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Everything posted by fansubs2000

  1. You had to bring that up, didn't you? 316608[/snapback] Sorry, WWE's Un-Creative dept. is just really depressing. From lame-ass gimmicks like that to the Boogeyman, I see no light at the end of the tunnel. I miss the days of ECW and watch my Pioneer DVD's and videotapes all the time. I really think that unless TNA pulls a rabbit out of its' hat (being 20 mill in the hole, I doubt it), the WWE thinks that this and crap like the Diva search is what fans want to see. I USED to think that Vince McMahon was a egomaniac/genius, now I'm sure he is just an egomaniac who has ruined the business and hired TV/Sitcom writers(who have NO IDEA of the concept of the "sport" aspect) to script wrestling angles ... 316706[/snapback] I agree, these guys have killed the fun of old school wrestling
  2. Damn!! I hope he's paying you for it, or gonna get it replaced!
  3. Wow this is cool, i'm gonna see it through Netflix!
  4. 1/60's.....? Who cares about 1/60's?!?!? I prefer the 1/72's, 1/48's and even the 1/55's over those guys. I think the 1/60's are going to come down in value cause everything else is a lot better.
  5. He wants $40 fot that!??!? I guess he's trying to get something back after he fu*#ed it up!!
  6. I love Battle Beyond the Stars, cheesy as hell! Other REALLY cheesy movies that i LOVE watching........ 1. Flash Gordon (1980) 2. Barbarella (60's Jane Fonda flic)
  7. Shaolin Soccer is NOT a bad movie, it is AWESOME!!! Need to be seen with subtitles though, i hate the English dub
  8. Hey ghiblione, my motto has always been, "Have fast packs, will buy" Both have positives points, but i think it looks better with Fast Packs in fighter mode. Either way you go though, you should be happy. Do you already have the VF-11b?
  9. I totally AGREE! Transformation HAS to be perfect! I sold all my 1/60's in favor of the 1/55's a while back. The only Yamato's i have bought in the last 2 years have been 1/48's and the Mac Plus 1/72's. Now since this VF-0S will be a perfect transformation Valk, i will gladly purchase from the 1/60 line again. This is the way it should be done, THANK YOU YAMATO!!!
  10. Hmmmmmmm.... Early Bird Special, $126 for the Roy and $49 for the fastpacks, SWEET! I imagine shipping would be some serious cash though......
  11. After seeing this week that the FP's & Roy were being reissued, I wouldn't doubt it's just a matter of time. Now i see the VF-0S coming.......... ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE!!!
  12. I have no idea. I did see it though selling for $250 at the last convention i went to. I also saw it sell for about $300 a while back at a different con.
  13. After my summer classes are done i'll take some pics of my collection.
  14. If your friend can find it in Japan for you, it's about 4000 yen. Which is about $35 or $36 US. I picked it up when it first came out and am glad i did. Awesome! Probably the best Macross book i got! I agree with ol Lebhead that it ranks up there with the Kawamori Design Works. Hey i remember hearing a while back that the Kawamori book was going to get updated. Any new info about that?
  15. I bought a set of these years ago, like in 2000. Last month at the local anime convention, "Fanime" in the Bay area a dealer was trying to get rid of them and was asking $3 each. At $3, i was happy to take all that he had off his hands. I remember years ago when i seen these go for like $15-$20 each when it seemed like there was no Macross merchandise on the horizon.
  16. Yeah this is true. Exactly one year ago i was down there to attend the Transformers convention "BotCon" in Pasadena. While i was there i visited Frank n Sons, and it was awesome! I was filming inside with my video camera for about 20 minutes or so when a guy comes up to tell me to put away the camera. I thought hw was playing around and i told him "yeah right!". He then told me, that he was head of security and the place was private property and there was no filming allowed without permission from the owner. So he escorted my ass back to my truck and made me put the camera away. Wow they were strict about that rule and caught me off guard! Well now i know, at least i got some footage before they caught me, LOL!!
  17. Is the shirt white or gray? I thought it was gray from the first picture, and now it's red on white. Can someone clear this up for me?
  18. If you don't have the original releases and are planning on getting these get them at Deep Discount now. DEEP DISCOUNT DVD LINK They are having a sale for 1 week only. type in "supersale" in the promotion code at checkout at get an additional 20% already low prices. All prices are final prices (shipped). I typed in the code and here is what some prices are currently...... Macross Plus NEW 2 DVD set = $19.19 Macross 2: The Movie = $12.76 Macross Plus: Movie Edition = $12.76 Macross TV series (Animeigo Volumes) = $10.79 Once again, these prices are SHIPPED. WHOOOOO!!
  19. Doesn't work for me either. I don't think you can link off of Geocities can you!?!? Hmmmm......?
  20. Yeah she did back out of a con in San Francisco at the last second a few months ago.
  21. Any word on the final price yet? Are you accepting payments via PayPal? Just let me know when you need the payment.
  22. And then there was............FOUR!
  23. Guess who has a new jetifre to add to his collection!?!?! WHOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!
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