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Everything posted by Boxer

  1. Another problem I forsee is that there don't appear to be a lot of Women Macross fans (How many are even on this board?) And second of all, if there are ANY women fans out there they'll probably be familiar with Rabbletech. Then again I suppose there isn't much of a difference with fuel not being rendered- for then we'd have to worry about 'Protoculture supplies low' instead of 'low on fuel' Maybe we should post an ad for voices in the main thread. Or, since Nanashi seems to have everything Macross related, let's see if he can provide the voices from some obscure source nobody's even heard about j/k Seriously I wish I can help but I can't think of any lady friends who would want to provide their voices for this mod. That and I don't have a sound recording studio nor a decent microphone set.
  2. I guess my two cents on the voices; One thing you have to remember is that not everybody is a die-hard Macross fan, which means they wouldn't have studied the entire Zjent/Melt language sets (like me) also it might turn away some people interested in the mod when they can't understand what their build manager is saying. I think Zjent speak might be good for battle chatter but not for combat-important items and production stuff. Sweetish females? oO;... Well I suppose it's better than no females. And no, I don't know any that would want to help out, either. And it's not like I have a microphone lying around to assist... (just a scanner)
  3. Nic3! How easy is it to use Milkshape? And is it better than trying to get Maya (in terms of quality...) I look to making mods of games I like to play. Actually only today I was thinking how possible it would be to make a 'Super Dimensional trio (Calvalry, Century, Fortress) mod for Dawn of War. I'll get to work on more concepts when I can think of something. I wanna make the UNS mobile refinery less like an ARMD and more like a factory ship, and I want to try to figure out what goes where and what does what on the concept of the Melt resource platform I did. Then there's the factor of remodelling the Melt Resourcer itself... Any more melt ships need to be drawn? Out of all the races they seem to have the least ship-wise...
  4. I'm not talking specificly about the 'TV Macross', I'm talking about 'Movie hull, Prometheus-Deadalus arms' WARNING: Explaination When people ask about which is the real space War one (movie or TV series), Kawamori I think answers 'Both' (At least that's what the board's general opinion is). That being said most of the 'Canon' mecha and character designs are from the movie. So if the movie is cannon then what about the SDF-1? The 2012 refit happened in 2012, and I think it was just the carrier arms that were replaced. So if the hull was the same, then the 'Real' Macross would simply be the DYRL? hull with Navy Carriers instead of ARMDs for arms. Not that I'm complaining, I like the ARMDs over the Dead-Prom, I just thought it would be interesting 'post work' when the MOD was finished. Then again another idea in the post work was the Orguss Valk as a unit... Look forward to transformation and gunfireing anims. MR: I think their objective is a full transformation. Although it will be interesting to see- I just hope the guns don't stop firing when the ship is undergoing it's transformation sequence.
  5. That hole between the neck and body looks out of place... It's not there in any of the shots I've seen. Otherwise, I can't wait to see the transformation sequence fully played out. I also can't wait to see it in action . -------- On the subject of a the SDF-1, I know this is a DYRL? Mod, but do you think it's possible eventually to save the model and re-work it with the Deadalus and Prometheus in place of the ARMDs to make the 'Correct' macross? (after all Kawamori did say that it's somewhere between the series and movie...) Just a thought.
  6. Ugh, the HW1 Macross. I remember that ship...looked horrid when you 'phased' into it. Now it looks the bow-firing gun on the monitor looks spiffy, but as a fan I must ask could the lighting be thinner and brighter? I know the team is doing what it can and it looks like a good placeholder but it doesn't seem 'finished.' I'm on a break right now but aside from the miners/refineries for the various races are there any other ships that need to be drawn up/found? I know I'll have to do a meltran reconaissance ship (counter to the bugeye) and their shuttle(counter to the Zjent automated fueling vessel) found on Lestat's concepts, but is there anything else? I'd still like to see my Tuliqui-Sovis get in there, but that's just a fan's request
  7. Cool! What's the status on the Regult bunch? Can't wait to see 'em in action...
  8. A shame he had to wreak an Orguss kit to get one. But I want one nonetheless... good find.
  9. For anyone watching the dev process, here's the concept of the Meltran refinery platform (no 3 seems to be the choice so far...) Linked because it's big.
  10. Okay, here's an idea toss for the Meltran Resource platform. When I thought of the Meltran version of a resource controller vessel I thought up something along the lines of a mobile refinery. It would be more 'station' than 'starship'. Where the Zentreadi Recource controll ship was developed for constant motion and the possibility of combat, the Meltran version is supposed to have a little more permanence about it. Therefore it is armed with a collection of anti-air batteries and missiles and sports heavier armor. It cannot carry or manufacture small craft nor can it move very fast. The first version is the refinement of what I saw in my mind's eye. It looks sort of like the Melt command ship, but it doesn't have the 'bulk' above and below the midline (Where the resources are kept) The second concept is the closest to the thing I had in mind for a Melt platform. The only problem is that it has a rotating ring section, and I don't know how to explain this fictionally and I take it it would be difficult and time consuming to model. Still, it's out there. The third concept came to me when I was looking at the first. Think city in the clouds with more underhaning structure The fourth one is pretty much no. 3 turned upside-down and given the 'lighthouse' command post at the top. ----- Give me a shout as to which one you guys like and I'll develop it further. My favorite is 1-2, while my least is probably #4.
