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Everything posted by Myriad

  1. Yippie! More G1 bricks! A comparsion of yesterdays TF to todays. Note the standing on one foot action
  2. strange..... http://tformers.com/article.php?sid=3251
  3. http://tformers.net/g/albums/3251/tcs2k409.jpg http://tformers.net/g/albums/3251/tcs2k410.jpg
  4. http://www.geocities.com/futuristgroup/vprime.html Reissues at the bottom.....
  5. Boohoo hoo......... LOL! I am already tired of hearing about a movie that does not even have a script......
  6. It is just still rumored! A few small places have a preorder but nothing at Taka or at the largr stores. I am really interested in that Micromaster Devi.
  7. Episode 1 should be redone. What a piss @$$ poor movie. It is pretty bad when the coolest thing about it had two lines......... NSYNC should have been left in Episode 2. I bet his kids cried when they found out he took NSYNC out. Writing those movies for his little girls was a bad idea. Only the last 45 minutes of EP 2 were cool. Lucas should get out more and go see the Lord of the Rings Trilogy. Maybe that would give him some kind of reality check. Another movie with stiff bad acting. SW died the second Lucas started the script for Ep 1. SW RIP!
  8. Hear is some food for thought http://www.tformers.com/article.php?sid=3226&mode=flat
  9. That is not good unless Target is using a different stock number for the new assortments
  10. WOOHOO! http://www.tformers.com/article.php?sid=3224&mode=flat
  11. Will the movie be targeted torwards children or adults? Will Hasbro think outside the box and okay an adult oriented film? I really don't care because no matter what the 30 something fanboys will cry. They could make a live action version "identical" to the original miniseries (frame by frame scene by scene) and people would cry for something new. Filmakers make something new and fanboys will cry that they want g1. Hasbro and the movie makers are in a no win situation. Most G1 figures are crap ass bricks and the show is real bad. Nastalgia makes them great.
  12. The DVD is cool! The Tachikoma days are also on the DVD. The dub is pretty good. The picture and audio quality are awsome. Single DVD $17.99 at Circuit City. I will just buy the CD on ebay. I have no need for the DTS disc.
  13. I found one copy at Circuit City!
  14. I have not been keeping up.... I need to get back into it.....
  15. Check out the second story called "Robot Dreams" in the Asimov Book "Robot Dreams".
  16. Don't be mad at Will! Be mad at the people who let him sing their classic songs.......
  17. Movie was okay. Some of the robots and vehicles reminded me alot of the SW Ep1 TPM. They put some things from a couple of the short stories in there. Will Smith was toned down. The folly of alot of these modern movies is that the characters and the CGI in some parts do not blend well. Was my childhood raped? No! Will I buy the DVD? Maybe, depending on what extras come with it. Would I go see it in the theater again? No! I would rather buy my own copy for the price of two tickets. Was it better then SW Ep1 TPM? Yes! SW Ep1 is the start of my movies being craptacular rating system. Anything on the same level or below.... bad Was it better then Minority Report? Yes! Minority Report rates below Ep1 TPM
  18. Tachikoma Specials? AnimeonDVD forum not my cup of tea. How is the dub?
  19. Another blue http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...item=5909743385
  20. People are blaming OTFCC because the guy made exclusives for BotCon. Botcon is a rival convention to OTFCC. Everyone is pointing fingers with little evidence. His site has been getting a lot of attention because of the BotCon exclusive he made. I could see this causing to Hasbro check out his page. I could also see them being a little bitter he was selling repro parts to items that are currently available in stores. Hasbro has not gone after the big Chain stores for carring those combiner bootlegs. Then again those combiner bootlegs have also not been reissued.
  21. I think he was also selling replica accessories of items that have been reissued by Hasbro. That may have been what got him.
  22. http://www.2005boards.com/showthread.php?t=50979 Who will be the next target?
  23. Are they stupid or do they just have better things to worry about?
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