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Everything posted by chrono

  1. Ok while clean-up and the larger surface details I did a test design with the main thrusters. I've always felt that they looked odd and since I've not seen anything to saw otherwise about this area I've try'ed out a small sleeve type of design for added detail. Should I keep it? Tweak it some? Or not use it?
  2. *rubs his temples after watching the first episode* I wish there was a painless way to remove the memory of watching this. It comes off as a flat out cliche mixture of Gundam and Clamps 'X' via typical school emo-ism & wannbe yaoi. I really don't know whats worse about this the ugly mecha & mechnical designs or the cliche shonen plot via Clamps 'X'. Flat-out UGH! I've gotta pass this one by just to keep my sanity. Would've had potential if they didn't have the Brainac with a SuperPower.... Oh and it seems that they are using 'geas' in the "to compel, obedience" form that D&D used as a spell.
  3. Even high res bump mapping looks horrible and is really an 'easy way out' for some people. Bump mapping is for animation and gaming, but not for static imagery. With Normal mapping bump maps are nearly an obsolete item. Besides which looks better: an extensively detailed model or an extensively decaled one? @Rodavan, dude I can't believe you said that!!!
  4. I ended up finding even more trenchs some how.... LOL! Stern trench work is done!
  5. I have that turned off, as well as the avatars for faster loading on dial-up.
  6. Cool. But maybe you should post the link at least once every page just so people don't have to dig around for it.
  7. Don't be an idiot. That technic didn't just 'pop-up' nor was it the latest thing. It was a slightly different application of existing technology(scanning tech that ANYONE with a computer & digital camera can do) that came from LoTR's Gollum and previous works(from the mid 90's). Next time actually know WTF you are talking.
  8. LOL! The suit sucks. Period. The technic that they used on Davey Jones in Pirates 2 could easly be done with The Thing. That alone would've allowed them far more diversity with the character. The actor was great nearly always has been same thing with Johny Storm(plug-in any current actor and it works). Rest of the casting blows and Doom..... erg! ----- Now on the trailer. I gotta admit the trailer was great and I did love how they showed off the Surfers powers(the way the character rode that board was textbook Surfer) and how comfortable with them he was using them. I'll watch this crappy movie just for the Surfer and big G(they can't screw-up his space ship that's for sure!).
  9. Ah! Sorry for the later reply MM. I'm good for references, since I've got the older books and RT videos. Finally got some of the truely worst hull trenchs done! Now I only have to put in 4 more and the Stern will be done trench wise(in on the top center area & 2 on the inside of the nacelle, all of which is straight forward stuff. But anyways as you can see this hull area is severely off in it's proportions. Sadly most of the ships hull is this way, which is why the 1 really long trench line is off. (I'm too far into the model though to casually re-do it(i'd love to but no freaking way!), so it's staying.) After I get those final trenchs done I've got some minor bottom geometry to clean-up and have to build the 3 main top turrets and at least 1 of the smaller ones to finish up the Amidships trenchs that remain. And finally on the detail front I've developed 12 more hull greebles models, have about 8-15 more drawn out, and am looking at pulling about 5-20 more from another image. So I'll have about 25-40 greebles to work with for this model instead of the 5 I had for the Picket.
  10. I highly doubt that they rendered that movie at 2-4k sizes that the SW prequels were nor IMAX films are. Those are true HD, GITS2 sure as hell would not be because of the cost involved due to render times being doubled to quadrupled in length. Completely agreed. Thus NO current nor anime in the next several years needs to be on HD levels because the prices would increase by no less then 45-60 percent. The amount of Extras will not increase either. The only ones. DYRL won't been any better because it wasn't digital filmed it'll probably be upsampled but the quality will be the same. This has all been hashed over dozens of times before on nearly every anime board out there.
  11. Agreed. It's the second worse purchase I ever made on a DVD. The first was Gundam's Endless Waltz. And why would you want to see it in HD form anyways? You're only gonna see less detail because it was CG'ed for a lower resolution, so in order to get the better imagery they would have to do the entire movie. HD is worthless for animes.
  12. That has got to be the best quote of the entire year! I wanted to puke when I saw that. He's not even partial transformed and he's blowing up stuff magically! That scene by itself VOIDS any type of weapon the TF's 'make' later in the movie and also VOIDS the movies written ending. I don't believe that's Megs. I think that you see a "raw" TF Autobot after it's crash.
  13. SDF? Naw.... 19? Naw.... Macross MegaRoad YES!
  14. Looks no more impressive then the mechcanicals in the movie Virus did.
  15. One of the many problems with dragons is that people believe that they should look like 'Terrible Engines of Death & Destruction". Too much point of view.
  16. I agree and that's what makes CG dragons so bad looking.
  17. I've not heard of 1 Atlantis myth that had the island portable, only that it sank. And that's hardly a basis to conject upon.
  18. Thanks. Kinda neat how SG-1 has tie-ins with other shows.
  19. Not a N00B question. While I was looking through my Macross & Orguss Design Works book I saw the concept work for Artela. But having never seen the movie I don't know the answer to this question: Was Artela a floating City/Island?
  20. The ONLY reason that people from this board watched the show, since we're all Kawamori design whore's.
  21. They must had a few sitting on the shelf gathering dust. But like so many H-wood awards they go to the flavor of the moment.
  22. The EU is a mere extension of existing SW movies in it's over the top BS. About 3 years ago I saw an 80's SD kit(3 foot version) but they wanted around 300 for it. LOL!
  23. Well I thought that it was posted earlier, but here's a link to it. http://www.riuva.com/?p=280
  24. Yeah BOME has a Nono figure coming out. Awsome looking too! And I've seen a Kazumi figure out there.
  25. BOOOOOOOO! They need to put those Science Lessons in with the shows! It adds so much not only nessasary information & helps to set the tone for the show itself with it's earnest and yet funny behavior!
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