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Everything posted by Briareos

  1. Any word on why the gunpod is askew on the YF-19 fighter?
  2. Warning!! Be careful in transforming the general cockpit area as it puts quite alot of stress on the toy. I did as Graham did on the toy pushing the cockpit area back and then down. But trying to get it done caused heavy stress marks on one of the two grey pieces fastened in by screws. Picture below: the area above the circles. Notice the two black screws? I now have several white marks leading vertically under it. After transforming it I sanded down a bit the two little square blocks that caused the resistance. Those are circled in the picture posted. I recommend that when you transform, place your thumb on the grey pieces, securing it in place, clearing the white block.
  3. The Griffin http://members.iimetro.com.au/~mwhitley/prototype.htm
  4. Oh, what would I ever do to get them to make a Masterpiece Galvatron. "Is that you Megatron?" "Here's a hint!"
  5. Briareos

    Graham's Sig

    He's a witch!! May we burn him?
  6. I think what you meant was if the YF-21 lost it's arms. The legs of the YF-21 is stored within the fuelselage. Losing the legs doesn't change the shape of the plane much, but losing the arms and the wings on it does. Still I understand what you mean.. It's the wings, not the shape of the overall plane that matters. I think the SV-51's form is a variation of the YF-19. Both have the chest behind the cockpit with it's arms folded back and it's head hidden. Transformation to battloid mode requires both to fold up and over the cockpit. It's just that the SV-51 does that to a lesser degree.
  7. Argghh.. My YF-19, Weapon of Mass Destruction is still stuck in JFK Customs..
  8. An image to illustrate what I mean.
  9. Hmnn perhaps this has been noticed and stated before. I just took a look at where the gun is and how it's stored on the SV-51. The gun is very much part of the plane just like the shield is on the YF-19. Therefore if one were to lose the gun, there'd be a giant hole inbetween the legs of the fighter. It also explains how the gun is stored in the legs (Eps 3 of Macross Zero). The legs do a full 180 twist to bring the gun from the inside position to the side position for easier access. It also moves that knee into a gerwalk leg configuration. Is this design really practical for a plane? That gap is gonna cause a lot of problems aerodynamically.
  10. Shawn uploaded pics of the SHE VF-11 as well as the assembly and transformation manual scans to the Macrossworld Resin Model's section: http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/models/she/she_vf11b.htm
  11. Thanks for the awesome review!! I can't wait to find this baby in the mail
  12. I'm not sure if you were misled or just joking. Well most likely joking, hence the smilely. Still I just want to clarify that there is no offical news of a 1/60 VF-11. Just wild speculation of a hopeful trend of upcoming valks by fans. edit: sp and grammer
  13. betcha it has Cremasteric reflex weaponry
  14. I think we need a countdown script. The YF-19 so much deserves a midnight launch party. I'd be waiting on the line in the freezing cold for the stores to open.
  15. I've attributed the tight lip as to not repeat an incidence of Yamato coming down on us. After the She-who-must-not be-named fiasco we've been in the doghouse for some time.
  16. I didn't know Megatron wielded a handgun. I wonder if it itself transforms into a minature Megs which wields a handgun witch transforms into a Mini Mini Megs which wields a ... Now i've done it. I've gone into one of those infinite loops. Must stop Memory leak!
  17. The VF-22 Sturmvogel showed up in Macross 7 piloted by Max and Miliya. http://www.steelfalcon.com/Macross/vf22.shtml The biggest difference aside from repaints is the rehash of the cockpit especially the windows. The main bubble over the head and side windows are notably larger and there's a new window for forward viewing. So one might be able to just alter the cockpit cover to make this VF-22. But if I recall Graham said that any mech from Macross 7 isn't under any consideration to be made. Could be license issues I think
  18. Two more and that should be it.
  19. Posting more images for the sake of the thread...
  20. Interesting.. Perhaps one can modify SHE's method. Have the top half flip over like the SHE model and have the bottom half slide up.
  21. Fastpacks, Fold booster and could it be? Yang Neumann!! edit for sp..
  22. I came back from camping out the Target in Buffalo, NY being ticket holder number 55 out of 60. The cops and the Ambulances swung by periodically every hour to make sure we weren't dead from wii rage or the freezing cold. At seven, people started scalping their tickets for $75 to $100. Some of them had a heart though. This poor mother who camped out all night being number 61 in line despite us telling her there were only 60 units inside. She insited that there was more. According to her, the online database of Target showed 69 in stock for that store. When they handed out the tickets and she didn't get one she broke out in tears and started to leave. One of the scalpers chased her down and sold his spot for 5 dollars.
  23. It looks like the legs have to be configured for fast packs just like the VF-1 in fighter mode; slightly bent at the hips and knees. Look closely at the hips of the YF-19 in that side shot with fastpacks and you'll see the crack. But then where do the elbows go now that the legs are repositioned? They're no longer in line with that trap hole in the legs. I think this is the first glimpse of the gun positioned on the underside of the fighter. It's perfectly sized for the underside which explains the small size of the gun.
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