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Everything posted by Boxer

  1. But do any images of the VF-11A exist? Or is this a target for fan artists?
  2. It was once called Advanced Valkyrie, but then it was dropped.
  3. Don't know if this deserves it's own thread or not... But what is this? Of course it's from the Steelfalcon macross site, which calls this a one-shot laser cannon. Is this what it really is or could this be the first real beam gunpod? Nanashi? EDIT: That should be a VF-17 firing the cannon.
  4. Hmm...interesting. Of course I'd go with the destroid idea. The perfect setting for this would be one of the outer colonies in unexplored territory without the funds for larger craft. Here you could introduce a new alien species or the Protocutlures or more Zentreadi. This way you'd feature more inexpensive destroids, maybe VF-1s, and why not toss in some of the earlier, unseen VFs such as the VF-6? Time would be post 2012, but maybe pre M+... VF-X? or M3? Another idea; Why not take the point of view from the Zentreadi sometime during the VF-X period? The star mecha of course would be the Zentran valkyrie perhaps. Maybe they were fighting the UN spacy until something bigger got in their way (Protoculture/protoculture tampered aliens???) or the VF-X pilot had a change of heart. One thing that just came to me now: The opening scene could take place around the Supervision army/Protoculture hulk Misa sees near the end of SDF:M
  5. Shiny. Now we have escorts for the VB-6 I have some designs laying around but I'm too lazy to clean them up and post 'em. One of them is a completely variable XB-70.
  6. Strange, in one of Nanashi's pictures it seems to show the 'Head' rising above the 'body' and the back legs are ejected. As for the transformations, the beam cannon and missile pod probably fold into the body and cannot be used until transformation.
  7. That's cool. Finally some lineart so I can understand the thing (And not get confused by pictures ) Thanks. Edit: I should also point out that this is the first transformable quad-walker and Macross. And thanks out to Nanashi for providing pictures and what little information was available.
  8. Haven't tried it, but IMO 98 is so bad I think you might insult the YF-19 by putting it in. Nevertheless I haven't tried it (Got 98) mostly because I don't know if 98 can support modded aircraft. Generally the other FS have mods for them, but 98 doesn't.
  9. Yeah, And is it possible for a VF-1 (Or any VF for that matter) to mount two Beam pods instead of missile pods?
  10. I don't fly it anymore really, just the YF-19 . One of the reasons i don't fly it (Other than the ugly 'take off in gerwalk mode') is because it has no cockpit. At least in the YF-19 you can see part of the nose. Hmm...I need to try buzzing the whitehouse with the YF-19. I already sonic-boomed my hometown a few times, and probably broke all the glass in SF. Probably flipped out the guys on the carrier at SF bay.
  11. For now I just want to get my hands on flyable models of the 11, 19, 21/22. Although a handy transformation button would be nice But not the landing gear button. I have a VF-1J that uses Gerwalk for landing gear. Not phun.
  12. Well it's good to see another Liberator fan here. I liked the design so much I tweaked with it and made 20 or so variants Anyhow the list in order of thought (With links!) 1The Cygnus: Yeah I know it's a disney movie, but this is before Disney was invaded by the pixie people. This is from the only good sci-fi Disney ever put out. Gothic, big, and impressive in the movie. (The Black Hole) 2. Nergal's Nadesico (With and without Y-unit) Why not? And meet it's distant cousin #3 3. The Nirvana (Vandread) This ship in my opinion would make a cool heavy cruiser. And for some reason I want to put it next to the Nadesico in coolness factor. 4. The SDF-1: Sorry, I can't resist 5: The Taiidan Heavy Cruiser: Possibly the coolest ship in the game. Mutiliated in Homeworld Cataclsym. Wrongfully the ship you're supposed to blow up. Next to no. 6 this is the coolest ship in the game. 6. The Taiidan Destroyer: As cool as the heavy cruiser, only smaller. 7. The Arcadia: So cool it makes cameo appearances. Notably in Orguss 8. Space Battlecruiser Yamato: Never seen the series personally, but the wave motion gun did commute to one of my origional designs 9. Albion (And other White Base class ships): These are the Nadesico and Nirvana of Gundam, though since more emphesas is on Mobile Suits these ships aren't as prominent. 10. Salmis Kai: Cruiser, anyone? 11. ST:TMP Enterprise: Only this variant. In my opinion this is pretty much where trek ends. 12. Izumo-Class Battlefortresses: (Southern Cross???) Again, this ship is the root for an origional design series of mine. It looks impressive in armament and as thick and impenetrable as a brick. It also has a very big gun 13. The Eletrium (Gunbuster) So big we can poke Unicron's eye out by ramming him. Graceful, elegant, and as dangerous as anything. 14. The Starfish T-MAT ship (Rejected HW1): Appeared as the planet killer in HW2. Dropped from HW1 because of technical problems, but you know it would have eaten your fleet like nothing. 15. Jovian Drone Capital ships: Even though they're aliens, the Jovian capital ships look awesome. I want one The Bad (IMO) Designs list: 1. The new Red Dwarf: AKA the picture shown here. I liked the old one! Why the change!? 2. Saucers (Twilight zone, etc) Please, no flying saucers. For Martians only. 3. Rocket ships: (From the old shows) Well some people might like them, but I like rockets that blow up capital ships. Not ARE the capital ships. 4. The Kushan Mothership: Also known as the Bananna ship. It gets points for origionality, but it's one big reason why I don't play Kushan. 5. Any next generation Star Trek Design: You'd think things would get better with age. But like most things trek it seems to get progressively worse. I don't like the organic feel of these ships. 6. Kushan frigates and the Kushan Carrier/Heavy Cruiser: The prototype designs rocked. Why did they dump them for these ships?
