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Everything posted by Boxer

  1. Gotta wonder if they considered the origional Anti UN logo. It's the circle with the two arrows seen on the Karyovin.
  2. It appears with the VF-X-4 Model. This screenshot is borrowed from the newbie questions when I asked the same thing there:
  3. The subtitles were an atrocity to anime. It's MIMSY!!! And since when do we call the Mu the 'Tammy?' The thing with dimensional mishaps is that anything can happen if at one point or another a decision could be made to make that thing happen. So in some weird parallel dimention we may co exist with the Emaan (That would be cool!) or we would be bulldozed by the Mu. Did anyone see the Arcadia in the last eps? As for Orguss 2...meh. I'd only watch the last episode just to see how it tied into the origional Orguss. I also hear that we only get a glimpse of the 'Orguss 2' in the whole OVA. /Oscillation
  4. I wonder hopw many blood vessels burst when the designators resisted the urge to call the VF-1 the "Valkyrie II".
  5. I like your idea. But where are the arms? Reminds me of the VB-X
  6. I THINK I understand that mess of engrish. Yes, Macross Zero, as the name implies, is the earliest show timeline-wise. So should a series take place before Macross Zero, it would hence be called Macross -1. /Humor Legit question: Blue roses, who are they? Any pics of this demonstration group? And what do they use? Have we seen any other VF other than VF-1s in demonstration colors?
  7. It's one thing to delete a thread, but I think it's a little disrespectful not to let anyone know about it. Let alone me, I was counting on using those results. If this is where moderators answer questions can you please answer why you deleted my poll if you did. And if not, where is it?
  8. I wasn't convinced. I don't think we came to a definate 'yes or no'. There are some good pics on that thread however.
  9. In my discussion I forwarded my beleif that they are a form of Carrier between the ARMDs and Guantanamo stealth carriers seen in Plus. They were either a rejected design modified for use in the Megaroad class or something other.
  10. That's my Megaroad discussion thread. We were trying to decipher if those are ARMDs on the sides (Or an advanced form of them) and the overall scale of the ship. How did this die? Oh, right, I asked a question and nobody answered.
  11. They forgot to list the MRI's transformation capabilities...
  12. This is the most elaborate April Fool's I've seen. A shame you didn't tweak the other pages though
  13. I heard from a book about Lockheed's Stealth program that the XB-70 argueably had some stealth qualities from head-on, but not enough to make it a stealth plane.
  14. Yes, but was it quiet and fuel efficient? Those two factors were part of the concorde's downfall. It was expensive and noisy (Meaning it was once prohibited from flying supersonic over the United States because of the boom)
  15. Hello Land Battleship! Strange, there's no design work book i know of that elaborates on Destroids like Kawamori's design works does with VFs. Anyone have a cockpit interior? Or is that one of the 'you never see destroid cockpit' things?
  16. FYI, this was the plane that inspired Kawamori into aeronautics. A shame these kinds of planes didn't suceed. They're one of the coolest bombers I know of (And capable of supersonic speed!) If any information comes up about that spotter plane I'd like to hear about it. ...And this has given me motiviation to attempt a variable XB-70 (Don't know if it would fly well though...) EDIT: Er...Nanashi, do you have a bigger scan of the XB-70 and it's escort? I'd like it if it wasn't too much trouble. And how did you get this artwork?
  17. Like pretty much everyone else, I landed through robotech. Can't tell where I got into it, maybe from a friend or a 'follow this' kind of thing from a message board somewhere. Either way I started with the books, then discovered Macross was better. What keeps me in Macross? The VFs, Destroids, Zentreadi, Misa (Of course B) ) and the SDF-1 (Which has no equal anywhere in the universe of anime). The only problem is now I need more Macross available stateside to obsess over XD
  18. I suppose this answers the question "why don't Zjentohlauedy ships have windows?" Since the glass was present on the supervision army version of the gunboat I suppose it's assumed A) The Supervision army wasn't afraid of lasers B) Their glass was of a different formula than that of Earth made glass C) They stuck Zentran observers in the head to die and all this time we've put the bridge somewhere else. Er...I think B is the most reasonable... Maybe the glass on the SDF-1 is the same glass on the ASS when it landed. It must have been so strong to withstand landing and the crash, and hence wasn't replaced. And besides, a giant window like that has to have some protection even from non-combat issues, like space debris, dust, rocks, etc. If you can't stop a micrometeor or other stellar debris then why do you have a giant window? Maybe this should be filed under 'Anime Law...'
  19. I'd actually like to see a fist fight between a Spartan and a Zentran (Or a rebel VF )
  20. If what's in the design book is all of Kawamori's work, then he also designed the Zentraedi battle pods and aircraft of the series.
  21. Yeah I know I stole it from yellowlightman's site, but he's not here now is he?
  22. Singing + Mecha + Romantic love triangle = Macross So... Minmei records (Again) + VB-6 & other Destroids + One pilot, two girls = Macross? It would be interesting to show an OAV highlighting the VB-6 or a destroid crew set sometime around VF-X. As of today we don't have any animated productions about this time (other than the games).
  23. the 'Burn marks' would have been erased with the other overlay of the legs. Could be Macross II, but then again do you ever see the main guns lowered in Macross two? I still think it's DYRL. And notice, the left Megaroad is missing it's lower parts. I don't think battle damage would be that clear cut.... It seems the main booms look like they're animated to move and the rest might be a painted background.
  24. They aren't destroyed, just missing. NOWHERE in Macross were the leg units destroyed. Sometimes you get Cels that have only parts of the animated object. In this case the legs were probably added later in a different Cel. Some Cels have nothing in them except a main character in a clear background (For motion of course).
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