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Vostok 7

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Everything posted by Vostok 7

  1. So no markings is technically anime correct. Interesting. Vostok 7
  2. Yeah, there were people saying that Fo3 would suck because it wasn't sprites. Then it was because it wasn't orthographic. And then because most of the original people weren't involved. Mind you, a lot of this was before Fo3 was actually released. Most of that whining has died down since the game was actually released, but there are still some holdouts that strongly state their distaste for a "FPS" FO. Yes, Bethesda's writing does leave something to be desired, and hearing the same voice actor over and over and over (especially as an Oblivion player) gets old. But I find the original FO's to be exceedingly boring, despite loving the universe they've created. I'm not usually an RPG game fan, but I enjoy Oblivion and Fo3 exactly because they are what they are. And, in a way, that was exactly Bethesda's intention, to make games like Oblivion and Fo3 more accessible and enjoyable to a much larger audience. I wouldn't have given Fo3 a second thought if it was just a rehash of the rest of the games like all the old skool fans wanted. I will say I'm looking forward to New Las Vegas. It will be interesting to see what the original crew can accomplish with Bethesda's engine. Vostok 7
  3. Not only that but it's an alternate future based on if the '50s basically never ended New Las Vegas isn't an expansion of Fo3. It uses the same engine but is being worked on by more of the original crew who headed the first two Fallouts (which hopefully will shut up the "Fallout needs to stick with 20 year old technology or it's not a "real" Fallout!" uber-fans ) and of course is set in a completely different area. It's been described as more of a Fallout 3.5. Vostok 7
  4. I gotta find this. Kinda late for Steampunk, but I suppose WWI was the end of the Victorian era, so I suppose it works Vostok 7
  5. Why no likey? I enjoyed the demo. Vostok 7
  6. 80gb: $399 160gb: $499 Other than hard drive size they are exactly the same (unlike the launch systems). Don't waste the money for the 160gb, Sony puts hard drive changing instructions in the manual and you can get a 500gb laptop hard drive for less than the difference between the two. If you look hard enough you can still find the 80gb with two games included for $399, and also Target was giving away a second controller for free when you buy a system recently, but I don't know if they are still doing that. As an Xbox 360 user, I luuuuuuuurve my PS3. There's a lot of things I like about it better than the Xbox 360. Vostok 7
  7. @RavenHawk & Gubaba: Yeah you got me. It's still a good read though. Ibn Fadlan was real though, and he did spend time with the Rus' in the 10th century and wrote the earliest descriptions of them. Vostok 7
  8. Wow. I guess that list of improvements they were asking us for got completely ignored. Maybe it was "too late" for Rand but the next couple releases will be better? The absolute lack of tampo printing is a concern though. Definitely took a step backwards with that one Still staying strong for the Blowsperior. Vostok 7
  9. More historical fiction in the Nordic Beowulf vein, Michael Crichton's Eaters of the Dead is an excellent read. Vostok 7
  10. As far as I know LP1 was Xbox 360/PC only? The LP demo is what RROD'd my first Xbox 360 Edit: My mistake, it was available for PS3. Vostok 7
  11. Um, those are called "Rallye Stripes" and they certainly didn't start with Ford nor the Mustang... Vostok 7
  12. I'll believe GT:P is coming when I see it on shelves in the next 10-12 years. Then, another 10-15 years after that we'll get GT5! How in the world do you make a game for a series and then not include that series' most popular character? Looks good. I wonder why the platform switch? Vostok 7
  13. Transformers biplane? Never seen that before, it's awesome!! What series is it from? Vostok 7
  14. Not really sci-fi, but a touch of fantasy rooted in crazy accurate historical fiction, Dan Simmon's The Terror is probably one of the best books I've read in some time. Absolutely fantastic. In the same vein, his book Drood was good but wasn't as solid as The Terror. What's nuts about The Terror is reading the book and then delving in to research on the real history of what happened (it's a slightly fictionalized telling of the mysterious disappearance of the failed and fabled Franklin Expedition to find the Northwest Passage in the 1840s), and having Simmon's telling make sense as to what could have happened to that ill fated expedition. Fantastic writing. In sci-fi, I've been enjoying Jack McDevitt's books lately. Just read Chindi, working on Eternity Road now. I like his brand of plausible science fiction. Vostok 7
