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Everything posted by jardann

  1. That looks great man! I guess I'm going to have to get that kit. The precision of the fit that everyone is raving about would be very nice. I'm currently working on a 1/72 A-6 Intruder model and the fit on it is horrendous! But it was very cheap, so I guess you get what you pay for.
  2. You can find these on Ebay all the time for relatively cheap. I'm sure I have some copies of the instructions that I would be glad to send you, but they are all packed away right now, and I am going on vacation for a week. I also have 4 weeks to go on a broken ankle, so I won't be digging around the basement anytime soon! If, after all that time, you still need them, remind me and I could send you a copy of the instructions. Good luck!
  3. That's a great job on that old kit! The finish looks very fine. Did you modify the waist joint? Or is that the way the kit builds up? It just looks a little skinny/fragile to me for a combat machine.
  4. Unbelievable! Those engine bells really set off the model. : I hope I can approximate those effects when I finally get to my booster kit. Your work is an artistic testament to the Captain's artistry in the creation of the sculpt. The work of two masters combined is an outstanding achievement!
  5. Oh yeah, that's good. I forgot you had mentioned that this was going to be a strike version. No way I would call you lazy for that decision. More like... efficient!
  6. It's looking surprisingly good. Hopefully the quality will be there. (Yeah, Right! ) I agree, the front of the bike could use some more taper, or a slight blending of some edges. But even in the anime, it isn't an especially sleek design.
  7. Looking good. Your progress is coming along nicely, but some of those seams are awful! Especially that seam down the outside of the left arm! They must be keeping you very busy. Hopefully you don't have much more trouble cleaning them up. Everything else is coming along great! Keep up the good work!
  8. That template looks very interesting. I think you can order the Verlinden catalog by going to www.planetvp.com . It doesn't look like you can order very much right from the website though. They're actually pretty close to me. I may have to see if I can go there in person. Wm, that model is screaming to be finished! How can you resist the urge to just go crazy and speed through the rest of the construction!?? The color schemes are very complimentary.
  9. I'm pretty sure there was one in one of the multiple kit sets, but I'm not sure if it was 1/144 (good) or 1/170 (crappy).
  10. I voted option 1, but 2 would be acceptable as well. I think I would prefer the normal version before the armored type. I hope this comes to fruition! Thanks for taking this project on. I would also love to see some pics of your built up kit.
  11. jardann


    I agree, I like the 1/48 legioss kits, but they are a bit difficult. Some modelling experience will help quite a bit with them. I like the old Bandai (Imai?) 1/72 variable VFs. They do sacrifice some accuracy for the transformation ability and they do require parts swapping. I still think they look better in any mode than the other single mode kits from the same time period. For their day they were amazing and I think they still hold up very well when given the proper attention. The biggest problem with them is the nose cone section does not have the best shape. They are also much easier to build than the legioss kit. Just take your time and be careful with the glue around the joint areas. Another plus is that they can still be found for reasonable prices. Some were packaged as ROBOTECH defenders kits and these have English intructions that may help you. The 1/100 transforming kits are nearly identical to the 1/72 kits, just smaller. The nosecone is much better, and most of the 1/100 kits come as super/strike versions and the leg and arm armors are built into the parts, so they can't be made as a standard valkyrie. There are some standard ones out there, but they are hard to find. The smallness of the parts adds to the difficulty of building them and makes them more fragile. They are also not as posable as the 1/72. Legs and especially the arms have limited posability. If you have limited model building experience and still want a transforming model, I would recommend the 1/72 Bandai valks to start with. Well, that's my $.02 worth. Hope it helps. Hey, Robodragon, love that flanker scheme on the toynami Legioss!
  12. Yaayyy!! A great continuation of a masterpiece! Your work (as always) is outstanding. The subtle variations on the seperate panels really brings the booster to life. As you said, it has so much flat surface area that it could take on a toylike appearance if not treated properly. It's great to see your progress on this again. I can't wait to see it completed. Keep up the fantastic work! And keep enjoying that baby!
  13. Looking good! I think HWR MKII did the same thing. If I remember correctly, he used wings from a fighter mode kit so that the missles would fit better. Good luck with the build! I'll be watching this thread!
