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Everything posted by eugimon

  1. Cool down vs firepower is in the campaign as well. So no more class restrictions on which weapons you can carry. Certain power upgrades increase how much weight you can carry if you choose that branch so you can have a vanguard running around with assault rifles and sniper rifles if you want.
  2. that's really only true about ME2 on the PS3 but that's because it's running an updated engine that incorporates some of the improvements that made its way to ME3. The developers have said that there won't be a difference between 360 and PS3 for ME3 and so far, the comparison videos are baring that out. http://www.g4tv.com/videos/57603/mass-effect-3-xbox-360-vs-ps3-comparison-video/?quality=hd of course, there's disc swapping on the 360 version which is a pain, so there's that.
  3. if you play on xbox or PC you can play from the beginning. PS3 has ME:2 and 3 and there's a "comic" on ME2 that lets you make the decisions for some of the key moments in ME.
  4. Got me3 installed and have been enjoying it but is it just me or did liara, uhm, grow a lot between games? edit: Re: Kingdom of Amular: I enjoyed the demo so I got the game and I enjoyed it... but by the time I finished it, I never wanted to play it again. I slogged through till the end just because I had so much time invested in it. My problem with it was that there just wasn't enough variety in the monsters, gear or combat moves/abilities to last keep me interested through the amazingly long game play. I also didn't appreciate the dungeon designs which were basically: fight your way through a long hallway, get to the end, walk all the way back out.
  5. I've had problems with the HDDs in my asus as well. Luckily I live really close to their repair center and it's never taken more than a couple days to get them swapped out. Last time they gave me a new battery as well for the trouble. When/if these current drives die, I'll probably just throw in some SSDs and call it a day as the laptop is now out of warranty.
  6. just waiting for the UPS man to come. In the meantime I'm trying that Infiltrator game for the iOS. It's okay. Nice graphics but I've never played a shooter on a touch screen where the controls didn't get in the way and this isn't any exception.
  7. Definitely getting one as well. I love the paint scheme, looks fantastic
  8. the images of the verniers in the masterfile books show that they each have their own pipping that, I would assume, connects to pipping/fuel of some sort. Further, they're shown to have two couplers. I'm sure someone who can read Japanese will have more insight but in the real world, when something has two couplers, one is usually "in" and the other "out" which implies to me that they're connected in series, to a common fuel source.
  9. I have an asus g51vx and I like it a lot. It's hard to beat Asus when it comes to performace:cost.
  10. Well, the lady specter's AI doesn't improve either. And Liara's biotics can crowd control her mobs really easily while you take them down.
  11. I can see how mid game insanity shadow broker would be tough. Just take along someone who can do quantum + shockwave and running the gauntlet is very easy. The SB himself isn't any harder on insanity than he is on normal as his very specific AI doesn't scale well.
  12. shadow broker on insanity was actually kinda easy. But then, that's always been Bioware's problem. By the end of the game, you're always a (biotic) god.
  13. can you point out the crack? I can't see it. As for the paint chipping... we are talking about Bandai here... paint chipping is par for the course. but yeah, given the complete lack of tampo, it probably is a pre-production sample but I doubt it's resin. 3 months is not a lot of time if they haven't even finalized the mold yet... if that's the case, then no wonder it's a tiny production run. They just don't have time to make any more.
  14. what makes you think those shots of it are resin? Looks to me like it's molded in color and machine painted. It's just missing tampo printing.
  15. Yamato has a bunch of other stuff. They mostly make figures.. but yes, yamato and bandai have a very different approach to producing their high end toys. If you look at the pre-order window for yamato toys, they're often 6+ months in advance. So, they're taking orders *while* they're building the toys. The pre-order window for the latest Bandai MF offerings have been 2-3 months in advance, meaning that the toys are already made or are being assembled (with the actual injection molding have been finished and the next line already being produced) when the pre-orders are being placed. This means Bandai has a firm ceiling and they're probably allocating a known quantity to the various retailers. If you add in the fact that the MF shares a large amount of parts; that is, the yf-29 shares the same skeleton as the vf-25, that makes it far less likely that Bandai will re-issue a particular model in the middle of a set release schedule since it will mean taking a line down, purging, cleaning and recalibrating it for a different color mix and then running it again. Yamato, on the other hand, tends to have two or more different models at the same time. That is, they'll have a vf-19 out but they'll also offer a vf-1 or vf-17, or whatever at the same time. So if they need to run off more of toy X it won't affect the schedule for toy Y. And then we need to think about how poorly the MF line did previous to the yf-29. There's still a bunch of half off Quarters and Monsters out there, so doubtless the bean counters at Bandai made demand predictions based on those latest soft figures... set their target numbers and release schedules and now Bandai is just following a calendar that was set up early last year. So yeah, I'm sure Bandai is *well* aware of how angry fans are but I'm sure they're also well aware that they have only so much factory space and time and that they have a whole toy line to get out and stopping the entire, multi-toy run, just to issue a couple hundred re-issues doesn't make sense in the big picture.
  16. haha, this is fast turning into a "where were you when...?" conversation.
  17. I got my confirmation from AE so I'm pretty confident I got in on time. It freaked me out when I went to go pay via paypal and the whole site just crashed but I guess I got my foot in the door before they went down.
  18. ... oh, good point. Because I shop2togo put up a for sale the second there was any sort of announcement while HLJ and ami ami put up their sales at the same time, along with other shops. That must mean ishop2togo and HLJ are running exactly the same type of store! Nice try. And gee, I guess all the backlash over the short sale windows on the renewal vf-25s and the yf-29 must have made HLJ and ami-ami sooo happy, that's why they're doing it again with the 171. Funny how none of their other pre-orders have 5 min windows...
  19. Yeah, there's no way retailers would have information like how many units are available. I'm sure stores always operate by guess how much stock they'll be getting.
  20. the ebay stores aren't scalpers. They're just regular retailers who are selling their stock on ebay with a mark up on it. That is to say, they aren't buying the items and then re-selling them, they're 1st party retailers. As for blaming the retailers vs bandai. That's ridiculous. The retailers can't sell any more than what Bandai will deliver to them. Are you honestly saying that it's in HLJ's interest to send customers over to ebay? The only party that doesn't care would be Bandai who still gets to sell the same number of units, whether or not those units get sold on ebay, on HLJ or at the corner store, Bandai gets exactly the same amount of money. If *anything* bandai would get a bigger cut if sales were diverted more to these small ebay stores since the larger stores like HLJ might have volume discount purchase agreements in place.
  21. If you look at the release date, chances are bandai already finished their run. They're just selling what they already made.
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