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Vostok 7

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Everything posted by Vostok 7

  1. Can't mention the RROD without mentioning the PS3's YLOD which is pretty much the same thing and pretty rampant on the PS3 forums. I had my launch Core X360 RROD on me a few years ago. Sent it in earlier this year and it's now back good as new, no out of pocket from me, so no complaints. While it was dead, I bought myself a X360 Elite when they were out (wanted the 120gb hd, black finish and HDMI anyway). It's still running fine *knock on wood* but then, I don't play as much anymore as I did when my Core died. My PS3 is going strong though! Vostok 7
  2. Well, OK, not LEGO legos because that will never happen, but Mega Bloks picked up the HALO license and is now making crappy-LEGO-ish HALO goodness. http://www.megabrands.com/en/kids/halowars/collection.php I picked up a couple (the Hornet and the Scorpion) and the figures are super cool and the designs are very accurate to the games, but in true MEGA BLOKS fashion the bricks rarely fit together properly, suffer from poor build engineering, like to pop apart constantly, and some of the long thin parts come pre-bent from the factory. If you don't mind supergluing them together when you're done, they aren't half bad, though. The Scorpion and the Warthog have working suspension. They're planning on making much more stuff from the Haloverse and considering how prevalent HALO LEGO MOCs are on the internet, they'll probably sell these pretty well. Hopefully they'll get a Pelican out the door soon! If you didn't know, Mega Bloks also makes Gundam legos in Japan. I have a Zaku II! Same problem with the parts, but it sure does look cool to have a giant Zaku "lego". Vostok 7
  3. I was going to say, the VE-1 has nothing to do with Rowboattech. I wouldn't say chunkies are lose. The VE-1 is a particularly nice example of a good looking chunky. It's just the new V2 Yammies are so much better in many ways as long as you get over the idea that it's not a kids toy like the chunkies were. LOLz. Vostok 7
  4. Vostok 7 = Vostok7 My friends list is also sadly empty Is the TFU:Ultimate whatever really worth it? I have the game on 360, already beat it, but I'm all about super sweet Star Wars nerdgasm content. Vostok 7
  5. I have MW4 and one of the 'Mech packs (pretty sure it's the IS pack) and I don't think I have the big MW4 expansion. I have everything MW3, though. Several copies, in fact Vostok 7
  6. From what I've heard they are going to use an XP based system and play will be scaled so that you won't have to have the biggest and baddest 'Mech to keep going. Supposedly you will be rewarded for choosing a class and sticking with it. Much more realistic and like the real Mechwarrior/Battletech table game. Hopefully if it takes off we'll see more. I'd be more than happy with a Classic Battletech resurrection since the current holders of Classic BT licenses sure haven't done much with them. Vostok 7
  7. You didn't know? He's really just an online Jane's All the World's Aircraft database that's become sentient. Vostok 7
  8. Not like that was a game of the century either, though Vostok 7
  9. 1) A camera that doesn't move non-stop (I almost left during the scene where Sam and the girl were talking on the sidewalk) 2) Music that doesn't drown out the "plot" of the movie. At least turn it down a couple more notches when you're having a quiet, romantic moment maybe, k? I mean, I understand Linkin Park is trying to make more money, but hearing the same riff 100eleventybillionhundred times during the movie was a little much. 3) Try to leave the plot holes to a minimum. Walking out of the door of the Udvar-Hazy Center in Virginia to the Davis-Monthan Air Force Base in Arizona was a little much. Or having GPS coords for the place they're trying to find, yet still claiming they don't know where it is... Or... Or... Or... Vostok 7
  10. I dunno, I guess I just can't get over how cheesy the suit things look. All the scenes of them putting on the suits in the trailer are 100% Iron Man ripoff, and then there's that scene where they're in the street jumping to miss the missiles that not only looks like cheesy CGI, but was much more interesting when I saw the scene the first time in Transformers. The movie looks like 100% cheese. Some of the more recent trailers have been better but not much. I'll probably see it, but only because Transformers 2 gave me motion sickness. Vostok 7
