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Everything posted by Boxer

  1. I'll start working on it as soon as I can. But what is it? Is this the transport you were talking about? And which miner was selected? I still prefer the manned one- as the only examples of automated Zentreadi ships are limited to the DYRL? games and not on-screen vessels. The Tuliqui-Sovis isn't a scoutship- I thought it would take a position below the Destroyer and would serve on destroyer squadrons. Here's the second concept based on the only other image I have of this ship, complete with a Salan for scale.
  2. *Beams with pride* I like it There's some additions I didn't think of, but I like it nonetheless. Can't wait to see my creation in game. Pity it's just a miner, but ah well. [Edit]: I noticed on the shiplist you added almost everything under the UN Sun except the Orguss Valk. One thing you could consider is putting a unit cap on the VF-X series because of their experimental nature. Might want to put it on the Stampede too, unless you want this to be the new main fighter of the UNS (Or I could design a Zent/Melt equivelant...). And I don't suppose you could add Nanashi's VF-X-2 could you? (Yes, the one that eventually became the VF-2s in Mac2) Not as accepted prototypes, but as prototypes nontheless....
  3. Including the Stampede? I thought it never got anything other than just art and mention...
  4. Major asked me to do try a retexture of the particle cannon innards. One concept can be seen here: Particle Cannon concept-1
  5. here's my first stab at the particle cannon interior design. I hope it isn't too Zjent-Melt like, and it's too big to post on this thread so here's a link: Particle Cannon Concept-1 I can probably make more given time, but it's late and I'd probably be better off working on other things than thinking up an entirely new cannon interior. Any word on my other concepts and/or a decision on the manned/unmanned Mineral pods? For like the UNS Asteroid Miner the Zjent Pods have their large yellow ore canisters that can be interchanged if you can supply the animation. Or you can have them dock in a specialized bay to have their pods transfered in-ship. BTW I found another ancient drawing of my Tuliqui-Sovis that's a little different than the one I have posted. Maybe I can draw that one too- but only if there's interest for the additional Zjent capital ship. Otherwise, it's only fanart.
  6. UN Spacy Asteroid Miner done Approve/dissaprove?? I illustrated some circular mounts to allow the arms to fold back along the body if desired, for docking or asthetic purposes. The cargo container could also have it's name changed
  7. Sorry to double post... When I was thinking about what kind of hull I could use for a resource controller for the Zentreadi I thought back to this little ship I made. It was for a fanfiction I wrote long ago (strangely enough it was a re-write of the entire series...). I forgot to put the scale, but it's twice and a half times the size of a Salan scout. It's called the Tuliqui-Sovis and this drawing is based off the only sketch I have of it. I know there isn't a call for any additional Zentreadi combat vessels but I figured since the UNS is getting the Carilla (A Studi-Kappa work) I thought this combat ship would be at least worth consideration. Working on something for the UNS harvester now.
  8. I've finished two possible designs for the Zentreadi Mineral Pod. The first is an updated version of my first concept- re-worked and larger (midway between Regult and Scout Pod size). it also has four large collection bins instead of three. The other one is my take on Lestat's Automated Mineral Pod. Unlike the manned concept this one 'lands' on the asteroid and uses a drill to mine rock. Since I don't know how exactly harvesting is handled in HW2 (Owning the game, but having never played it due to comp requirements), I'm working on guesswork. I'll get around to the UNS Refinery later, but is it all right for it to look ARMD-ish? One of the things I'm trying to accomplish in these designs is some sort of origionality, but I don't know if I'm doing a good enough job (though the Melt Salvage Armor seems to be origional enough...) More work comming.
  9. A shame that it only exists in the books and in the mind of Kawamori- this would make an interesting title VF to say the least. When is it in the timeline? Post SW1? As for the VF-X-3, I'd like to see a toy or a kit of it.
  10. Yeah it's smaller than the ARMD... It's the outline in the back that's hardly visible. Although I think I might go back and play around with it; the Refinery shouldn't just be another ARMD clone. At the moment I don't have anything non-supervision that's finished, so I'll get to work and hopefully have some more designs to share. For the Supervision ships I have a gunship and a battleship if you want to see it.
