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Everything posted by Duymon

  1. Yeah it's over here in Japan but me and my buddies aren't so sure if we wanna shell out around 6000 yen for it since we're all not big TF fans. From the looks it's in 3D and you play as Optimus. The screenshots showed that you have a life bar and radar so maybe it's a mission based game or a beatemup. Whoknows None of us wanna pay 60 bucks to find out lol.
  2. total score shouldn't count it tallies up scores even from repeat performances. Anyhow, here are my scores heh. P01 - S - 47190 P02 - S - 42350 P03 - S - 46560 P04 - S - 36380 P05 - S - 52960 P06 - S - 38940*** P07 - S - 44160 P08 - S - 42340 P09 - S - 41770 P10 - S - 40280 P11 - S - 44700 P12 - S - 62350 A01 - S - 47420 A02 - S - 48320 A03 - S - 44500 A04 - S - 43080 A05 - S - 40400 A06 - S - 50540 A07 - S - 40780*** A08 - S - 46720*** ***Indicates EXTREME difficulty in obtaining S ()
  3. S on P-06 was the biggest pain in the arse..EVER. not only must you worry about the time but also your damage. Best trick is to be easy on standard missiles. In that mission standards just lower your hit percentage as they always miss. You've got to use only mediums, and even then only let off the salvo when the Scout ship's back is towards you or risk having your missile blow up from gun fire. Try to keep enogh distance to avoid the scout ship locking onto you and lasering you to death, but close enough to use the gunpod. Use the left and right dodges like hell too I've played that mission like a bllion times and got an S out of sheer luck () But I followed the above strategy to win the mission.
  4. If a man doesn't take a break from Japanese girls he won't live long enough to make it back to the states. Models are only mentally taxing while girls are both.
  5. I got a bottleof rubbing alcohol and put that and my messed up parts in a jar. It's been a day now and I can see the primer coming off, slowly. Prolly gonna take a while. While it'd be faster to use mr. Thinner a comparable bottle of Mr. Surfacer is 800 yen while rubbing alcohol is 280 () THanks for the tips Can't wait to get started on my CF vf-1j heh heh
  6. Right Now I'm In Chiba Shi. About an hour from Akihabara via JR sobu, then another 10 minutes to Tokyo station via Yamanote. heh. Going to a college with a guy to girl ratio of 1 to 8 is fun.
  7. Japan stinks... flash rain for like 15 seconds then clear again.. wtf Anyways, I primed some stuff today JUST before the rain came and went so now I have funny blotches...to say the least it stinks Is there a good way to remove Mr. Surfacer 1000 from Polystyrene?
  8. you just gotta S em all. I didn't get Roy's 1-s until I got my 20th S. But I'm still missing two fighters...weird
  9. Using Hikaru 1s in boldoza stage just gets you some extra dialogues and a recreation of the boldoza post death scene in 3d. no insta death unfortunately
  10. Play Kakizaki`s@DYRL VF-1a in DYRL mission 7.
  11. gotta rock the left analog stick quickly from the left to the right or right to left. Doing this makes you do a barrel roll and from side view you can see flares ejected from the valkyrie. In battroid mode you two additional rocking moves being foward and backwards. What stinks is when you're battroid on the ground and do a dodge you roll and can't shoot until you finisht he animation.
  12. If you like gundam I would suggest Mobile Suit Gundam : Lost War Chronicles. It plays just like Gundam side story for DC but better GFX and more replay Value. There's also Macross, but it's kinda short and controls are clunky. However it is by far the best Console Macross release imho and that's saying a lot. There's a crapload of good RPGs for PS2 but you're gonna have to know a crapload of Kanji and Japanese in order to play them. Many of the popular/good titles come out in America anyways, for example Way of the Samurai 2, which is pretty good, is bound for stateside so I'm not gonna buy it while I'm here
  13. IF only it were that easy heh. You gotta open up your PS2 and solder the fecking thing to the Mobo. A huge PITA and many a time they burn our within a few months. I'd go for the flip-top lid with swap magic OR get an Asian PS2. Yah in Normal Flight mode the top shift buttons control YAW and it's Damn slow. I only ever Used yaw when I was landing in PC sims like Falcon 4.0. Almost no use for it unless you're a twitch god and can adjust the yaw for your fighter gunpod I wouldn't mind being able to use my Saitek x36 flightstick and throttle for this game It works wonders in PC games anywho. Despite its lack of Head lasers the VF-4 rocks. Only prob I have with it is the ass-uglyness of the Battroide mode
  14. I don't know how I got the VF-4 but I had it when I first opened up Free mode..after beating both campaigns.
  15. Yup Yup, gotta bow away like 10 turrets on four ships. Just get close and switch to Gerwalk then lay down the missile barrage and/or gunfire. Pretty fun mission imho.
