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Everything posted by Sam

  1. And damn me if it isnt harder than i was thinking working this small But anyway, this a bit of what i had accomplished today. Given my track record with customs, as opposed to straight models, this should only take six months or so Basically have done two major things. First was make the wings longer, as in fighter mode they didn't line up where they are meant to, being too far back on the fuselage. So i lengthened using styrene cut for it, and put new pivot points, *all of course after cutting the existing wings in half* that allowed them to still join when folded in, but because of the new pivot point, they now go further forward as well, yay! Second was makign the legs flip forward, and flip back and spread apart far enough they look right it fighter mode. This was causing the most grieft, but a couple of pivotting sections later a LOT of hackign with a dremel, its ruffed out for basic transformation. Even when i get it just right, I will have to find a good way to strengthen in the modes, maybe pegs or polycaps or something.. ANyways, I know it doesn't line up, its a compromise, erring more towards fighter preference., but im happy to say battroid hasn't suffered yet..
  2. Sam

    VF-1A SD kit

    Looking a LOT nicer there Dyo! Glad uve had time to do it! Im really looking forward to seeing it weathered I think uv done a very crisp job on the painting, and you were bagging out on yourself last time? I think it looks great
  3. hehe thats cool alright! those guys did a great job on the model, and music great variation on the theme..!
  4. Hey Capt, the original yen charge i got on my invoice online was.... bugger.. damn hlj website down...*sigh*.. well... 4800 maybe? shipipng was bout 1000 i thnk? cant be sure though..will check later when its up again... Wolfx, nah, didn't get zero casualties, took me till almost the end of the mission to figure out what I was doing LOL.. wasn't geysering the fallen ones.. dammit ! hehe
  5. welcome nice, very clean build youve done. these guys also looked cool weathered a bit too, which is really fun imo always good for model posting to have ppl display work, its not done enough..., so keep it up
  6. One fine day in the middle of the night, Two Dead men got up to fight Back to back they faced each other, Drew their swords and shot each other (sorry, old rhyme my older bro used to say, and this pic reminded me of it! hehe) Thats it, hope the jokes r ok BACK TO Z.O.E 2nd Runner, damn FINE game!
  7. crapping one's self when big bro steps in ....
  8. Heres some pix as promise compare on valks... dont mind the humour...
  9. Btw, is there a Rei version of that? There is actually. Don't think it's a mass produced one, but I know Hobby Fan has a similar one with Rei. That ""Gothic Lolita" Asuka is a nice kit. Very nice. I'll say ... it looks very nice! I dont have an Asuka kit, so might try and find this one! wonder how much...? and Nerv, as for the shoulder pads, where were you before i painted it with a reference pic I honestly dont know if I can be bothered, but I have repainted whole figures before just because a little thing was annoying me, so I guess it wont be long before i fix it up. My pic i had showed it all red for the shoulders, felt something was wrong, but iddn'put my finger on it *ugh* so maybe, its a real pain in the bum when its put together already though... Oh, thanks Bobepat its a lovely kit so you wouldnt regret it
  10. yeh, the blades come for both, they basically just fit into little holes in the forearm that are actually like a polycap, and can move back and forward for positioning as 'quills out or quills in' sort of effect, you know? it was expensive, to australia it was bout $70AUD.. i can take a pic tonight after work for size compare too
  11. hmm,.. dont know? sometimes it resets the fields that have pull down menus? im not sure mate? im sure cust serv can help out though, they have my address changed so both me and my gf are on it so we can both pick it up if need be =)
  12. last one. hope someone gets a kick out of this.
  13. As it says, just got my Guyver III, and detail, presentation, articulation are all EXCELLENT in my opinion!! I was just bout to keep playing ZOE 2nd runner but thought maybe someone here would be interested, so heres a coupla pix of this beauty, whose blades even glow in the dark, and has opening chest pieces too!! awesome! but pricey
  14. hmm,nice I would like to know where this goes. If it really is on the up and up, I would love to get a hold of one too..
  15. Go the Konig! looks really cool... and looking at the pix, i think that arm *wont* slide any further forward, doesn't appear to be any room left to come forward.. the battroid pic shows how much slide is in there... but still looks cool, i reckon it will be more fun to play with the vfx2 heheh.
  16. Very nice, i like the new head, and the decals u have made yourself, top stuff the oil wash will be nice on it too, its amazing how many nooks and crannies are brought out on this model. There are some larger holes though that personally i painted, then oil washed, like on the shoulders and forearms, whether its right or not though im not sure, just made mine look better very nice indeed though
  17. I think it looks excellent! I like the sleekness of it quite a lot, quite different to the bulky 'kick ur arse' look the 1/55 has (btw, I DO love my 1/55's as well ) size for price is still an issue, but kudos for making a product that actually looks like it might be *worth* paying to get wonder how much shipping to aus will drive up the price eh.....
  18. LOL..Thanks guys, as always, I appreciate hearing the feedback . Nerv, I KNEW i would not get it right. The reference pic i had was all red, but the pic i had seen elsewhere had orange hightlights, so i went the safe way. But now i have rectified it. Also put the yellow badges on her as well Im now going to add the new set of pics as an animated gif but in one of the previous posts, so as not to take up more space, so check it out Thanks again. Next project i think is chobits Chi for my mum
  19. i ordered mine from HLJ personally. most is either pre ordered or out of stock though they have some cool looking ones for pre order though, well, those that have pix anyway are line art drawings.. but couldn't find the actual pic of the toys? be handy if someone had pix of the newer ones too
  20. yeh, that was kinda annoying me as well. But I dont have any here at home either, thats all I had, kinda like the golf ball : Might I suggest.. painting the current sand into a whitish colour? Well mate, i tried finding some white sand and gave up after lack of ..well, any type of sand. So i tried doing what you thought, but not quite painting, i did however do a white wash on it, which allowed some of the residual colour to still show though but overall being white.. I also found some super bouncy balls that will work as beach balls, they look kinda cool in the marble colour they are, but have 3 so might still paint one like a beach ball anyway to see how it turns out.. funny thing bout those balls, found them in a 2 dollar shop, after looking all over in target and grocery store and I couldnt' find anything, I found them there, and i went up to the counter, pulled out my wallet to pay for these TWO dollar balls, and other than a moth, all that fell out was One dollar and ten cents..!!! I had to tell the owner of a TWO DOLLAR STORE that I will be back with enough money!! bloody embarrassing let me tell u, and I sounded like a dick cuz he said "why not buy these ones that look like eyeballs for a dollar? " but nooooooooooo, I had to have these... *sigh*.. oh well, its all art, and artists are kooky anyways!! (he laughed when i came back in the store later with some money too, chuckled till I walked out... ) but yeh, i think i like it this way.. my gf says she liked the old sand more.. so dunno..........
  21. well thats that for now. pretty much finished, theres some things like maybe a dull coat, and also detail the little badges on her arm, but no need to repost for those only! Still think this is the best kit of Misato EVER!! Sam
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