Dudes, it looks like anyone can take their "ride" and modify it. Some one's gotta make one with lowered landing gear and hydraulics so it can "bounce." Oh yeah, I forgot a thumpin' sound system too (oh wait, that was Macross 7)! I think the Stampede valk had more armament on the upper fast packs. This one just has the two antenna and a gatling canno nin place of a missile. Oh yeah, and it's sponsored by "Elf." Thanks for posting these variations guys. It adds life to to the good ole' valks! - MT
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