  16. I don't think they're in game. But when I unlock my last two valks I'll know for sure what they are However, I got no clue on how to do it since I already got S in every stage. Perhaps you have to play through the actual story mode with S or finish certain missions with certain valkyries. Who knows Somehow I managed to unlock the three VF-1s's but not the two blank cards before them. I already said it before but I think the last two are 1j's. There are only 16 cards but at the moment only 7 actually different valkyries you can fly... 6 of them being based off a VF-1 chassis... If for some freaky reason the two cards are a 19 or 21 I'll be happy but I ain't holding my breath
  17. Heh heh I've been playing the game since last Thursday when it came out Paid 5980 yen pre tax and got a free poster, woo ;p I agree with Graham on almost all the points. Graphics , music, sound, and feel are all right but the controls tend to be a tad clunky. One huge complaint is that the game is so FLIPPIN SHORT. I finished both campaigns in one sitting. HOwever, there are still two more VF's that I need to unlock Here's my current VF list. I got them all from both campaigns and by getting S ranking in EVERY stage. I gotta say the hardest stages for S ranking are P-06, A-07 and A-08 (A-08 is so fecking long) Vf-1a VF-1j VF-1s VF-1d VT-1 VE-1 VF-4 VF-1a Hikaru VF-1a Kakizaki Vf-1a Max (TV) VF-1j Hikaru vf-1s Hikaru Vf-1s Max Vf-1s Roy I'm assuming that the last two vf's cards, which reside between the 1s and 1j's, are Max and Miria's 1j's. I haven't figured out how to get them. However, it's kinda lame that the only real different VF is the VF-4. And you can't even save your score for any stage that you use thee VF-4 on anyhow. You get different cinemas and dialogues if you use certain characters in their episodes. For example in Pineapple Salad you should use Max's VF-1a and for the final DYRL battle re-enactment you should use Hikaru's VF-1s. For a real laugh, play Kakizaki's VF-1a in ARMD episode 07 in Free mode. As for strategies... Transform like flippin heck. Use the gun when you got the red reticle in Battroid mode. When they go out of range switch to gerwalk, fire a few missles, then switch to fighter and close the gap. Switch to Battroid rinse and repeat. Use your Chaff! In fighter or Gerwalk press right or left then QUICKLY press the other direction. Doing this releases chaff/flares AND moves your fighter slightly to the right or left to avoid missiles. Limit Missile usage. Regults normally take 3 missiles, Fighter pods take 1, Glaugs take 6+. Limiting missile usage cuts down on missed missiles and raises Hit percentage. Also, don't bother shooting missiles at short range. Due to Kawamorian Physics macross missiles have to make super random cool looking trails so they never hit stuff that's like dead ahead. Those head lasers are THERE FOR A REASON. Head lasers, in Battroid mode, auto-target missiles that are actually a threat to you. Press the sub weapon button and fire away. When there are no missiles around the head lasers go for your current locked target and have longer range and better accuracy than the gunpod. Using both at once = quicker kills. Also, headlaser is Infinite and has no cool down. Only a pain in the ass to use when you got the GBP armor on since you gotta switch between having missile defense and Missile offense Save the Big missiles for big targets. Using them on small fry gets you in some tight spots. Also in the last stages, GO ahead and use the torpedos freely. Makes killing the kabillion baddies real easy when one RMS takes out 9-10 of them at a time
  18. I`m studying here in Japan and already got a used PS2 for like 140 bucks hihi. Macross comes out on the 26th I believe and will retail for a whopping 6800 yen... or about 60 bucks. But I still got it preordered Judging from the ads on the TV at the electronic Store... you play the whole game in DYRL garb (uniforms) however, you play through the original TV campaign and DYRL campaign..as poor kakizaki gets nuked TWICE in the commercial lol. (One by overloading barrier and then by Milia) Anyhow..I can`t wait for this game either.. tee hee In my opinion you are best off buying an Import PS2 or getting a non-modchip mod such as the flip top lid with swap magic combo. I`ve tried the enigma and Magic Modchips and both burnt out in less than 2 months. Pretty crappy if you ask me.
  19. Good design would be a machine gun combined with standard-site-FCS and turning speed increase option part. Combine that with a low drain booster on a light mech and you can do lil death circles while maintaining a double lock. Now for the ammo problem *Cry*
  20. It's a good tv series and all but I'd be wary of any game based on it. I just can't think of any great anime licensed games that aren't mecha based
  21. AC silent line is an ok game. I really hated how they nerfed quad legs in AC3 by making them walk instead of glide like they did in ac2. You could make some pretty cool looking tanks in AC2 with hover legs Main issue I have is the control interface. Sure it is operable, allowing one to do all the basic functions but it is too clunky. They should make use of the darn analog pads that are there for once. Make it a first person style control where the left analog is movement and the right is turning. Then convert the flippin shift buttons to weaponsfire. after that increase the turn speed of the ac's. If this were done it would certainly be more fun And for those of you who think the control interface is fine .. Try boost-strafing while firing a machine gun in each hand while turning AND looking up and down to track a mobile target
  22. Looks pretty good to me. on a side note... oh no..she's a meltran with red hair and she's an ace..she's a ripoff of so and so seriously.... almost reminds me about how people thought that new veritech in robotech 3000 or whatever was a ripoff of the vf-4 since it had nacelles
  23. New boards are looking slick but I too am wondering where the RObotech and other sci-fi section went. Prolly was way too high of a traffic area and was removed like the "everything else" forum there used to be a while back.
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