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Everything posted by Myriad

  1. Ah yes... Anime Expo. I remember that fanboy stench from back in 97. Dr Pepper, Potato chips and body odor. Man oh man........ The staff should have someone man a pressure washer to to hose off the stinky fanboy riff raff........... The fanboys will be enraged no matter what..... I just hope they shower and brush their teeth before they get angry.................
  2. Umm...Hasbro liscensed the mold from Omega Supreme Toybox which also produced Sky Lynx and Shockwave (which was ripped off by Radioshack/Tandy Corporation). And as for Energon Omega Surpreme, it's a generic battleship along with a train and a crane. Rip-Off of the SDF-1? Hardly. BTW, it's based on the Magellan, not the Salamis: http://www.mahq.net/mecha/gundam/msgundam/magellan.htm Even the colors. And Jedi Knight, please don't mention Harmony Gold ever again. Was sarcasm..............
  3. Looks like a rip off of an old toy......... Just like the G1 one did........ http://www.skywarp.co.uk/variants/pages/preomega.htm
  4. MPC thread is 42 pages of jumping between the old Macross MPC's, the new NG MPC's and the MPC Macrossworld trolls............ Maybe there should be a pinned just MPC Alpha thread with price, release date and pics. Lock the thing so people don't have to sift through 42 pages of jibberish just to get the facts. After the thing comes out, unlock the thread so people can post their opinion on their purchase. Just a thought...... Every few days there seems to be another post like this. I don't blame these people for not wanting to sift through all that crap. Some pinned threads should be locked....
  5. Can you do the same thing when people hijack Robotech threads?
  6. Woah! I thought I put the link up..... http://www.ghostintheshell.tv/
  7. Maybe the partnership between Manga and Bandai was a bad idea....... Maybe Bandai should of gone at it alone....... Maybe it is because of Manga ET being bought......... Maybe there is an intercepter in my eye......Then again, maybe someone just forgot to turn the lights on........
  8. Looks like the Queensryche "Promised Land" logo to me..... Another episode that tells me again this series is not my cup of tea. Just like Macross 7, I won't be buying the DVD's.
  9. To the 9 that voted "No! They both suck!" I salute you!
  10. http://www.trooperpx.com/AFS/AFS01.html They are similiar to Madox..... toys...... http://www.robozone.com/poweredsuits.htm
  11. I rented it. It rates about the same as the first movie. The effects were about the same quality as the first movie. It was better then the Ep1 The Phantom Menace. Oh.. This thread is not about Camera, Jackson or The Little Rascals. Stay on Topic!
  12. Yes that was me with my copy. Three things went horribly wrong with it: 1) the guy doing the transfer for me was doing it as a "favor" and thus it was back burnered for him as he completed more important projects at work. Then that guy up and quit on me and I hired a new editor but I don't know him from adam so I can't ask him for a favor of this magnitude just yet. (Image you just starting a job and your boss walks in and says "hey, I know you have tons of crap to do to but could you see to it to digitize and clean up this old worn out VHS tape for me? Thanks!") 2) Durring our office move our entire network got buttholed... thus we lost many very important projects and our entire raid system... guess what was on that raid system somewhere in some small capacity. 3) Of what Darin got time to transfer and attempt to clean up (the first episode if I remember right) the cleanup process was a steep order as the tape the first three unsubtitled episodes are on is not only a copy of a copy of a copy but it has serious "shelf rot" and the speed jumps regularly and the picture is fuzzy and quite crappy at it's best. ... so as of now the whole endevor is dead. I have no time to do the transfer myself and neither does our new guy. Add to that that our editing suite is in high gear right now and the only time at the controls I could get would be between 9pm and midnight if I where to do it myself. Sorry to break the news so hard and so late but my copy is too far gone for a VHS to VHS transfer worth anything and digitizing it and cleaning it up will take a lot of time I don't have at the moment. Sorry to hear that. Maybe someday. Thanks for trying! Even Megs is crying about it...........
  13. On the old forum someone was going to rip a VHS copy of the Anime Version to digital format. Unfortunately it never happened......... I wish you Skinny's would stay on topic
  14. The chick from Warrant's "Cherry Pie" video would kick anythings @$$!
  15. http://www.trooperpx.com/Internat/Inteinfo/JmangaF.html
  16. The first one was rough. Maybe the bugs will be people in Mothra suits this time around.... I will check it out. I am a fan of the book. The Anime version seems like it may be the closest to the book....
  17. It comes out Tuesday. Straight to video......... Anyone grabbed it early? Seen a bunch on Ebay the last few weeks. There probably won't be any Mechs...... Maybe some skinnies....... Someone please put the Anime version out...................
  18. Interesting.. I wonder where the players that you can program the player, to be region free, with the remote fall in this............
  19. Me too! Kind of like Enterprise..........
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