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Everything posted by eugimon

  1. master file for the vf-19 and 25 both have it labeled as "vernier thruster" in english.
  2. sweet, looks good. Can't wait to have it up next to the 17
  3. I think it would be awesome if bandai included a skeleton stand for the armor set so that you could just display the armor all laid out.
  4. the covers only came with the ver 1 toys. None of the v2 vf-1 variants have them.
  5. of course they will. First we'll all buy it for 400 dollars, and then in 6 months HLJ will announce they're proud to carry it and then in another 6 months it will be 40% off at their holiday yamato sale.
  6. Well, I'm going to guess that the v2 25's fast packs are going to be even more wonky with straight up parts swapping for the crotch, hips and shoulder/collar armor attachments.
  7. yup, completely agree. Uncharted 3 was a letdown compared to uncharted 2 and so much of it felt recycled or a collection of deleted scenes... you know, stuff that is neat but just doesn't quite work.
  8. I want the yf-25. I love the bubble head
  9. seriously. What's the point of that huge slot with it's pain in the @$$ deployment system if you just have to take it on and off anyways? Should have just thrown a magnet or two on and called it a day.
  10. yeah... good luck with taking it apart without ruining it. Yamato has rediscovered screw caps.
  11. they don't get removed, they're still on the legs, they just fold out for fighter mode. http://www.macross2.net/m3/macross7/vf-17s-superpack/vf-17s-superpack-fighter-lineart.gif
  12. will that 1D come with a new minmay sculpt that can actually sit up right in a seat?
  13. oh man, that's pretty glorious. Come on yamato, make it happen!
  14. that hole is always there. it's where the peg on the bottom of the cockpit plugs into. In that second picture you posted, you can clearly see the cockpit hinge and the bottom of the cockpit.
  15. Sweet, love the paint scheme.
  16. I'm sure as soon as they tell the rest of us civilians what it is we'll be all over it. You wouldn't happen to know if the yf-25 is going to get a DX release?
  17. I think bandai is using cheap molds. If you compare the shared parts on the 29 with the 25f, you can already see that some of the seams and edges have gone wonky on the 25f that were crisp on the 29. The edges along the two halves of the forearm are a good example. It's kind of like what happened with the 1/48 line. The first couple of releases had really crisp edges and seams and as the series went on, the mold performance degraded considerably.
  18. foc prime is pretty disappointing, shocky looks nice though. I'll probably still get bruticus for my kid, cuz he's 5 and doesn't know any better and thirty years from now, he'll remember it being awesome.
  19. yeah... I'd have to really think about a 400$ price tag.
  20. The chest intakes on the vf-1 pipe down into the main intakes. Several real world fighters have a similar system. As for the vf-2 shoulder intakes going to the dorsal thrusters, those already have their own intakes. But again... even if the vf-2 is "specialized" for space... why does it have 6 intakes? And yeah, you can talk about the vf-4 all you want. I'm not a huge fan of it either. But again... it has the belly fin but it doesn't have the welder's mask, it doesn't have the CB antenna... it's still a more sensible design than the vf-2... in fighter mode. In battroid, the vf-4 is ugly as sin. Anyways, it's a matter of taste, I just don't like the vf-2ss but I like it WAY more than the 2ja or the metal siren.
  21. if it's a space fighter, why does it have 6 intakes? Why does it have wings? Tail fins? And no, the intakes on the vf-1 chest do go somewhere, just like the ones on the 25 and 19 go somewhere. The intakes on the vf-2 go into the shoulders. And bringing up the wonkiness of the vf-4 design doesn't make the vf-2 any better. It just means there's another wonky design out there. But while the vf-4 also has the belly fin, it doesn't have a welder's mask so it's still better. I mean, if the vf-2 were a car, it would be this one
  22. has nothing to do with the fact that kawamori didn't designed the vf-2... it's just stupid looking. Legs stuck on the edges for no reason, intakes that don't go anywhere stuck on for decoration, big fin stuck on the belly for no reason, a welder's mask that flips down for no reason. It's a hodgepodge of early 90's "cool" that hasn't aged well.
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