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Everything posted by Boxer

  1. The ARMD is the deadalus II- from one of the obscura Macross console games here and there. Substitute for the boarding frigate. The 'Battlepod' is the design team's Meltran answer to the Regult- the Dejuul Meltran battle pod.
  2. I will reserve my judgement until I see it flying in space and shooting at things Any pics of the varaints?
  3. Looks pretty small for a buster cannon (Monitor-sized...) The Zjent version took up the entire command ship, yet this Meltran version doesn't... hmm... How figured out are the Protocultures? Aside from the pre-crash Gunboat are there any further designs you plan to impliment? And what's the Supervision Mothership, the gunboat? Can you guys list what's been completed so far?
  4. A shame. This would explain the SDF-1's weapons paradox quite well....
  5. I remember the little gunship. I hope it's HW2 relative will be more impressive than the Hw1 version. As for the Stampede, well, it has no gerwalk, but that doesn't matter. Just seeing this thing in operation will be enough I don't suppose we can see the 'new' regults by any chance, or are you waiting for a release? I also wonder how the Glaug is comming. And when you say the models are old and outdated, did you scrap ALL the models from the previous game? I think I read that on the website... Look forward to the new ones. And not to press, but when do you think the ship replacement aspect of the mod will be done? I don't mind playing without the campaign, but I would like to use the ships. Thanks once again.
  6. I find it interesting that the Monster's linear cannons can fire missiles. So does this mean other shell-firing weapons of that caliber can fire missiles/rockets? (And while we're on that thought, what about beam cannons firing shells/missiles?)
  7. I wasn't referring to the Sattelite as an actual factory-like unit. I was talking about a mission objective. It doesn't have to DO anything (Well maybe have defensive guns) it's just there for a mission objective. Although I suppose it's another 'background object' since it's mothership sized, but it would make for interesting play if it was used in a mission and/or multiplayer map. And in reguards to scale; I had assumed HW1 fighters were much larger than their VF counterparts. After all the VF-1 is smaller than an F-14 tomcat. The fighters in HW1 look to be the size of small passenger jet liners (I mean look at the cockpit: the little white box at the front of the craft).
  8. Thank you for answering my questions, major, but I have more. I would like to press the arguement against the Dejuul. I assume it's a studio Kappa work (while their website was still alive) and though I applaud the creativity that went into it I feel it's just 'another battlepod' and not something truely unique. To make the destinction between the Meltran and the Zentran better I had always assumed that the Meltran had more of focus on using power armors as their 'main unit'. I had always assumed that the Queadlunn-Nna filled in the Regult role pretty well (all roles, including grunt, artillery, and scout) and the Queadlunn-Rau filled in the role of the Glaug of the Zent army. Nnas are smaller than Raus, just as Regults are smaller than Glaugs. Both are one man craft and both are mass-production vehicles, and I assume that the Rau is more expensive than the Nna. Maybe a way around this is putting the Dejuul in the 'scout' position and putting the Nna in the 'interceptor' role. It might have something to do with my affinity for the Nna (it IS a great design), but I don't quite like seeing the Dejuul as the Meltran 'mainstay unit.' Leave that for the armors. ---- Now to other questions I've been to the website and I have to ask are the Regult graphics there the same as they are in-game? To me they kind of look flat on the front face- too flat. Like they smashed something. But that's just complaining on the model and you don't have to go re-make it just for my account... Here's a question: Will the Factory sattelite make an appearance? Once long ago in the beginnings of Hw2 they had sought to introduce gigantic megaliths. One such megalith was in fact used in a demo but was removed for some unknown reason (including the monolithic red mothership that returned to the game as a derelict). Will the Facotry sattelite (and Alien Space Ship two, I suppose) make an apperance as objects? Another question on Zjent ships: will the Queadol-Magdomilla be able to seperate? (and by chance have you thought about making alternate bow/orbit sections?). I also take it you people are working on the kamikazie aspects of capital vessels... *grins* One question I've been meaning to ask is the colors. How 'editable' will they be? In the Hw1 version they were scantly editable at all (Green is green, and that's all the Zentran will be). I would like to see some kind of color editing on the capital ships other than their engine lights. For instance the body color on the Macross could be changed, and perhaps for the Zentran a stripe going down the middle. Or if you want to preserve the 'green feeling' of the Zentreadi why not have the ship-side Zentreadi logo change color? (that could conflict on badging however...). I can think of other things later, but I'll end on that for now. Thank you once again and I look forward to playing this mod (And buying Hw2 for it).
  9. Pardon me for being picky, but I don't like the Deljuul as a 'cannon fodder unit' for the Meltran army. I had always thought the Queadlunn-Nna was the Regult's equivelant, not some little look-alike battlepod. As far as sticking to Macross cannon (no pun intended) will the main gun fire only in storm attacker mode or can it be used in cruiser mode? And while we're on that topic, will the main gun be used as a special attack or as part of the 'ship's attack'. Also on transformations; will fighters still transform to gerwalk mode to attack or will they be able to function differently when in Soldier (Battleoid) mode? I suppose an idea is to have the fighters behave like hw1 defenders if in this mode, slow but can turn on a dime and hit anything. Other than that there is only one dissapointment I have: being unable to see these ships in action. I can only wonder what a fully completed Zjent army will look like. Oh, and I don't suppose you have any pictures of the Motherships yet, do you? And will the SDF-1 be the mothership for the campaign still? Thanks in advance.
