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Everything posted by Boxer

  1. Hey look! The test type for the Stampede Valk! Yet another VF-1 derivative never seen before. So if this is a long-lost source, why is it secret? Or is it on the Macrossworld site and we just haven't seen it? And I'm not sure those are speakers. They could be anything. Like Micro missiles. Or a really really big beam cannon array. The gun looks like a zentran dental tool
  2. This is the first time I've seen that anti-armor bayonette. Cool. so is this the standard gun for the VF-11 series post B type?
  3. I say the wings look cool, but the saucer could stand to go. Out of all the Yamatos I've seen this one's probably the most outlandish (next to another one...) I also noticed the wave motion gun doesn't look like it has a barrel. It's just...there. Like they added a texture but no geometry for it. And I assume those are smaller wave motion guns on the wings.
  4. So then I suppose we have a contradictory design. Ah well, I suppose both variants could be seen as the VF-14. It's like saying the DYRL Macross was the 'Real' Macross while the TV one never existed (Which I know isn't the case...) They're the same plane, only envisioned differently.
  5. Thus freeing up the 747s to carry other armaments...like beam cannons. I think it's an interesting variant, and would be cool if the head wasn't that huge laser and it had arms. I wouldn't mind taking it for a spin say, over the VA-3. Now THAT VA gets the fugly award.
  6. Depends. Aren't Zentreadi armors three-fingered? And how thick are the fingers of the Nous-ger?
  7. Just thought I'd add that article also shares the same basic structure and transformation system. Since these two VFs appear to have (roughly) the same profile and I assume the same transformation methods... Seems the only thing stopping the first VF-?? being the VA-14 is the lable Nanashi says it has. Ah well, but at least it gives us a general idea what this mythical VA-14 looks like. This is an off-topic question, but are there any VFs designed to be used with full-sized zentreadi? The only one I can think of is the Variable Glaug (Zentran version) which seems able to fit a full-sized zentran in it's cockpit and still function.
  8. So is there any official information surrounding the VF-14? I just hopped over to the compendium and it designates a VA-14 and VF-14 (Since this isn't an RPG site...and since the Compedium is official...) It was brought up earlier, but maybe this IS the VA-14. They're similar designs, and the only problem I see is where a full-sized Zentran would fit... (When a mecha is designed for 'Zentreadi use', does it imply full-sized?)
  9. Well it could be that the pre-sketch is a VF-14A pre-production type (Which would explain why the Varuta fighters look like this) and the latter version may be a Vf-14B or even an S or X type (Modified and updated with upgrades). I didn't take timelines into account, but it seems like another logical solution. Will you still keep both sketches on your website Nanashi? Why did you post this poll?
  10. So is this the 'Short-range electron beam gun' that the compedium mentions? I brought it up for a reason
  11. The first design looks more rugged and durable...it also reminds me of the 'simplicity' of the VF-17...i.e. not covered in details. The 'Finished' design seems more fragile. OUt of the two of them I think the finished sketch's head is the worst. I just don't like the big 'fan head' that looks like an aerodynamic wind block instead of something useful. If you want to go for cannon, I think the production sketches are 'Cannon' M7 because they were seen on screen. But my vote is that the first sketch was either a pre-production version or a 'stealth type', and the VF-14 used in the games (final design) was a second type produced later. Besides, even though the final production type keeps the shoulder lasers of the Fz... but it drops the tradmark rotatory chest laser mount of the Fz.
  12. Interesting. And since they aren't animation errors, this is the real thing Too bad DYRL is a 'movie' inside Macross, otherwise we could take these weapons seriously in the Macross continuity, and not just say they're 'props'. Well it looks as if the missile launcher is a one-shot deal, while the rifle might be a hand-held version of the shoulder rifle. Any screen shots seeing these things in action? On the other hand the compendium makes notice of a 'short-range electron beam gun'.
  13. For too long has FS2002 been sitting on my desktop, begging the presence of these fantastic jets.... What's the first thing you're going to do when you get the completed model? Me? I think Mach1 over the bay area sounds fine...
  14. Interesting, the GH-32 seems to be an unguided singularity (micro-black hole) weapon, based on (From Nanashi's GH-32 entry) Or is this overtechnology?
  15. Assuming i can get my hands on it. Or (god forbid) they release it in the US... Anyway, thanks for the Q&A Nanashi, your patience must be vast I would like to see that Beam Pod adapter in the future though. Again, thanks for the profile!
  16. Are they rockets/missiles or unproppeled warheads (Grenades)? If the latter then I think this is the first kind of large mech grenade i've seen in Macross. (I assumed the hip launchers were more missiles...) [Edit]: well were there any unpropelled ones (Above?) that were thrown by hand without propellant? And what launchers carried the GH-32s, GA-100s ?
  17. For what reason? I thought Spirita absorbtion was used BY the protodevlin FOR the Protodevlin. What use does the UN Spacy have for Spirita? (forgive my ignorance, if any, for I have not seen M7 and known very little about the mystisicm of Spirita). Maybe they wanted to use the Spirita guns against the Protodevlin to drain them of power? I'd think they'd be useless against the already draned Varuta pilots...
  18. And one that shoots guided missiles/rockets What's the yeild on each of those (H-22) bombs? And this is the first time I've seen a grenade for a Valkyrie.
  19. I meant, you could maintain the same basic design without going the extra mile to make the whole plane passive-Stealth. (Which to my knowledge would save expenses tremendously). It's like saying you'd rather have the Mass-Production VF-22 without going the extra lengths to make sure every angle is stealthy. I think theVF-17 would look more or less the same if the designers didn't make sure every angle was acceptable to passive Stealth. Or was the Y/VF-21/22 supeiror to the 17 in heavy-armor and weapons capabilities (But even then a non-stealth version of the 17 might be cheaper and just as capable as a VF-11, save it has more capabilities...)
  20. Here's a question: Where does it come from? Other than being a concept? The Spartan isn't a three-shot wonder...so long as you call yourself a main character
  21. It's a wonder then why it wasn't chosen as a mass-production VF. just sans the stealth ability and it's a really capable fighter (So it seems). I thought Spirita absorbtion weapons were Varuta make. Does this mean some VF-17s were captured or does the UNSpacy have SBWs? Nanashi, if you could make a profile on the beam adapter it would be really helpful. There's been some discusison about why beam weapons weren't used on earlier Gunpods...but I'd like to see (in detail) cannon informaiton reguarding this pod. But thanks for the information.
  22. Shiny. I wouldn't mind having one for a Spartan. It it me or is this another option to the Gunpod Beam adaptor I got yelled at about in the Newbie thread? Is it really this gun or was that an entirely different weapon (Also used by a VF-17)
  23. Maybe it's optional equipment that can be used by VFs and Spartan Destroids (like GU-11s.) Maybe it's disposable too...
  24. If you want to get Steel Battalion and you have multiplay capability, go get Line of Contact. Not only do you get everything with Steel Battalion (Sans the origional game itself) You have multiplay capability, customized badging, X-Box live, and many more machines. Oh, and one more thing: never drive a Vitzh. It's the only mecha in the game with a Black-and-white monitor. Unless your suicidal...and beware the Garpike.
  25. Is there a UNA (United Nations Army?) branch? Or are they just a department of the Space Marines? Yes I checked the compendium
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