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Everything posted by eugimon

  1. it's not a rumor. It's confirmed by bioware. They're releasing an extended cut to the ending this summer that will have some new scenes incorporated into the end... you know, for people who weren't paying attention and need to have their hands held.
  2. the UN. The anti-UN just strikes me as a bunch of head-in-the-sand anarchists .
  3. nope, 100% true story. Traveled in northern china in the early 2000's along the russian/north korean border. Flew in on some airbus something or other and the floor boards and the over head bins rattled like they weren't bolted in properly and we flew out of an airport that apparently served double duty as a military base as there were several military aircraft parked out side and the gates were manned by chinese army. They were much more concerned that the battery pack wasn't a mic than a bomb, fyi. edit: maybe they were PSB or whatever, but they were dressed in military looking outfits with hats with the red star on them and I'm not a gun guy but they sure as hell looked like ak's to me. But I haven't had much experience with having them pointed at me so maybe they were something else. But considering there were military helicopters and planes outside, I don't think I should be dinged for assuming they were military. On the same trip, we also visited the chinese side of the tallest mountain in korea and we had to bribe the army guys at the gate that our tickets were real because we had pre-folded the tickets along the perforation (since we wanted to save the stubs as souvenirs) and the army guys told us they must be forgeries because real tickets don't come folded. on the plus side, we had duck at some famous restaurant in beijing where the server sliced off the skin and fat in little slivers that looked like fish scales and arranged the whole dish to look like a fish and it was the most amazing duck I've had in my entire life. The skin was crispy and then the fat would just melt... it was unbelievably good.
  4. best: asiana, JAL. Worst: United and American Even worse than worst, positively horrible: Air China. It wasn't just the fact that their planes rattled like 30 year old VW rabbits. It was that the boarding agents were Chinese Army and I had an AK-47 pointed at me while I explained that the extended battery pack on my Sony Discman was not a microphone or a pipebomb.
  5. I always watch movies about transforming alien robots engaged in an intergalactic civil war and expect realistic portrayals of military machines.
  6. ash and shep look like they spent some time on the rack and got stretched out. I know the actual game models are similarly stretched but seeing it in toy form really highlights how wonky their proportions are
  7. play arts kai mass effect 3 toys up for pre-order http://www.amiami.com/top/detail/detail?gcode=FIG-KAI-3861&page=top
  8. I guess, but when I started my insanity run, it was a fresh import so i started off with lvl 1 guns and no mods. I really did like the weapons mix this time. My insanity run Shep is a vanguard and I used Vindicator and a carnifax (seeing as how it does almost as much damage as a shotgun but has better range, accuracy and capacity) and I found I was still recharging at a fast enough rate where I had my biotic charge to get me out of trouble whenever I needed it. I do agree about the new power recharge rates helping out though... I found that it was very easy for me to do power combos where in ME2 it took a bit of micro-managing.
  9. that may be... but ME3 insanity is definitely easier than ME2's insanity. Fired up ME2 and started a second tour with my Shep... I think I died more times in that first real mission where you run into Tali than I did in my entire ME3 play through.
  10. The extended DLC ending is not a rumor. It's been confirmed by Bioware. Anyone else find that ME3 is the easiest of the ME games? I just finished my insanity run with a freshly imported me2 character and it was a breeze.
  11. if Rutan had been around in WWII, I have a feeling the war would have ended much earlier... his planes are just too pretty to shoot down.
  12. agreed. Everything up to that point is an adolescent power fantasy, without that final chapter the book would be little more than a cartoon... with it, it's a classic.
  13. so... you're saying the hi-metal looks more like the vf-19 when the vf-19 is drawn wrong? 0_o
  14. it's fun watching people slowly turn into their parents.
  15. There's nothing particularly "wrong" with Sony... it's just that there's nothing about them that make me sit up and take notice. They've become like the Honda of electronics. Solid but boring.
  16. meh Was it that last minute arrival of rachni ships emerging out of deep space to bail out the council races, the ones that nearly drove them to extinction that I was imagining? No... would that have been better? IMO, yes. But did the decision to free the queen in ME1 matter? Yeah, it did.
  17. Completely agree about Kai Leng... was really "meh". When I first saw that Illusive man had a new enforcer, I thought it would be a Shepard/husk clone but then it was random asian ninja dude.
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