  11. Sorry, been away for a couple months Both Mechassaults were fun, but I had to seriously turn off the uber-Battletech-geek within to play them at all. My biggest issue with MW4 was the lack of "put anything anywhere" that all the previous games had. The square block goes in a square hole type of chassis modding just didn't work for me. It works great in Mechcommander where you're a desk jockey on a Dropship, but when you're the actual Mechwarrior you're supposed to have much more control over the setup of your 'Mech. One of the things I loved the most about MW2 was making some of the most off the wall combination and having them work. I once came up with a well rounded design for a Hellbringer once that was packed with short, mid and long range weaponry and plenty of armor and heat sinks, totally whipped up at the arena map in online multiplayer. Called it the Pit Viper. Or when I made a Marauder IIC with three ER PPCs. Really looking forward to this new Mechwarrior. Vostok 7
  12. Anyone heard about MechWarrior "5"? Hopefully it's not vaporware. Looks good, definitely better than the steaming piles Microsoft heaped on us in the past few years (save for the MechCommander series which had redeeming qualities and MechWarrior 3). Mechassault 2? *shudder* http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sl4eI3htAuA 3015 setting = Awesome (pre-clans, right into the middle of some of the fiercest Succession Wars, leaving room for sequals and expansions to retread Mechwarrior and Mechwarrior 2) Reseen Warhammer = Awesome (better looking than the technical drawings!) Atlas Prime = Awesome Jenner = Well, I guess there's a mech for everyone... Supposedly that trailer is in game. Yet to be seen if that's true, but if it is I can only say one thing. AWESOME. Vostok 7
  13. I remember that fiasco well. Anyone remember all the interviews with Romero and *ahem* crew (if you can call a playboy bunny a "crew" ) and how Daikatana was going to kick everyone's collective arses and Romero was going to make everyone his beyotch. Ahhh, good times, good times. And of course, now there's Duke Nukem. Vaporware as vaporware could be, and yet still manages to surface every now and then. Vostok 7
  14. I was speaking to the thread as a whole, as in "Video game company blunders". Vostok 7
  15. Daikatana comes to mind. 'Nuff said. Vostok 7
  16. I've only ever gotten warnings. One forum I've been on the longest (except for here), I got warnings from the mods mostly as jokes. Only forum I can think of that I was really banned from was a music forum and that's just 'cause the owner was a beyotch and because I had banned her on another music forum we were on where I was a moderator because she was being a beyotch. So in retaliation she kicked me off her forums. It was petty and dumb, really. Oh, and there was another forum I was banned from but that's only because I stopped participating and they "cleaned out the records". Only serious warning or infraction I've gotten was from forums with uber-super-mega-nazi-strict moderators who take everything out of context. I'm not one for getting in trouble, never gone against the grain or caused trouble with mods but it's pretty bad when even I have to tip-toe around a forum. Vostok 7
  17. How do you know the difference? All the places selling them just show the normal version. Vostok 7
  18. Anyone heard anything on the horizon about a DYRL CF-1A? Vostok 7
  19. Anyone heard any updates on the CMs Leigoss/Tread re-release with the cool chain gun and other improvements? Vostok 7
  20. MMmmmmmmmmmm I know I won't be paying attention to the plot now... Vostok 7
  21. I love you man!! Vostok 7
  22. Heck, you could find a cheap ladies manual wind watch movement. They're very small and flat, no batteries, and if you find the right one, not very expensive. A full wind lasts maybe 2-3 days. Hook up to the second post and you have a smooth slowly turning radome. Vostok 7
  23. I don't think a watch motor would have enough torque. And also, it would only turn slightly every second. Not smooth at all. Vostok 7
  24. KZ2 is fun. Multiplayer has some annoyances, but what FPS doesn't. It's surprisingly not laggy, though, especially compared to Halo3. I was quite happy with that. Vostok 7
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