  11. Hope this is big enough Bigger one here Blown up image The clamshell doors on the underside can open horizontally or vertically, your choice. ----------------- Protocultures never really had a need for feild mining in combat until the start of the galactic civil war and later, the Protodevlin containment war. Faced with the need to provide their Zentreadi army the ability to gather resources on their own and not rely on mineral convoys to their Factory sattelites, two competing companies set to work on making a feild mining model acceptable for the Zentreadi. Esbelbien, the manufacturers of the Regult and Feild Recovery pod made their Tauro-Oquilem type pods and coined the name 'Mineral pod.' Their competition was in Zililina, one of three designers that focused on automated weapons systems for the Zentreadi. Zililina produced this vehicle, an automated Mineral Pod, to counter the Tauro-Oquilem. Though many of the Protoculture felt that automations were inferior to clone-piloted units (hence the lack of drone-type military units) they felt that with mining such a small task it was unessisary to use capable clones on mining missions. besides, with automations were immune to Supervivion army subversion, so much the better. Easily manufactured, the Zililina Moluqe No.4 type Automated Mineral Pod is the most common utility vessel in the Zentreadi army but is hardly ever seen. And unlike it's counterpart in the Meltran Special navy the Moluqe's only useful function is mining- any other use is guaranteed suicidal for the craft. Assignment to drone control of these ships is considered humiliating and dishonorable. ----------- Long winded background, but it covers both of my pod designs. As for the Autulean-Ailele I added the blurb about attacking capital ships because I thought it would be a neat trick for these harvesting craft to close and cause damage on enemy vehicles. And if I get the armed Melt resource platform sketched, it would make the Meltrans an unfriendly force to face when attacking their resource operations with anything less than a particle-armed capital ship.
  12. Looking good. I don't like the engine plumes though. Isn't there a way to make them softer/more glowy? from here it looks like you stuck crystals on the back and called them engine trails. I guess what I mean to say is that engine trails should look more like 'plumes' instead of solid-geometry objects. It looks like they were taken directly from HW1 (where I thought they were out of place on the Melt fleet ships. Your mod, just suggesting. Otherwise, can't wait to see it in action. [Edit:] Engine trails like these would be cool to see, but I don't know how hard it would be to render. Again, it is your mod, and you're the programmer. I'm just an artist and a hopeful future player of this mod, so what weight does my word have?
  13. Boxer

    VF Girls

    When meltrans Cosplay....
  14. Your mod, so be it. Melt Resource collection armor pictured with queadlunn Rau, Nna, and VF-1A (Captured) armors. Unlike the Zjent counterpart the Autulean-Ailele is a manned vessel with a 3-4 Meltran crew. Manufactured by Knekadan Utility Systems (Protoculture factory cluster no.410931), many of the functions of the Autulean-Ailele (Repair, refuel, etc) are not documented so the Meltran do not know how to use these systems. However, the Armor does serve well as a deep-space object mining vessel and debris retrival system. In a pinch these vessels can use their cutting torches and mining drills to attack large capital ships (!) Although this tactic is judged as being suicidal to many Meltran armor operators. Two of these armors were spotted during the Course of Space War One by a lost Cat's Eye recon craft and two fighter escorts in the asteroid belt. -------------- More to come.
  15. I'm not up for the repair craft idea. I like how Zjent capital ships are prone to damage and valued in combat (unless you have UNS allies that will lend you some Spiderbugs...) Besides, it makes Vrlitwahi's Command ship possible (With lasting damage etc.) I'm glad the Resource ship idea's a go Of course it enables the Zjent player to hide some armors and call them out when needed. Then again it's probably a better alternative than taking on a Melt refinery platform... Anyway, would the Zenteadi Resource Control vessel be armed? As for a name... Qenoluium-Theena type Resource Collection Vessel? Needs Nanashi Approval... Working on fleshing out the Autulean-ailele. One thing about the Melt vessels is that aside from the Queadlunn series, none of them have names. I could make the names, or they could be left blank. From the Autulean-Ailele will either be a concept of the Melt resource platform or fleshing out of the Zjent Resource Ship. Then there's the ship display- the little funny ship Icons at the bottom of the Manager. Fokker put just a side view of the Model in it's place, but Is this okay with everyone? I'm trying to make an Oberth Wireframe for a UI but I don't know what is needed for such a display.
  16. Nicely done! Can't wait to use 'em! The Side view feels out of place though on the UI...
  17. Looks well done One thing to consider: Adding geometry to the four focusing tabs at the front. Are there illumination maps in HW2? I know they seem to exist in Cata... if they exist in HW2 then I'd suggest lighting up the collection grids so they shine even in the darkest places Edit: Another thing I was thinking about over the weekend was the UI. In the menus for HW2 it looks like there's wire-frames for the ships and their classes. How is this being handled in the MOD?