  11. Not too sure about the insides, but the blue on the hull looks nice.
  12. Okay, Ill post and ask over there then Not too sure about the red in the particle cannon either. Your model, your work, either way it looks cool, 'specially the bridge
  13. What? so no disciplinary post for disloyal or cowardly Zentreadi? I thought it would be the perfect punishment spot for Kamijun; assignment to a mineral pod B) I was iffy about this design because of it's similiarity to the recovery pod. I'll rework it (it's concept art after all) and maybe make a drone version. I still like the idea that they're manned, but automated drones are fine. (I guess I'll make two). I drew up something for the UNS mobile refinery. There isn't much to go on in this era capital-ship wise other than the ARMDs, the Oberths, Deadalus II, and the Gundboat (and other capital craft in the game). Small-scale Mobile Refinery craft "type 4 class". Based on the ARMD platform design (as the Deadalus II seems to be). It's rough and I haven't figured out where the resourcers will dock (probably the underside). And if you can't see the note, all it's says is that the helicopter pad is not for landing resourcers (just shuttlecraft). I have something for the UNS resourcers, though I don't know if it's final. The problem with making a UNS resourcer is that it has to be something like a cross between the Galmor Spider bug and the harvester from HW1. The one I have has (of course) Mining claws on the front and a large cargo container on the underside. I dunno, will work on/post later. Nanahsi already invited me to Studio Kappa I think he said if it ever got going again I might have a spot.
  14. On demand; No definate name yet; maybe Esbeliben Tauro-Oquilem? (same manufaturer as the Recovery pod) AKA Mineral pod, Mining pod, Harvester pod. The side art doesn't show the third container pod on the underside, but it's there. I thought about giving it writing along the side but I don't know where to put it. And as i was coloring it I pondered the possibilty of arming it (since almost all Zentreadi ships have some form of armament. The only exception to this is the short-range shuttle and the recovery pod itself.) Other concept artwork is in the main discussion thread and I'll start posting here. Although I suppose an image-heavy warning is in order. I'll get to the refineries and other harvesters when I can think of what they would look like. though I thought you guys already had a UNS mining vessel?
  15. Dunno if I should carry this conversation into the design thread or not... The colors I used to paint the recovery pod were lifted from the image of the Melt Command Cruiser, since I couldn't find a purple that would match. Like I said before I thought about having different colors to break up the 'purple monotony' that doesn't necissarily dominate the Meltran fleet. As for the colors of the Supervision ship; If and When the Supervision army/protocultures are made (The Protoculture-Supervision war?) I would have to ask if the 'bone white' of the crash ASS-1 is the Supervision colors or If I'm free to design something else. BTW, my Av now is what I pictured to be a possible Protoculture badge. Working on the Zjent Recovery pod now. Will post in the design thread. And I'll see about that 'greenish purple', though blue kinda sits between both purple and green so Xx.... [Edit2]: One thing I wanted to ask was weather or not Protoculture/supervision derelicts could make it into the game. if not for the Space War One campaign then maybe something else. I thought about designing the Science ship that landed on Earth, then 'wreaking it' to be found later by the SDF-1. Once again I don't know if I should put this in the design thread or not; In working on possible protoculture designs (I know they aren't in the game yet, even so...) I questioned the utility of the AFOS. It doesn't seem like it's a fighter, more of an automated keeper unit. If this were to be the case would the Protoculture rely on remote-operated weapons platforms? Since it's argueable that they even had an army at all outside the Zentreadi/Meltran forces. (Again, if the Protoculture-Supervision war is down the lane I could make a 'Protoculture' Zjent Destroyer )
  16. Until such a time when the design thread exists (I'll let the 'real' dev team make it) I'll post artwork here for commend and discussion. This is color and sketch details of the recovery pod. Scaled down from real size to make it view-able in this forum Here's a closeup of the first one without shadowing and glare Left arm removed. I included the 'alt color' because I noticed in the screenshots of the Melt navy that many of thier ships have different colors (red, orange, silver, etc). I thought this color might break the monotony of the Meltran fleet in the game. Then again, it means it will make it more visible to enemy gunners. Nanashi sent me the Supervision pod and according to it's information the pod was discovered on the ASS-1 itself. I'll rework this and post it in the design thread when it shows up. though since the Supervision Army's prescence is questionable it doesn't have priorety. In the meantime, I await the list.
  17. What needs to be worked on for any of those forces? Lestat said what needs to be done for the meltran, but what about the other forces? I'm not a moddler (no Maya, no skill in Maya) just an artist. does anything need to be designed for those races other than the ones Lestat posted?
