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Everything posted by Sam

  1. Thanks ppl for feedback funny i did put a matte over it but still showed up gloss? but I guess, judging by the collar? she wears she is a slave? so sweaty could be possible:) BOB, brought a smile to my face for some reason reading the 'having cooking oil prepared, no, not for the food, for the babes ' bit ' just tickled my funny bone for some reason... THanks, Rei should be dry tonight, so will start hopefully 2night. Pinning, undercoat, if it drys quick nuff, start the main colour. will take prog shots cuz too .... Sam
  2. Hey, yeh, been looking at that guys stuff! Its awesome, uses pastels and everything, and evn mods his own kits to make them better, ie, the Mai on the front page =) The pastels prob make it look more realistic, but Im having too much fun with my airbrush, so much so Im gonna try getting an iwata HP C real cheap =)
  3. Napalm Mortein maybe???????????????? How would you be if one of your mates brought one back with him after being there and decided to get it stuffed or something, then shoved it in ur house/bedroom/toilet/shower recess. Damn near put u through the roof or out the window! I once was in my room reading and saw a fairly *large* spider on the other side of the inside ceiling. There were plenty of insects near my reading light, and i KNEW that lil bastard would climb over when i turned out the light... so after a while, turned off my light... couldnt get the sleep cuz my ears were straining... then I heard this *plop* noise, of something landing on the bed covers... ON FLEW THE LIGHT< UP I FLEW< LOOKED FOR THE BLOODY THING< COULDN"T FIND IT< THREW MY SHEETS OUT THE DOOR< COULDN"T FIND IT< THREW MY MATTRESS OUT THE DOOR>> COULDN"T FIND IT< THREW THE REST OF MY BED OUT THE DOOR< STILL COULNDNT FIND IT>.. by this time my roommate wandered out all bleary eyed wondering what the *fF* I was doing.. STILL COULDN"T FIND IT>...ARGHH>. to this day I dont know where he went?? maybe hes/shes still out there..??*looks around nervously** DId I mention I HATE spiders?/?
  4. I forgot to say that I did that tattoo in black first, did a pink outline, spray over with my flesh colour, figured I didn't like black, and redid it in purple I think purple is a nice colour for a tattoo on a figure model. Also on the elf babe, I made her top green, but ended up hating that colour too so I just redid it in flesh then pink. Its sometimes hard to know what colour will be crap till you put it on, then uve lost all the previous work.. *sigh* oh well, lessons learned... Now this pic is the two babes side by side, I keep touching up things( no rude comments please ) that are annoying me, like I put a black rim on the skirt, redid her nose cuz it looked like a duck but cutting off and shapign the top lips, and made it pink instead of red..., touched up the eyes, all which are hard to see cuz my camera isn't that great , or I suck at photos I even redid the Not millia's eyes and hair cuz they were annoying me as I was getting better with the practice. No pix of her, im sure all are sick of her by now I still need to get some nice bases for them though, or make em hehe. I have started my Rei figure, but shes drying downstairs after her bath to get mold release off, there was a heap of pit holes to fill with surfacer, but I will start another thread when I have a few progress shots to show. For now, see what you reckon of these gals. THanks, enjoy.
  5. VF19, I hope you dont think I made that Misato, just to make sure. Hopefully mine will look that good though Now Im just adding one last set of pix of my practice models, this one is basically an elf babe, and I thought I would put a tattoo thats kinda similar to the one I got on my ankle, but, well, a little BIGGER and arty Same scale as that last figure too, a 1/8. I must say, other than airbrush shading, I reckon the most fun is the eyes, making the eyes look cool.. its really, really fun Now, this is a set of the leg with the tatt... enjoy
  6. Yeh, I heard the same thing.. Can run faster than a speeding bullet, but not a surface to surface missile, Can jump tall buildings, with a rocket pack strapped to it... Can fart obnoxious webbing to trap their prey and stink them to death... * i think i need sleep... but how can i now after seeing this thing* OH, and Zentran dude, I would rather have it hit my windshield than riding shotgun with me
  7. Hey, thanks for that link mate, tis funny they referred to them looking like small cat size !LOL! but if you notice as they were talking bout photo manipulation, you can see the sleeve of the guy holding it actually, so now it doens't look *quite* as big.. but still freaky, Must,... stop.. looking... at ... freaky... spider..... STOMP!!!
  8. Well, I thought the ol huntsmen spider I get in my backyard by the zillions was nuff to be freaky, let alone something the size of a small cat!! Dont know bout u guys, but damn, I would want a SHOTGUN handy if I had those things hanging round, cuz flyspray aint gonna work
  9. I just got this email forwarded to me with this pic, and this is the attached text to it.. SCARY STUFF!!! > > > > They run 10 mph, jump three feet, are a nocturnal spider, so only come out > > at night unless they are in shade. When they bite you, you are injected > > with > > a Novocain type substance so you go numb instantly. > > > > You don't even know you are bitten when you are sleeping, so you wake up > > with part of your leg or arm missing because it has been gnawing on it all > > night long. > > > > If you are walking around and you bump something that is casting a shadow > > over it, and the sun makes contact with it, you better run. It will > > instantly run for your shadow, and scream the whole time it is chasing >you. > > > > The one on the bottom is eating the one on the top. These are Spiders >found > > daily in IRAQ by troops. Imagine waking up and seeing one of these in your > > tent!! Is this for real???????????????? I dont know whether to be intrigued or more rightyly, horrified?????????????? Sam
  10. Who needs to be nice when its this well done? Good job Sebastian, looks like a collectable! Sam
  11. I didnt get to take real early shots, but theres not much to miss out on really, so just got these final shots to show off. Must be getting better at pinning cuz shes pretty much standing without being glued, only held by pins... but I wouldn't want to shake the table I dont reckon LOL Anyways, thats all for now. Sam
  12. Hm, well, just did another practice 1/8 scale figure, same kinda thing as what I just did. Got to get this whole wet t shirt thing pat, cuz thats gonna be the spoiler for the Rei figure if i stuff it up at the last.. This time you might noticed i censored it for all those sensitive types who might stray into this thread.. Stupid thing is I would have finished this a week ago if I didn't drop the thing and smash the skirt..! I couldn't find one major piece, but after all the surfacer and sanding and painting u cant really tell it was broken at all. This first pic shows off the eyes, which i think im getting the hang of. Didn't like the others ones i did on the millia so I redid them after I did this one LOL Also found this pigment called Pearl Ex which is an interference colour, looks clear untill the light hits it a certain way, and I put it on the stockings things, its a gold one, kinda hard to see in the pic, can only see it at the top of the stocking , but in normal light it has a cool 'sheen' which im quite proud of actually . Cuz its only a powder I thinned down some tamiya clear and mixed it in.
  13. Thats beautiful. its a wonder you arent a commission worker for making ppl models. Im sure there would be plenty of ppl that would pay you for work like that that wish to have such quality. You can have a most enjoyable work option that way! I must confess i tend to be inspired, then shattered, inspired, then shattered, beholding the mystic works of William.*sigh* I picked up some of those pastel pencils against the day I make my next valk Sam
  14. Sam