  14. That dryer setup would work a treat for me, except that my dryer is gas and is only about 8 ft away from my gas furnace and water heater. I'm a little shaky about those pilot lights being too close to the paint fumes.
  15. Black powder in PVC pipe!!! Well, judging by your Daedalus project, you are more daring and have more advanced skills than I! I had been thinking about building a spray booth for my hobby room in the basement, but my parents have had to move in with us due to health problems so now my hobby/tool/storage room has no window. It can still be done, but it'll take some more planning for sure. The sheet metal sounds good, just be sure to roll all the edges to avoid nasty cuts.
  16. LOL! Just last weekend we were shooting a potato gun and had a "blow up". For anyone who doesn't know, it is basically a length of two different size PVC pipe with a flint installed in the big end. You shove a potato in the barrel end, spray hairspray into the flint end and screw on an end cap then strike the flint. That ignites the hairspray fumes and propels the potato. Anyway, we were having trouble getting the flint to work. After one attempt, my father in law opened the end cap and looked down inside to see if he could see a spark from the flint. I was holding the barrel and warned him not to get too close. He struck the flint and a jet of flame shot out of the end and I watched the edges of his hair and eyebrows singe and curl away from the heat! He walked around for the rest of the day with singed hair "dandruff" all over his t-shirt on his shoulders and back.
  17. Yeah, enough people have problems with scale differences. When companies start making mistakes or simply making things all the same size rather than in scale to each other, then confusion really sets in. I have to confess though, I don't know all the different sizes that different Gundams are supposed to be. Way too many to keep track of!
  18. The HGUC and the Gundam Wing are different sizes in real life. (or would be if they were real) One is maybe 150' tall, and the other is only 100' tall. So, when both are scaled down to the same ratio 1/144 or 1/72 or whatever, one is still going to be smaller than the other. A figure of a 6' tall person should be the same size from either kit, but the robots will be different heights because they are different heights in "real" life.
  19. I'll be in for one at least, most probably one of each depending on funds at the time of completion.
  20. Wow man! Are you going to have to rent a moving van to get all of your stuff to WF!? Your additions really add to the realism of that kit. Great work as always!
  21. Certainly interested in at least one viewing subscription!
  22. Sweet looking kits. Thanks for showing them off!
  23. Yeah, that "crack" in the top of the skull looks familiar!
  24. I really liked the movie. Probably my least favorite of the three, but that in no way means it was bad. The first two were completely awesome and very hard acts to follow. I thought the action was incredible, but the weeping and out of character sotrylines were annoying. they really threw away a lot of good material in this film. They wasted Gwen Stacey, Eddie Brick/Venom/Symbiote Suit and even Harry and the Sandman suffered because time was wasted with the others. I thought the Sandman was great, but there was no need to make him Ben's killer. His desperation to do bad things to help his daughter should have been enough. I would have liked to see Spidey dealing with the suit for about the whole movie. First finding it/getting used to it, exploring it's powers/being affected by it, then figuring out the problem and getting rid of it. Then they should have shown it finding Eddie Brock at the end and that would have set up a great fourth film. I also wish it would have had the white spider on it instead of so subdued. Gwen Stacey was a total waste. I actually liked Harry in this movie, but I could have taken a break from the Green Goblin for once. MJ acted like a batty and a whore, but at least she came back around to Peter in the end. The dancing scene was stupid, but whatever, Peter was being a butthole. The thing that ticked me off big-time about the movie though was when Peter hit MJ. That I think should never have happened. No matter how big of a jerk he was turning into, His love for MJ should have been just under the surface and should have stopped him from that.
  25. No, they come in hundreds of colors and the ink is colorfast meaning it won't fade. White may not be available, but I've seen silver that may work if you put a flat clear coat on afterward. They are designed to work on paper, so the drying time on plastic is sometimes longer, but that can help if you need to clean mistakes. Here are some that aren't very expensive- http://www.dickblick.com/zz221/27/ Here is a brand I have used in the past, even less expensive- http://www.craftsetc.com/Store/ShowProduct.aspx?p=439232 I've seen several brands in art supply/craft stores, like Michaels or Hobby Lobby, but stores that specialize more in artist supplies will be even better. Look for technical pens. Ranger, your work is great, but he is looking to create his own fine lines on parts of the model that have no engraved panel lines.
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