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Everything posted by Myriad

  1. Tucson, Arizona latitude 32.2029 32° 12' 10" longitude -110.7966 -110° 47' 47" Me and Milkman live in the same city.................
  2. LOL! You wait until Mospeada has a huge revival and Mospeada 7 comes out. MB personel using music instruments as a weapons......Oh wait..... Palladium tried that with Lancer and the Rockers..............................
  3. We have been fed a lot of new Mospeada downloads this month..... Maybe it is time to slow it back down to the normal Mospeada crawl us Mospeada fans are used too...........
  4. Diaclones Rule! Bring on the magnet men!
  5. i am uploading afew of them in my dir. they are higher qquality too. 1 or 2 of them are from lla *edit* haha. only 2 are on the normal soudn track. rst are form lla*edit* Where?
  6. What is worse man boobs, croch shots or pictures of people trying to look like celebrities........
  7. Muhahahahahahahahaahahahahaaahahahahahahah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Poor people thinking their toys are investments.....................
  8. Saw it..... Agree with the above two posts. Not my cup of tea.
  9. Currently released ones are tied in with Bubblegum Crisis 2040. Old AD Police will be released on DVD soon.
  10. A better custom http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...item=3187534007
  11. Bigger avatar pics would be cool! Smaller mouth on quite a few MW Fanboys would be better!
  12. I hope all this argueing does not create a space-time bomb. that would mean the wrath of the Mu!
  13. All I need is a Trailbreaker to complete the first catalog.................. This is cool news! I will grab it.
  14. The notes inside the DVD Boxset claim that the Inbit helped teach the humans to live more in harmony with the land. One example is a biodegradable soda can. The biodegradable soda can was developed from studying the Inbit. Article 3 page 20 in the booklet that comes with the Region 1 Boxset. Interesting reading for those who have not read the booklet inside.
  15. Don't thank me. Thank the "unknown hero" I found it from on Kazaalite. I grabbed it when I saw it and have never seen it on there since. I guess the land of PAL is not so bad. Cheers to the "unknown hero"!
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