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Everything posted by protostar8

  1. I agree! What are those from? The page linked makes it seem like those are festival only specials, but with that much detail I hope not!
  2. I'm pretty sure I got the SDF-1, Alpha, and Beta figured out and drawn up. I'll have to order some Lego's to see. But the VF-1 is giving me hell. There aren't very man pictures that detail the insides and how it works. I also can't figure out how the hell the guy did the legs. I figured out how to do all the pieces of the lower leg except the front of it. The front really vexes me b/c I can't see how the two little plates attach... Any help??? It's highly likely that my entire concept of how the leg works in those pictures is wrong, thus the reason why I can't figure it is b/c I'm trying to build on something that's already done wrong.
  3. I have been trying to use MLCad/LDraw to try to build this Beta/Alpha combo: http://www.brickshelf.com/cgi-bin/gallery.cgi?i=2367736 http://www.brickshelf.com/cgi-bin/gallery.cgi?i=2361625 Problem is, I'm having issues with the parts not be in LDraw, which makes me wonder if they are all Lego parts or not. Has anyone ever made a parts list for those or done them in LDraw or a Lego Designer? Examples include the little 1X1 bricks seen all over (like the feet) and the knee joint rod. I've tried search BrickLink to find out the part names, but that's a needle in a haystack situation. Any help in either defining what the parts are named so I might be able to find these parts on BrickLink or as custom parts for LDraw? If I can get a good drawing together using LDraw, I don't mind exporting my file to share. There are several other very cool Lego Creations I wouldn't mind making, anyone ever replicated these.... http://www.brickshelf.com/cgi-bin/gallery.cgi?f=3936 http://www.brickshelf.com/cgi-bin/gallery.cgi?i=2585153 http://www.brickshelf.com/cgi-bin/gallery.cgi?i=2884547 http://www.brickshelf.com/cgi-bin/gallery.cgi?f=275311 http://www.brickshelf.com/cgi-bin/gallery.cgi?f=324421 Lego bricks seem to be reasonably priced in general for the major colors (like 2 cents for the blue bricks I was looking at), so if this works out, I might do the transforming mini-vf-1's and I'll post those too.
  4. With all this Gatchaman talk, it's got me interested in seeing the series. Has Gatchaman II or Gatchaman F ever been translated or dubbed (translated with subs would be the best if the dub company included them on a DVD release or something)?
  5. Watched 40 min of the movie, total crap so far. WTF were the creators thinking??? I might not even watch the rest b/c it's so crappy and makes no sense. Even knowing the original story already does nothing to help me understand the garbage I'm watching.
  6. Sorry, when I quoted you, I was really just referring to the quote you posted. I wasn't meaning to associate you specifically with the comments I made. My bad. I just meant that in general, I think most people say #2 was better than #1, but since #1 was an atrocity, that's not saying much.
  7. I love the quote, because all it says is that people think it's better than number 1. That's not a very tall order by any means. Polling is very rarely about getting true numbers, it's about providing the people paying you with numbers they will like. You ask questions a certain way to elicit a certain response. They didn't ask if people thought the movie was great as a Transformers interpretation, they merely asked if it was better than the first, which I think most people will agree with me in saying it was better than the first.
  8. People often say that when they go to an action flick, they want mind numbing action and violence. That's pretty much all there is to it. TF2 doesn't do much else. And most people don't really care how the things look as long as it dazzles their eyes, which this does too. And trust me, if a show like Paris Hilton's Best Friend can get a second season, then I think the answer is #2 in your choices...