  10. Ah yes, the only reson for me to get HW2. I thought the Oberth was going to be removed from the game in favor of the Carilla (sp?) Space Destroyer. And how goes the transforming SDF-1?
  11. One has to wonder about the utility about such a hand. the only reason I can see for it's use is to catch aircraft like a giant net. Can't crush 'em, doesn't look thick enough to do that. A shame they won't re-animate SDF:M; I wonder how these claws would look like attacking battlepods.
  12. Supposedly the Gun Regult exists as an animation error. One RT site seems to think it exists, as well as an EWAC version. Honestly, if I was a Zjent commander I wouldn't mind having some of these artillery Regults to pelt VFs from long distance. or substitute snipers in place of the Nousjadul-Gers. Edit: Oh, by the way, what program are you using?
  13. And yet not every series has the SDF-1 in it... The decoy seems to make sense, but I don't see any of them mounted on the two VF-0s that we see in the screencaps (I assume Shin and Roy are piloting each of them). And unless the Monster is carrying torpedoes in it's arms, the compendium says that the monster's primary armament is ground-to-ground missiles in addition to the artillery guns- which means the Austerdat would still have to surface to get pounded by the monster. (Unless, as I said, it had torpeodes for armament). And if they're the same monster from the origional Macross they can't hit a SV-51 with ground-to-ground missiles.
  14. I don't know if that is accurate. They put the AFOS inside the carrier. We see work being done on the AFOS. In neither scene does it suggest that the AFOS is that large. Also if it is that huge, the Anti-UN must be really stupid if they think they can steal something that large with a few Sv-51's There's no way they'd be able to carry it off! vinnie Huh. Well obviously I'm wrong, but in that shot with the 'hand' you see something flying out of the left of the explosion. If I squint I see a tiny VF-0, but I guess I'm wrong then. Still I have to wonder where the Monster was this entire time... And unless it's armed with torpedoes or the Auserdat surfaces, the Monster won't be destroying anything (Unless by some miracle it nails one of the Anti-UN planes with it's artillery guns). Edit: And is it just me or do the Monster's arms look kind of like characatured ARMDs from the Movie Macross? (same overal shape, just elongated from an underside profile...)
  15. And who says Destroids get no love? Everyone immediately starts yakking about the Monster and nobody points out that Shin looks like he has his own VF-0A. That, AND the neew M0 'Fast backs' AND the fact that AFOS is huge compared to the tiny little VF-0 escaping that explosion in the hand pic. But yes, I wants a Monster Destroid . So does this make this the 'official' Model-1 Monster? Or is this a revamped 02 type?
  16. I thought they were grouped with the (booby duck) option in the armaments section instead of in powerplants. My question still remains unanswered even by the compendium. What are the specifications of the packs? Or shoud I look to the 'unnoficial' RPG sites for answers?
  17. Recently I've been playing around with the idea of mounting FAST packs on other kinds of mecha other than VFs (From other series, of course). Then I realized that the size differential between VFs and the other mecha might cause a problem. I went digging around the Compendium but they don't have any useful information as to the dimensions of the FAST packs. Sure they have the armament, but not the length, weight, etc (At least where the HMMP-02 and RO-X2A are concerned.) Huh, and the Compendium seems to be missing the leg pack options from it's listing on the VF-1.... Anyway, if someone could provide me the dimensions for the FAST packs I'd apprediate it.
  18. I think the idea behind the 'variations' is because you could select which story line to follow; DYRL (ARMD 01) or the TV series (Prometheus). Like how you see both versions of BaDolza's flagship. Personally I'd love to see studio line art with the DYRL? hull with the carrier attatchments. And does this mean the VF-0's official name is 'Pheonix?'
  19. *Kick* Sono VF-19? Images are fine, but there's only so long one can use his imagination..... no progress?
  20. *Bump* so is this a floating dead topic or is everybody out to lunch? I don't want to saturate the thread with my customs, but where is everyone?
  21. Yeah, right, and if we want to comment in these threads we'd get flamed for necromancy! Anyways, the possibilty of a gerwalk transformation is like saying your jet can become a helicopter. And if it has arms, it now has the utility of a lifting helicopter. Wouldn't that be so much more advantageous than shelling out the cash for a full-stealth fighter? That's what I thought. But I assumed it would be cost-effective to have either a transformational vehicle or a stealth one. It would cost twice as much if one fighter were to incorporate both. I was wondering what everyone else thought.
  22. My whole question was weather or not the VF-1 would look sort of 'as is shown' in Macross or weather it would have stealth capabilities (If, somehow we got transformation technology.) ...
  23. Just thought I'd show these off. This is the result of boredom and the smudge tool. And the only capital ship custom thus far!
  24. Alright, given the fact that the VF-1 was modeled on the F-14, do you think the VF-1 is still a possible design even after the development of the F-22? The VF-1 was based on in shape on the F-14 of the 70s-80s when the F-14 was in it's prime. Around twenty years later the F-14 is being phased out by the F/A-18 Hornet and eventually, the F-22. Should the nations of the world somehow acquire the capability for a variable aircraft capable of transforming into a humanoid walker, do you think the VF-1 (or something like it) Is still possible given passive stealth construction? I ask this because I was always wondering if Macross was still possible if, say, the SDF-1 landed in 2010 instead of 1999. If we had overtechnology today would we develop a transfomable non-stealth combat unit or do you think nations would shell out the extra money to make any variable craft full stealth? I also asked because I wonder if a VF-1 re-design to make it look more 'stealthy' would be a more forseeable machine for the future.
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