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Everything posted by eugimon

  1. OMG, when are you going to make the optional payload nacelle modules for the it's-not-even-out-yet vf-25 super packs??? WHEN???
  2. TFW2005 has a lot more pics of the combaticons as well as the torso for bruticus http://www.tfw2005.com/transformers-news/video-games-17/new-pictures-of-fall-of-cybertron-combaticons-174325/
  3. looking at the touch-ups closer, I can see they were done by an ink marker like a sharpie rather than with paint. Has that glossy purplish hue in the light. Not sure how I feel about the painted underside of the wing glove... kinda worried about putting the big boosters on when I get the armor pack.
  4. just got my copy. right wing glove is loose, skull has some chipping and the black wing stripe has some touch ups done by hand... but it looks good, happy to have it finally.
  5. Well, yeah. I'm not arguing that the transformation is complex. Just that it is mechanically complex with a lot of shifting geometry
  6. Hinges are always just hinges... That's why we call them hinges and not, say, monkeys. And yeah, they're just monkeys, but the point is there's an awful lot of monkeys packed into the shoulders and wing root.
  7. Not saying its hard, but there's a lot of little joints going on in the shoulder and wing area. There's just way more things that move on the sv-51 than on other valks
  8. Sorry, nothing beats the sv-51 in terms of complex transformation.
  9. eugimon

    Taking the Plunge

    the current line of the 25s (renewal) just came out. They're really excellent toys.
  10. Oooh, a combiner. I must get this for my kid. Never had a combiner when I was a kid and I'll be damned if my son grows up without one.
  11. It would be cool... But I just don't want a two foot tall valk.
  12. I waited for six weeks last year around November...
  13. I'm down for the entire FoC line... FoC-yeah!
  14. Well, at least we're all waiting together. I would be worried if everyone else got their's already and mine was just lost...
  15. eugimon

    Taking the Plunge

    do you like the vf-1? If you do, then yeah, collect the v2. It's the most complete line of the vf-1, ever.
  16. hey still do, it'll just take around 2 hours to do it. and they should do it.
  17. they were talking about for people who haven't played ME or/and ME2.
  18. my pet theory is that the intakes are a pass through and the air just goes through the chest and the knee guards are the actual intakes... yeah... that's it.
  19. I have to agree that the Chobot character looks very... chipmunk-ish... don't care for how the new guy looks either. Can't wait for ME3 to drop!
  20. the loose wing is going to suck when combined with the armor pack unless there's going to be some add-on parts for battroid.
  21. The fast packs on the 29 don't affect the legs at all but the 25's legs are easier to secure. I think part of the problem is that the lower half of the legs are supposed to be up against those panels on the back plate but when the legs are bent the panels aren't really big enough to offer any support. So if you squeeze the legs in fighter mode, then they push in slightly but enough that things fall out of place. Unfortunately, there isn't much that can be done to fix this other than extending the panels and having the legs tab into them. The 25 is significantly different in this area. The legs sit up much higher, occupying the space that the beam turret takes up on the 29 and the wing glove attachment is different as well. So not only is it easier to transform but once transformed everything holds together much better as well
  22. it's just easier to keep everything in place when the legs are straight instead of slightly bent. It doesn't seem like it would be a big deal but the 29 is just a little more finicky.
  23. they stay up just fine. It's that you have to put them in the fast pack bend and they need the wing glove to come down to lock the lower leg in place. So until you do that, the only thing holding up the leg is the tab on the intake and it's really not strong enough to hold it up. Graham is just spoiled by the vf-19.
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