  18. I don't have access to Mac7 nor have I seen a good shot of AFOS or the Protoculture city. With MAHQ.net down things are a little difficult, and Nanashi's archives aren't 'open' yet. I'll PM him back later. For the meantime I re-sketched and tinkered with some of the things on the 'Supervision cruiser' and made three color schemes for it. The top one is colored in the style I've seen the pre-crash macross (a little darker, but still). Any color photos of it show it as bone white/brown tint, so I gave it one. The other two are just experiments in coloring things. When I drew the missile racks I thought about a clamshell door to open and close when firing anti-ship missiles. I don't know if that could be coded into the game or not, so do what you will. I'll get to work on that recovery pod. I'm trying to figure out what I could do for the Recon 'unit'. I feel that I should avoid pods- the Meltran seem to have a slant on power armor-type units for their fighter slots. In fact it seems all of their smallcraft appear to have face plates on them (even the mobile armor!). Until I can find a decent picture of AFOS I'm wondering how the Supervision army is going to use their units. On one hand I could say they're pods/armors, but on the other I could do something completley different...
  19. In a sudden burst of inspiration I did this in the past half hour or so. Initially I wanted the claws to be as big as the one on the alternate, but somehow the body and legs became longer. Essentially it's an upgrade of Lestat's concept art. The alt version has another set of grasping claws set on the 'forelegs' of the pod. There's a rabbltech site out there that has Macross concept art that they don't know how to use correctly. I was thinking about adapting it to make a sort of Protoculture army and then alter it to Supervision standards (Whatever they might be). As I was drawing the cruiser I figured the Supervision army captured and retooled some of the factory facilities producing the destroyers. Althogh the Supervision army/Varuta IS imitative, this doesn't seem to carry over to it's capital ship designs. Still, half the time I want to design Real Protoculture units and not just supervision stuff.
  20. I like your HAAC. Very origional. I'm not too hot on the recovery pod... But the Recon and the resupply pods look like direct knock-offs of their Zentreadi counterparts (like the Dejuul is to the regult). I could probably try to sketch alternate designs, but I have other things going on, one of them ends in 2. Anyways, I felt I shouldn't post anything until I had something to show. It's not the cleanest sketch but it's just a 'concept' Can color it on request. So far it's just a 'ship', no real classification (other than a cruiser) it seems to have fewer guns than the old ASS-1, but I guess the addition of anti-capital missiles makes up for it. I like the rocket clusters especially- but since you're the modelers you can use the ones from the ASS-2 wreak I suppose. I don't know weather I should be making this for the Supervision army or the Protocultures- after all they aren't one and the same. And on the subject of the Protoculture pod, should I PM Nanashi to see if he has it? And I don't think I've seen the picture of Exedol explaining past history- I only have DVD box 2. time permitting I'll have more candy to show off.
  21. I don't suppose you could show me what you have already. I could try making new things from the ground up... Since virtually nothing is known about the Supervision army (or protoculture...) outside of the ASS-1, the Wreakage (ASS-2?), and the Birdman(?) Would I be able to 'design' the Supervision army race? (tactics and the like). It seems to me that the Zent and Melt focus primarily on quantity units, where the UNS has quality units. Would the Protocultures have quality units, quantity units, or both? Given what little I know about M7 it's hard to tell. Most of the M7 Supervision army used derivatives from the failed Megaroad-13 colony. So that would mean a past supervision army would be based on what they had at the time- protoculture or Melt/zent ships. And from what history seems to show (well, the compendium at least) the protocultures used the Zentreadi for their wars and maybe had a handful of thier own ships for use (the survey ship that landed on earth for exmaple). In not so many words I'll draw what I can and post it to see what the general opinion is. I'm not a model maker and I'm not a coder but I am talented with pencil and paper. [Edit: And another thing, If I start making drawings for the Supervision Army, can I assume ASS-1 is their monitor? or thier mothership?]
  22. With this Mod seemingly underway I'm exploring other mods out there for HW2. I must say the 'point defense mod' looks interesting. I wonder what it would be like mashing the Zentreadi against one of those ships... Anyway, I was wondering if you would like a concept artist for the Mod. I feel I'm a talented artist, and while I don't doubt you have the Melt/Zent/UNS down I felt I would like to take a try at the Protoculture. Or I could try drawing up some unseen stuff for any of the esablished races... Other than that, you say the ships are MP compatable with other mods? I was wondering how this would work, as it would be interesting to have crossover wars against other ships in other mods. Keep up the good work! Most anticipated mod for me (still the only reason for hw2 to be in my house...)
  23. Half a week gone and no updates. Is this progress?
  24. ...I meant shiny as in it looks cool and I want to build more to send against my enemies Anyone have the VF-4 model or is it made of only air at the moment?
  25. All I can say is that I can't wait for this Mod to be released- if even just the ships themselves with no campaign. I'd like to run them against Hiigaran ships The VF-1 looks shiny so far but again; I'll reserve judgement until I see them in action. What's completed and what isn't?
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