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Everything posted by Sam

  1. Howdy all, this is the kit I got off ebay, another cheapy like Rei, and am going to quickly put up the pix i took of her this evening, cuz Alias is just starting, and its one of the show i actually like so I must be brief! \ first pic is just showing the basic resin, the hands are delicate, and there are a LOT of pits in the resin on the leg... Needle files are so a must with resin, with All the different shapes of round, half round, square, flat, etc etc cuz all will be used when shapping badly made figures!
  2. Watched Kite uncut, was .. interesting. Watched Mezzo forte, thought was pretty mad, kinda funny to with the character interactions and bantering, and just the whole 'cold blooded killing rich bit#h' that was in it heh.. Both the shows I guess i personally felt a bit uncomfortable when the sex scenes were on that someone would walk in while it was on tele, but again, its only anime, half the time i have no idea what age they are really meant to be anyway, and usually its over pretty quick, in comparison to the action scenes. Thankfully. And I think it has always been argued whether it needed the scenes or not, to help show how a disparageing? a situation she was really in (in kite) It just comes down to this: its not for everyone Im also looking forward to seeing the series of Mezzo, it should be action packed !! yay! My 2 cents, which isn't reallly even worth that much LOL
  3. OMG!! You still have smallville on your tele stations! i say this cuz it was actually canned here in aus, and me and my gf kinda liked it.. but oh yeh, bring on those scans, sounds good interested to see the vfos bash..
  4. hmm. its getting harder to love this new valk toy, and I will find almost ANY reason to love a valk... but soooo much pulling apart isn't cool to one like me who loses things. Might have to get the models instead for my vf o fix..
  5. Oh, its also listed as Meister, so hellllllllllloooooooo Jazz
  6. i think its up for pre order at hlj too if it hasn't already been said..
  7. yeh, that was kinda annoying me as well. But I dont have any here at home either, thats all I had, kinda like the golf ball : Might I suggest.. painting the current sand into a whitish colour? Two left hands? must be hard buying mittens? j/k thanks gusy:) As for painting the base,im fairly competent with painting, but sand has a lot of different colours in it usually, I dont feel confident that I would get it right, so I will just find some nice fine white sand, which probably has ten shades of white. Call me lazy
  8. Thanks for the link, theres a lot of talent there, thats for sure!
  9. Thanks wolfx, so r u gonna invest in some o those ebay resin kits to practice on?? And as for the Gold Coast, I live near Canberra, right down the bottom of Oz, but I do agree, gold coast has some beautiful beaches... yessireee bob... I just saw this Treking the world kinda program showing some beaches and elephants swimming on some gorgeous beaches! makes me want to try and do another diorama and make water and sand now LOL .. I once did a spawn diorama with dead trees, rock walls and dirt, with this little stream on it... looked pretty cool but was too big for my house(too many toys and models) so had to chuck it.. kept some of the trees I made though.. called it my 'dead forest'..scary hey might take a photo later if anyone wants to see what it was? but time to have a shower !
  10. LMAO looks like the guy at the top is diggin out some serious ear wax or something!
  11. yeh, that was kinda annoying me as well. But I dont have any here at home either, thats all I had, kinda like the golf ball good thing though with how its made, if i find some in a shop, a small layer over the top with a bit more glue will fix it up I only worry now is the poor girl doesn't get any in her swimmers, cuz its a right pain to get out again, not to mention VERY uncomfortable when i find the suitable ball, and find some nice white sand, I will redo and post me thinks thanks again P.S if anyone lives near a really beautiful beach, and wants to post me some nice sand here in australia, go right ahead. Be a cool way of making an international model Probably would need a cup at most Be a good conversation starter LOL. Or even if someone round here in Aust has a nice beach nearby
  12. just dont have anything else lying round, but yeh, anything completely round would do was tempted before i painted it to just quickly putty and sand it smooth, then my brain kicked in, and thought better of trying to sand a million little bumps smooth ! heh I find something when i go to work this week instead of my golf ball
  13. Well, I was planning on doing pavers for like beside a pool, kinda like u always see her, and, from the series perspective, i think its a more likely scenario, but hey, this is my model, and thanks to an idea that JBO made me think of, Im gonna put her on a beach instead, even though Rei would prob never go to one Now, Im hoping this isn't overdoing it, I dont *think* I have, but basically took the large oval base i was going to leave normal stain colour, put heap of woodglue on it, put the towel on it then sprinkled sand all over. I then waited a bit for it to set slightly then added more glue around to try and simulate ridges and typical look for sand, with adequate results i feel. * was tempted to try and do water, but not nuff room on the base, would look to squashed if I had..* now the beach ball, probably wont leave that golf ball i found as the beach ball, but was the ONLY thing I could find in the house the size i wanted. Will probably try find a ping pong ball later, but for illustrative purposes, the golf ball is fine I just quickly freehanded colour on the ball, to make it look beachy. Definatly will get a round ball though later one, then i will have an awesome rainbow ball to belt round the golf course heheh So there it is! I pretty sure thats all I can do for this figure!
  14. keep ur eyes peeled for the next ten minutes.. it *might* flash up in this thread, what my idea was!!
  15. mwahahaahahaa... maybe.... *evil laugh again* mwhahahahahahaha....
  16. hmm.. that gives me an idea......... im gonna go try something now.
  17. ooooo i c... Thats all right then, I think, cuz I wasn't really sure y he wanted to beat something with a club, I thought it was a social thing I wasn't up to speed on I must be getting old.. so now i can say ' thanks guys' heh
  18. Heres how she looks on the towel now.. please notice how the feet should all be touching on ground or something... and bonus, she no longer falls flat on her face!! woohooo! hehe sorry bout the rushed photo, theres no daylight for a good shot, and Im always tired so cant be bothered to try anything else lol
  19. Thanks I just made up my solution to the lopsided leg, its a towel I scratch built from super sculpy. Using a rolling pin to get it flat, then the rough edge of a file I use on resin, I created the toweling look, and then added indentations at either end with a small edge for the decorative borders of the towel. Then the hard part of trying to fold it like a towel, and being sculpy, and NOT soft material, it was kinda harder than I thought, but anyways, the end result was decent enough, but still not quite good nuff.... soooooooooooooooooooooooo.. I got my first proper go with my new airbrush.... shaded it completely and added in extra folds using paint that I couldn't physically put there cuz the sculpy is too thick *for strength* and i am totally lovin using this new brush... awesome control, and Im getting used to the direct feed cup on top of it.. So overall its a fairly decent end result. Not too shabby for a 15dollar-brittle-as-hell white resin kit! heh I think its possible to see the new misato im making now in the background.. shes coming along nicely so far, doing TONNES of sanding though.. and now waiting for putty to dry*seems to take forever, not sure if its meant to though. testors contour putty, anyone know how long its MEANT to take?Tah.* I will post pics when im into a painting stage i think. Anubis has his pix up of his pre built so hopefully it will turn out half as decent
  20. Exceptional!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  21. My hobby fan pre-painted Misato arrived today. Awesome. Pics to come in separate thread not to steal Sam's. lol. THanks for being considerate mate my threads have been hijackked a lot before too, so thanks I reckon that misato with her gun has got to be THE best figure of her that I have seen. There were some other figures done that I thought still had a bit of misato 'essence', but this one shows her 'business' side. Theres a nice one of her sitting on the ground with a towel around and drying her hair with another towel, *not hentai at all, very tasteful * that I also want to get. I reckon the best face i have seen painted is the one by Cody at codyscoop. Hes a bloody legend, the William Cheng of figures!!! i hope mine turns out half as good!!
  22. Sam