  9. I saw the movie. It was mediocre at best. It was better than the first IMO, but that's not saying much. The designs are still abominations to the TF name (other than Optimus who's actually pretty decent but considering who designed him, I can see why he is decent). Seriously, the Fallen and the generic "drones" in the movie looked like s***. The plot made zero sense at times and ruined the concept of the Matrix of Leadership( and wtf is up with the "hatchlings" thing). Hasbro thinks that making money = good, but there are too many people that don't know what good is (thus we have a season 2 of Paris Hilton's quest for find a best friend... just as an example). Sadly, I think that overall the voicework was spotty and the movie had times when it looked bad. Then there were the constructicons that fought in robot mode while somehow mysteriously being a part of devastator who was romping along somewhere else. About stuff changing for movie 3, we might actually see some changes IMO. Hasbro is looking to push toys with the movie. We now have decent toy versions (as good as they will likely get for the cost), so I'd expect Hasbro to change up some of the main cast a little to get some new toys out. Also, I hope that Bay gets all bitchy and Hasbro tells him to f*** off and hires somebody who might actually know how to make a movie and not just a series of explosions and fights linked by cheesy dialogue and sex jokes. Either way, if Hasbro is willing to use money earned from the movie (which there has to be poo loads with the kind of return the movie is getting) to fund stuff like Classics, then it's somehow slightly more tolerable, though not much....
  10. It's definitely one of those love it or hate it shows. I actually like it a lot. But then again, I've only watched 7 episodes of it. I like the fresh take on Tony being a kid and not a 30 year old who wants to be a kid again by acting like a kid. The animation itself is sub-par at times, but in a way, it feels more like a comic book than normal anime.
  11. Just getting back into the show and I see that episodes 15-26 are all TBA airdates, so anyone know what happened? Did it get cancelled or is it just on break?
  12. Any custom toy makers out there ever made the actual ships (arc Gurren and the Super Galaxy GL ship)? Imagine a Studio Half-Eye PT of one of those. lol
  13. I'm tired of nothing but VF-25's. They really need to release a different mold soon (I know we've seen pics of two others, but I want them actually released).
  14. Well, in the little booklet I got with G&L, it shows various point values. Each token is worth 10 points. So you could get a pair of revoltech pliers for 30 points (3 chips), or other stuff from various amounts.
  15. No clue. And the one that comes with them are the "mini" assemble-borgs. On a side note about release dates: Arc Gurren = 7/1 Super Galaxy Gurren Lagann = 7/15
  16. Got my Gurren and Lagann in today. Got a free little red Assemble-borg guy with them. Wasn't expecting that! Though on the downside, the little Assemble-borg guy is a POS. I think the only movable joints are his shoulders, all the others are fake revoltech joints...
  17. Haven't been keeping up with all this. Has Megahouse canceled Fuke?
  18. The picture of that in fighter mode just screams R-Type to me.
  19. Yeah, real bummer. At least we still got SRW games.
  20. Totally agree with you. I've said that the designs were bad since picture 1 came out of the starscream concept. To me, the TF's on the screen are WAY more fake than the G1 or really any other vehicle incarnations. I don't care if the movie people have all the parts connected, that doesn't mean that every part has a gear or motor to drive the movement, just that it's on a hinge that the design team can manually swing to transform it. The fact that most still look like scrap metal is a real bummer. I didn't buy any movie toys last time, won't this time either, so Hasbro is saving me some cash this summer since they pulled Animated and Universe for now.
  21. So, I'm a fan of giant robots and I've been wanting to see those old school shows for years. I'm just curious which ones have been subbed (via official dvds or independent subbing groups). I used my usual resources and came back with only a few of the original episodes. I could find most of the newer series, but the originals are just absent... Thanks in advance.
  22. New pics of Tekkaman and Pegasus http://www.toyark.com/news/robot-and-mecha...-in-color-1305/
  23. Well, bad news. Looks like Animated Arcee is getting canned for the moment. The others likely will be too (see front page of tfw2005). It sucks big time. Hell, that's TWO good looking Arcee toys in the past few years that got scrapped...
  24. So, did we ever get confirmation of what extras are included with the Armored valks coming out in a month? Like does Alto include the Sniper Rifle or was that just for show???
  25. I thought that the next MGS had already been announced and that it was going to be another Raiden based adventure (or suckfest)...
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