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Everything posted by Boxer

  1. Thanks. Everybody's looking but nobody's saying anything. I guess I need a Valk Girl for more commentary (Or an OrgussGirl...hmm...) The bigger, more detailed one for anyone wanting to use it as a large desktop can be found here.
  2. Does it just cover Macross or does it cover Orguss and the like also?
  3. And I have a bigger one for people with bigger screens... Enjoy
  4. I guess that's a flaw in all HK bootlegs- the subtitles suck Orguss is just barely understandable, but then again it's the only DVDs I can get my hands on in the states from the origional series....
  5. Wah! That's the same packaging used for my Orguss DVDs! (the only form that it exists!) Well, that means there must be one of Southern Cross out there somewhere...
  6. Limited use? I don't think so- I think the scout might be one of the most frequent Zjent capital craft because of it's low cost and yet status as a capital ship. Next to my Tuliqui-Sovis I would picture it as the bulk of a Zjent assault force. Reguardless, can't wait to see it come together in-game.
  7. The intention of this mod is to put all Cannon units and then some into the game (Save the large-scale kill everything command stations, and the factory sattlite). I'll let the dev team make the response on that. And I'll wait for more models to get done before tackling some more units... still getting back together over here after 'Stuff'.
  8. so be it. Glad to hear you guys are still alive though!
  9. Not to be impatient, but nothing after five days?
  10. Boxer

    VF Girls

    But long thin stick 'I can kick you from four feet away' legs? If only my scanner would work....
  11. Boxer

    VF Girls

    From one artist to another I hope you can tolerate some critiques... They're all very lovely Bake, but the legs are really, really long. I don't know if that's the universal standard for Valk girls but it kept grabbing my attention. Also, is it just me or is your VF-11 girl look like she's shrugging off her chestplate? I need to get in on this...
  12. Got box #1 . . . . And got box #2, which I already own Ah well. I could refund it and get the cash back to buy Box #3 elsewhere (For better price)... for some reason Amazon.com's listed Box #3 as $80 or so.
  13. This is going to be cool when it's finally released. Yes I'd like to hear Lestat's explaination. I could get into a prolonged discussion about the main guns on the Macross and how humanity could try to replicate them, but I think I'll skip that. I will say though that the ARMD held smaller engines and seemingly smaller crew space despite the fact that it was a space carrier. A very cramped one. Anyway I don't have much of a problem with the gunship- I just hope it fits well into canon. I suppose Gunship is an appropreate name also, but it looks like a cruiser-sized vessel (I think of the SDF-1 as a battleship, Dreadnought or just in it's own class). Are there any other ships longer/bigger than the gunship other than the SDF-1?
  14. I was under the impression that the Gunship was a smaller ship (Maybe ARMD/Oberth size). As it stands now it looks like the Gunship is the largest human space vehicle ever produced. This of course excludes the SDF-1, which was not built by earth but instead refitted back to operational and human standards. thinking up some designs for the Melts. I'm planning on making alts for your concepts Lestat, as they look too much like their Zjent counterparts ('Specially the cyclops...) Since I'm hoping for racial diversity between the Melts and Zents (as much as possible anyway) I'll try making a counter to it.. ...unless the model's already done... And now that I'm free from my hassle classes things should get easier.
  15. There were supposed to be three, the fourth one being unmanned because of the lack of documentation on how to use it (the repair operations station, for obvious reasons). Otherwise it's Pilot, Mining equipment operations officer, and resource collection and storage manager.
  16. Back hip block has three legs, plus two front legs, and a 'utility arm' in the front Still like to laugh if I see six of these clamped onto a Carilla and chewing it apart
  17. Although Lestat modified my model and put legs on it, making it something like a cross between Knekadan's Designed craft and a Queadlunn-Rau, a trip back to the Factory facility unveiled their newer Resource collection armor. This is the Autulean-Ailele Second, based off of demands from Meltran fleet officers and theater operation commands. Like it's earlier sister it has the ability to perform repairs but this is undocumented, and it can also pose a threat to capital ships if it's three-melt crew decides their confident enough to take on a heavier ship and deal significant damage before being destroyed. Details/notes
  18. The legs look out out of place since they're just overscaled Rau legs slapped onto my design... and FYI for any visitors, Lestat wants a design that can land on asteroids...the freefloater didn't cut it apparently. I'm currently working on another one that I'll post in the design thread on this board.
  19. A nice touch would have been to have the Glaugs as leaders of a Regult pack, but I suppose that takes too much coding. Are there plans for the power-up version or are the Glaugs going to be used without them?
  20. ...Looks funny all one color. I dunno, maybe it's just me. But the only solid-color UNS ships I can remember is the ARMDs- and I don't know if they were entirely that pale blue color... Why not change it so that the body is a dark blue or a white? Walmart Nah. Walmart controls the Supervision army. *Imagines a Wal-mart smiley badge*... Tis my Birthday today. I guess this would make a nice present if I had the mod... Xx... then again HW2 doesn't work on my comp...Xx;... Any word on those female voices?
  21. ! I only have one box set! If my Christmas List was followed to some extent then I could probably get at least one. Then again my grandmother did give me 60$ for Birthday....
  22. Gotta remember Chrono it IS my brainchild. Just wanting to keep my place in the credits... The only qualms I can see with the Resource controller is that for one, the 'landing deck' along the top seems to be a little too high above the rest of the hull. The door's supposed to be rectangular (horizontally) instead of square-ish... Another is that the two sensor mount pods on the back should end in oval-like things, not in flat circular 'caps' the last is to shorten the 'length' of the bottom engine. I could take a crack at it again (since I don't appear to have any inspiration for the UNSR or the Melt vers...) *Still hoping the tuliqui makes it in game...*
  23. At first I remember fragmentory memories of seeing 'Bursting point', probably from Robotech. Then later in High school I learned about Robotech from a friend, then sought out the material myself. Eventually I ran into the origional material, and being a purist, the rest is history. And my Orguss fandom came from trying to reasearch the Orguss Valk to the maximum possible degree
  24. Not to insult your skill Lestat, but it looks like a poorly made fan rendition of a R!T destroyer. I hope the final one will be a lot better... In fact the panel texture just looks silly. Why not go with a plain one? (Or at least make the panels translucent enough as to not be as prominent, or make them smaller, or both.)
  25. Many a Rabbltetech fansite has adopted the VF-11 as It-R-Canon. Of course they also adopt a lot of things they don't even use correctly in their RPGs. The ugliest head would have to be the VF-4, IMO, at least the only variant that's been seen so far. The runer up goes to the VF-5000.
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