  18. Sorry for Tripple posting... This is my idea for a Zjent Resource control vessel: Since it's more of a utility vessel than a warship it sports a large landing hanger and landing platform for launch/recovery of damaged ships, spare Mineral pods, etc. This would be where extra Regults could be hidden and launched when necissary. The two holes on the top in front of the docking platforms are where manufactured Mineral Pods exit the ship. A Picket has been provided for scale. Unlike all other Zjent ship's I've drawn before there is no shading, so this is how it would look in a completely lit enviroment
  19. No replies... Anyway, Instead of the Zjent Resource Control vehicle (Since I'd like to know the answers to my questions...) I present to you two ideas for the Meltran Recource Collection Armor #1 Qneulau-Sau #2 Autulean-ailele (Different names for different ships. In my perspective these concept ships DID exist and were made by different Protoculture corps for Zent-Melt use, but one design became more popular than the other). The 4-armed version is a derivative from the 'vision' of the Melt Savlage Armor that now exists. I thought such a ship would have four gigantic claw-arms for grabbing things. Well, I gave the resourcer those huge arms. The second three-armed type was thought up when I looked at the Meltran Combat Armor and pondered the possibilities of making it a mining vehicle. The only difference between the two is that on one version the pods were smaller. I assume the RU quantity could be changed? if so the ship with the smaller pods could be made to move faster to shuttle more loads... The Melt Resource Controller I envisioned would be more of a space-station like vessel (Sort of like a miniature version of Lap's command ship) And it would be possibly armed- maybe up to warship standards despite the fact that it has incredibly slow speed. For the Zjent controller in addition to possibly the ability to manufacture more autmoated Mineral Pods (And maybe arming it) I was wondering if it could have hanger space for 4-5 squadrons of Regults to have as an escort. Still need to know if the UNS Astro Miner Container is a seperate entity so I'd know how to handle loading/unloading (anyone for coding little space-suit sprites to wave in the landing vehicle? )
  20. After a small hiatus, I've been toying with some concepts of a Zentreadi Resource controller and I had an idea; if the Mineral pods are automated, why not have the Resource controller have the ability to build them? Given how 'open' HW2 is to modification I don't think it would be THAT hard. It's just an idea. As for it's feasability, well, the Factory Sattelite was rigged to automaticly produce units, so the Resource Controller ship would likewise be automaticly rigged to produce replacement automated pods. The idea wouldn't fly as well if the pods were manned, but Lestat said he liked the Automated pod better I guess that's what we're sticking too. Unless anyone other than myself likes the manned version over the Remote version? [Edit]: Another thing I wanted to add was about the UNS Astro Miner. Is the module a seperate 'detatchable' model or is it 'part' of the miner? I ask this because I need to figure out how it would dock with the UNS Refinery platform to transfer the resources. I could sketch up a load/unloading system that grabs the boxes from underneath the landed harvester.... And like I said already I'm not too hot about the box. I'll probably draw more boxes to see if one looks better.
  21. The crew cabin and pilot module were supposed to be a different color from the engine block. Not sure about the 'ridges' on the cargo box either. I tried to make them look like modern-day commercial freight containers- modified of course for space use.
  22. Could change the cargo pod. The idea was that it would be a commercial sort of freight pod. I could just re-draw it as a UNS Resource Control Minerals Pod... Otherwise it looks good. The antenna kinda look funny being blue, but I'll let everyone else have their say about that. Your mod after all.
  23. The concepts are finished. Though I stress a 'better' job could have been done if I knew what this ship was. Nevertheless it's been worked on, and I drew up alternate antenna. I also tried to remove the side 'Fast Pack' along the ship's flank because it looked as if an oversized FAST pack was put there. Work on other ships pending.
  24. I actually have these pictures already I was thinking about adopting one of them as the resource controller, and another maybe for an area command ship (I suggested an ECM warfare vessel but Nanashi says we already have the ECM pod for that...) Should I try to make warships/utility vessels out of each of these? Nanashi suggests I should use them as combat craft, but do the Zentreadi/Meltandi need them? Maybe to balance out the sheer number of fighter types the UNS has, but it's your call. (As I can probably make more Meltran ships if nesissary). [Edit]: Working on lestat's ship now. But I still don't know what this thing is and it would help if I knew.
  25. Instead of experimental fighters what about alternate armors? I was toying with the idea of a 'Command armor' for the Meltrans (a souped-up Rau for, say, Lap's use). Just something to counter the awesome power of the Stampede (unless you want to throw more capital ships at it ) [Edit]: The idea behind putting in a Vf-X2 (or VF-x-2) is the idea that the VF-x-2, VF-x3, and VF-x-4 are all prototypes on the Macross. Historically speaking in the 'Cannon' macross line the VF-x-4 is chosen as the next fighter. While according to Mac2's history the VF-x-2 was chosen. Just an idea.
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