  13. For this reason I wish this computer could play HW2. Sadly, it can't From what you had of the MSDF-1 in the origional HW, I can't wait to see the Megaroad. Is 2012 strictly 2012 or the era in between M7 and FB2012? Also, will we see the VA-14/VF-14 in addition to the all-so-loveable VF-4? And will VF-1s still be there in a support role or will you make all new fighters for these roles? If this mod comes out before the end of the year (When I get a working computer I can't decide weather I should ignore HW and play this mod or not.
  14. Yes, but purple? And what's the premise of the series in gram's sig (or the one we are discussing?) And I assume like Escaflowne it will have transforming machines
  15. Much appreciated. I like buzzing big cities with this thing Any chance we can see alternate skin types? Not on the priorety list, but.... Look forward to the YF-21. As for virtual cockpits, flying in the 19's alread seems fine. I don't like using the cockpit panel as now because, well, yeah. I prefer virtual cockpits anyway. And in reguard to the YF-21/VF-22: You know there are cockpit differences right? So this mesh, would it come with different cockpit parts or not?
  16. Ei. Robotech sizes. According to the RPG book for the Zent the American versions are a little bigger. Not that I trust american sources when it comes to anime, anyway
  17. What's the reason for the shorter length? Shorter boom lengths? Nanashi, will you be releasing official stats for the SDF-1? And are you going to include a master ship chart with other ships (UN SPacy, Marduk, Supervision Army, etc...) on it?
  18. I'm not going to get involved in the discussion. Fighters will be fighters. That being said, I will state my favorites (In order of thought ): 1. The Orguss: The Obvious alternative to VFs. Even comes in Mass production and ace types! 2. Any Emaan fighter from Orguss 3. The Bronco II (Also Orguss) 4. The Gunstar (Of course!) 5. Taiidan Light Corvette (So light it's practically a fighter) 6. Uhh...this thing. Mr. Ball from For The Barrel The WORST fighters In my current opinion. 1. Tie fighters: The cheaper-cheaper alternative to Mass production colors. It's not brown, therefore it is WORSE than cannon fodder 2. Any Star Trek Fighter from any series: Need I say anything? Dominion fighters??? No. Just...no. If you want fighters, go find the cannon established by Starfleet Command games and the TMP eras of the games. Now THOSE are fighters. All I can think of for now.
  19. Downloaded and flew this plane around the west coast from inland. It took me about five seconds to get from Livermore/tracy to San Jose When can the textured version come out And where's the 22 and 11? Must have!!!
  20. Hm. I thought light transports were smaller than that. Looks like they need one entire flagship bay just to launch one.
  21. Ah yes, but they are shiny magic beans! There is a difference! In all seriousness I don't think you can argue with any of these Starwars fanatics and win. They're so lost in their fandom they can't accept that anything can loose, not even their precious starfighters. I think a VF can outmanuver anything they have anyday. And besides, if you have a thousand missiles, where can you go wrong? (Ala Heavy armor packs)? Although I gotta amit SW has Macross beat in the capital ship department, SW has a lot more variety Not that I'm saying their cooler, they just have more. This reminds me of a big debate over in Gundam.com about the strongest mecha. Ideon won, actually.... But in that debate was a big arguement about the power of weapons and the capacity of shields and what not. Basicly if you're tossing gigatons around you can't fail- I don't think even SW or ST can argue with that logic despite the amount of 'official' documentation they might have. Oh right, I know where SW and ST powers come from: Fanatical fandom!
  22. Gotta wonder then, the power of the grand cannons Esepcially since they last for what, half a minute at full power?
  23. Very nice Nanashi. Interesting. For some reason I always thought these were drone bits ala MII. I stand corrected then Any say on range or manuverability?
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