    Coming Soon

    hmm, interesting. I will like to see how much it might end up costing, cuz 1/48 will look very pretty indeed..... very interesting indeed....
  23. Yeh, its more the pink instead of the yellow tone I like cuz its Rei, shes sorta more in my opinion an 'albino', and their colouring tends to be pinks and whites. I did do the other figures of mine, like elf babe, in the yellows, cuz they aren't the pasty colour I personally like yellow tones more, but albino won out this time Love hobbyfan, got some kits from there to build as well As for that leg, this kit was on of those cheapy ebay jobs, and i had already done the painting and didn't want to cut n glue like i did on my china dress babe, *it involved me cutting her at the ankle to re align, good fun, and pretty seamless * Im going to make a towel from sculpy thats bunched under her knee to counteract the balance thing, so it hasn't gone unnoticed her irregularity, specially when she face dives the counter cuz of it And again everyone thanks for the kind words.
  24. Thanks very much. I will be posting up progress shots on the misato buildup i will be doing too, only just started it, filling holes and stuff but on the upside of things, I just got in the mail my new airbrush! Even though i didn't have anything to paint I just had to try it out, and compared to my aztek I have, this new iwata is so nice with its trigger, comes out when you want it too, not intermittent or anything, beautiful stuff!! It is not as comfortable as the aztek to hold, cuz its straight as an arrow, and I can see my hand getting tired quicker cuz its heavier, but still, i think it will be worth it for the improved control! But I have so much sanding puttying etc to do befoer i get to play with it properly..*sigh*
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