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Everything posted by Myriad

  1. Yep! That is the problem with War Within. TF's that never had any mode but a Cybertronian have a different look in War Within. Look at Kup, he never had an Earth mode. In War Within he looks real funky. I guess it was never realized that Kup did not get formatted to match Earth's vehicles........ Same mistake done with Skyfire.............
  2. The fans openly hate it. 80% of TF's are sold to kids not FANBOYS. If the kids like them, then TF's will continue this way. If kids don't buy them, the line will get axed after it runs for a bit. TAKARA and Hasbro work on these lines far in advance. Takara is as much to blame as Hasbro. Hasbro does not make any smart moves. They make moves together with Takara when it comes to TF's. Transformers will burn out again just like it did before. That is the way of boys action figures. I just hope they keep guitars out of the hands of TF's. Don't want to see Optimus singing and fighting Megs at the same time. I wonder where I got that bad idea from.......
  3. Wow! There sure are a lot more TF fans on this board then I thought....... Cry all you want but remember this line is targeted for children. You guys can blame Orson all you want but remember Transformers is a Takara/Hasbro partnership. I really feel his role in this is exaggerated by him and blown out of proportion by the "FANBOYS". Takara is as much to blame as Hasbro. The great thing about spending money is you can "CHOOSE" what to spend it on. If you are really a TF fan that is not happy with the Energon Line, show Hasbro/Takara by not buying the Energon toys. Just buy the Alternators. If you are not happy with the Alternators, maybe you should retire from collecting TF's.
  4. If a woman put her hand on your Fanboy lap you would do whatever she wanted......
  5. Oops......... Dump the avatar here as an attachment so we can see if it is screwy.
  6. The Torrents are disappearing from the NET. Grab them while you can or hit Kazaa Lite.
  7. SAC Episode Guide Link Stumbled upon this an thought I would share. If you feel it is right or wrong enjoy anyways...
  8. No stickers on Uni. Lots of Panel lines to enhance if you so choose. I am a G1 fan but like the new no sticker policy. I hope Alternators are painted.
  9. Saw this a few months ago. That kid kicks @$$! Kudos to the home PC special effects guys.
  10. I owned one of those as a child......... Junk!
  11. Crap! I want to get it but I don't want the defective one. They should really think about changing something on the cover so we know.
  12. Hasbro uses the same names over to preserve them. Many have been lost due to lack of use. Each Transformer show is it's own continuity. If you are not "IN" to TF's why enter a discussion? Anyways....... The Sideswipe looks rough. Smokescreen and Prime look cool. I will probably just grab the US ones. Less diecast does not bother me. The thing that does bother me is alterations to pass US toy safety laws. I really hope Hasbro consider these "adult" toys and labels them to reflect. I would hate to see these toys nuetered.
  13. LOL! Berlin Wall Guard of sorts now.....................
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