  15. Dang, that FQ-400 is almost making me second guess not getting an Evo X. That body kit is fantastic for the X. Anyhoo, today I shall be the proud owner of a 2004 BMW M3. I can't wait. Vostok 7
  16. So it's official, the CM's Brocken sucks arse. At least the Ingram is awesome (much much more diecast than I was expecting!) so that's good. It's too bad the Brocken sucks. It looks cool and all and it comes with cool guns, but the mechanics and construction just absolutely suck. The Ingram is a great piece though, definitely worth the asking price especially now that it's on sale. Still wanting the Yamato one though Vostok 7
  17. I always wanted to write my own book. I've always got plot lines running through my head constantly. I just never get them down. I need a notepad or something with me constantly. Vostok 7
  18. Got my CM's Ingram and Brocken today. They look cool, haven't had any time with the Ingram but I messed with the Brocken just long enough to know that I'm going to be very annoyed with it. The joints aren't floppy, but they are as bad as everyone says. Hopefully if CM's does a Helldiver it'll be better. At least I got them all on sale. The Brocken was only 4000 yen and the Ingram was only around 6200 yen which were pretty significant discounts over normal price so at least I don't feel gypped. They're also better IMO than the Revoltechs which I haven't been impressed with. I'll play with them both tonight and see what I think. Love the packaging on the Ingram though. Nothing beats Styrofoam. Vostok 7
  19. Just got my 950 yen EVA-01 Type F from HLJ today and have been playing with it. Same annoyances I've had with my other Revoltechs but at least it looks cool. 950 yen was just too hard to pass up. Is it wrong to say I kinda like that four-legged OD-green EVA-05? Vostok 7
  20. Fighter only??? YAY!!!!! They seem small though, like the 1/250 line they announced but more detail? Interesting. Either way, if they're any good (basically, NO PVC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! At least not on the wings, gunpod, anything else that could end up wonky and look terrible) then I am SOOOO THERE. Vostok 7
  21. MSIA are nice because they are posable and cheap. However, they suffer from gashapon disease worse than GFFs. I don't have any EMSIAs but they appear to be made from a similar material to GFFs but seem to have more posability (and conversely, less detail and less gimmicks). HCM-Pros have become my favorites hand down. Killer detail and gimmicks (especially for the size), not very expensive, always tons of accessories, and primarily made from ABS (they feel like very well made miniature model kits). I have never felt disappointment with any of my HCM-Pros, something I can't say for my MSIAs or my GFF. The only real issue with them is that they can be a little fiddly to pose (similar to a newer MG kit) because they are just so posable, but once you have them posed they look fantastic. Unfortunately it seems like they are slowing down on the HCM-Pros. There's tons more designs I'd wish they'd make but they seem to be slowing down quite a bit Sad, considering they are so fantastic. I don't have any of the Robot Spirits line but I have heard good things. There's a few I'd like to get I just haven't gotten around to it. I really hope they start releasing UC stuff in the Robot Spirits line, if they are as good as everyone says. Vostok 7
  22. The only Fix Figuration figure I have is the very first one, the Full Armor Gundam. I love the styling and the detail, but the actual construction left a lot to be desired. There's very very little posability, the whole figure is made of PVC like some sort of expensive MSIA (gashapon disease and all). Lots of accessories and all that, but overall was a disappointment. Supposedly they've gotten better. I've heard the new Inner Frame versions of the original releases are loads better and the Next Generation ones are supposed to be good. I just never understood why everyone thought the originals were so great. Vostok 7
  23. Man it feels like it's 1998 and I'm reading Toy Fare again... Vostok 7
  24. She's definitely not as buoyant as normal and her legs seem WAY too bony, and she's got no butt. For shame! Vostok 7
  25. Yeah, it's pretty much like listening to Pop music or non-Pixar Disney movies and then complaining that it insults your intelligence. Of course it does, it's written and performed for the lowest common denominator. Not that Macross is as stupid and insipid as Pop music or a non-Pixar Disney movie, but certainly something like any AC Gundam... Vostok 7
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