    VF-1A SD kit

    I only have azteks to look at round here, so is ur badger a single or double action? does it use a little gravity feed cup on the side? Thats how mine works. Double action is cool but it gets a little stiff after several years lol! anyways, uv got to do an update, really, u have no choice. Lock up in ur room and go at it! * i know its hard but, I could only bring myself to paint some anime eyes on a kit im doing tonight, cant be bothered with anymore ! heh* Sam
  15. Sam

    VF-1A SD kit

    congrats, good news.. airbrushing is so much fun...*once u get past the masking bit.... oh.. and the sanding bit, but u know that * Have to mock up a pretend battle scene with my SD kit once urs is done with some paintshop pro work! hehe Should show us a pic of ur airbrush/compressor, see what ya got. Sam
  16. LMAO Might be a bit hard to beat Exo there heh Im happy, just got mine today from HLJ. Damn comic of course is in Japanese... and ive only *just* started learning Japanese from a "how to learn Japanese" CD hehe. I can now make aa, oo, ii, ee sounds by reading the characters LOL Figures are cool but... Sam
  17. Sam

    How lucky were you?

    I think i want to cry... I dont really remember seeing any Macross/Robotech toys as a kid other than those chunky 'veritechs' that you could fit a 'Rick Hunter' into, or maybe some 3inch figures, but thats bout it.. I *do* remember seeing Jazz and Prowl original transformers at my local Toyworld for $25AUD, which I was like when i was 13 or something.. this was before the 'reissues', and damn I was kicking myself *if anyone remembers seeing pics of my collection, they would understand this. I loved Transformers! * Those prices you quoted Exo are unbelievable! an Alpha for $19bucks...geez louiezz.. How old r u guys again? im bordering umm... 27 now I think my next bday.. who else is such an old fart? Sam
  18. Sam

    VF-1A SD kit

    I saw this had new replies and was hoping D got some more done. U managed to get any spare time yet mate to update? Gotta have some more SDs round Sam
  19. Just wondering, any idea what airmail shipping would be to australia for it? Not that I think I have the funds at the moment, but just wondering if it would be much? *would go nice with that vf11 i did just a few weeks ago.... * Sam
  20. (Sam, you might want to run before they get any ideas...I'll try to distract them.) LOL , they wouldn't do that, not to us.... I hope.... ...maybe i should leave... *runs out door!* Man, who really knows whats the go, but I do know that I have a legioss model to build, that IS transformable, which I WILL do, but hey, if I got a toy that is practically the same and wont scratch off my hard work on the paintjob from moving the joins, Im gonna call dibs on getting one at a decent price.... These vf1s get too much attention..... heheheheheheh BRING ON THE CYCLONES!! Sam
  21. This heathen is now sad I do want to see how it ends up, price wise... Sam
  22. I will be more than glad to share the "progress shots" of my up comings, some might not be quite this, uh...naughty, but hopefully will be worth ur time to click on the thread Thanks for the support Sam *im trying to fix my computer at the moment, just got broadband on, and windows xp is hving trouble talking with my nvidia fx 5200, or so it seems..it keeps crashing or black screening or blue screening me... ugh... so ive reinstalled and gone clean.. so may not be posting pix as often as i like... ugh...wish me luck!*
  23. And final one is just showing off the profile and how the steel hub and tyres shows up, and the reflective 'headlights' on the shoulders.. Also just a good view of the oil lining.. pity bout the flash glare, sorry bout that.. otherwise, thats another kit done! Thanks Sam
  24. This shot shows off the my uncontrollable urge to use the transparents, notice the back of the missile housing, thought I would dress it up a bit, and the blue isn't too out of place on the whole. Also used transparent on silver for the shoulder pad headlights, which is more effective than straight yellow Also can u seethe lcd for the scope? Im gonna try and put a little red 'targeting circle' on the screen.. will need steady hand though LOL
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