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Everything posted by Greyryder

  1. Would watching FLCL after watching Evangelion be good, or not?
  2. I wonder how long before Japan faces a national chrome polish shortage.
  3. Who knew Imperious Leader was a member of Skull squadron?
  4. Silverstreak (BT and Alternator) has the steering wheel on the right side as well. Only the first run Alternator Bluestreaks have the sterring wheel on the right hand side. All the newer ones have it on the left side. (No, I can't bring myself to call him Silverstreak)
  5. Greyryder

    Yamato Stand!

    Well, he's already got a valk hanger. Yeah, I'll show myself out....
  6. Men in Tights was very funny. Mind you, I saw Prince of thieves first, so it's not like it could have been a much worse Robin Hood movie. Blazing Saddles was hilarious. The ending was a little off, but the rest of the movie is hysterical. Just don't watch it on network TV. They cut all the best parts out. I can't believe they even edited the camp fire scene. I'm deffinately looking forward to a Spaceballs sequel. I just wander what they'll about Barf. "Not in here, mister. This is a Mercedes!"
  7. Wheeljack was photoshop job. I've seen test shots of the Ravage one on Ebay.
  8. You can't please everybody. Honestly, I don't think drastic size changing would work in live action. It would just look too hokey. Megatron will not be a gun. Hasbro can't sell a toy, and the movie isn't much good to them, if they can't make merchandise. I never liked the idea of the galaxy's biggest bad ass being held in somebody's hand, anyway. Besides, tank = really big gun. There are so many alt modes that fit him better than a pistol. If there's a Wheeljack in the movie, he damned well better be an Autobot. This "Wheeljack isn't a heroic name" poo is the stupidest thing they've come up with since beastformers.
  9. That's what I like about FPS games. This trend towards tactical shooters has been driving me nuts, for years. I don't need an in depth story line to give me a reason to kill things. All I need to know is that they're the bad guys, and that I'm the good guy.
  10. Metal sticking out of flesh (and sometimes the other way around) is a staple of Id's game universes. The game engines are the only things that have kept the Quake games from looking like DOOM. I've been waiting on this game since it was anounced. Quake2 is still my all time favorite single player game. Not just the gameplay (one of the last games where you didn't have to reload the damn gun), but also the setting. Q2's universe has always grabbed my imagination.
  11. Those are the slides to retract the fists. Sorry, I have no idea.
  12. Except that computer geeks tend to shy away from Macs. They like to tinker with the innards, and run operating systems that don't work on Macs. (BSD Most Linux distros) But yeah, a War Games remake would be pretty cool, if they did it right. Unfortunately they'd probably want to dress it up with overdone explosions, and needless computer graphics, trying to make it the next Terminator.
  13. That's it right there. The Binal Teachs have die cast in them, and the Alternators are all plastic.
  14. All the test shots have been yellow, but the production ones will be blue. Hasbro loves to use test shots for the packaging. I've noticed it lot in the Energon line.
  15. Upon seeing the canards, maybe it wasn't such a good idea. Besides, if those cannon have variable eleveation, then you wouldn't want protrusions like that getting in their way. The only real place to put them would be directly below the guns, and that doesn't solve the problem of the spartan nose design. Maybe play with the nose contours? It's about the only thing I can think of. Don't listen to me. I'm still fighting with a design I need for my comic. Aircraft that can sprout legs aren't as easy to diesing as I had though.
  16. Doesn't look that much like a Pyro. I've always liked the anhedral(sp) FSW design. Assuming the wings are on there for atmospheric flight, you might consider giving it canards. The nose seems a little bare.
  17. That's pretty much dead on. It's more mindset than technology, that keeps most multimedia aork done on the Mac. I know a guy from another forum who has always done graphic work on PCs. The biggest problem he ever ran into was most places didn't realize that Macs could read PC formated floppy disks, and refused to believe him, when he told them. He wound up using a prgram that let him format disks for Macs to use on his PC. Video eciting is still a little better on Macs, because the PC software isn't quite on par with what's available for the Mac. This is caused by the entrenched Mac user base. There just aren't enough people doing heavy video editing on the OC, to warrant developing similar software for hte PC, or porting the existing software. Graphic editring is another story, since Photoshop is the industry standard (hence, why it's so hideously overpriced) and is available for both platforms.
  18. Kazaa is known for coming bundled with all sorts of ad and spy ware.
  19. No problems getting and keeping the PCs here running. Didn't have to pay through the nose for them, either. Did have a motherboard die on one of the comps here, Friday. Good thing it wasn't a Mac, we wouldn't have been able to get into the shop, untill today. No telling how long it would have taken them to repair it. The finances on are done on that computer, it had to fixed, ASAP. Being a PC we able to buy a new motherboard the next day, and have it up and running again that night. Mind you, it's a good thing it wasn't made by any of the major brand name manufacturers: Dell, HP, compaq, Apple, et all. Proprietary hardware causes more problems than I can name, and doesn't solve a one.
  20. Yeah, but it wouldn't quite fit with the fact that she nearly married Apollo's brother. Unless she's.... I better stop that, right there.
  21. That's why the vertical stabilizers are angled outward. They function as both vertical and horizontal stabilizers, assisted by the angled fins on the undersides of the engine nacelles. The tail control surfaces on the VF-1 would ruddervators, serving the functions of both rudders, and elevators. The real life F-117 has a similar set up.
  22. "A mighty robot that transformed into a...cigarette lighter." The hells? No wonder Japan is a country of chain smokers.
  23. I always liked the original BSG, but I like the new one, too. I apreciate them both for what they are. Glad to see that they kept the classic Viper design, though. Those Mk.VIIs looked like crap. My one and only problem with the new Starbuck is that they're trying to make her like the original, but they keep forgetting that the original Starbuck was a womanizer. She comes across almost likeshe's trying to be something she's not. Still, it's nice to see at least one fighter pilot, who acts like a fighter pilot.
  24. Mozilla is a little slower on start up, but it always seems to load pages faster. You couldn't pay me enough to use IE on a regular basis. I use it when I have to, (Windows update) and that's about it.
  25. System Works is a hog, and from what I hear, so is their firewall. I only keep the anti-virus going. I have to turn it off when I do a mal ware scan, since it keeps picking FirstReboot.exe as a trojan horse. I seriously never get anything worse than the occasional tracking cookie. Probably because I don't Internet Explorer.
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