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Everything posted by JetJockey

  1. I still haven't watched the whole series. I tried again recently and once again stopped at episode 3. Perhaps I should be watching it in Japanese.
  2. What's the best toy / model version of Optimus? Preferably transforming. But I saw this version from Toys Alliance coming out soon. https://www.amiami.com/eng/detail/?gcode=FIGURE-041460 I've never heard of Toys Alliance but the figure looks good yet doesn't transform. There is a review comparison of the older Masterpiece Optimus versions that I was planning to watch. But then I saw the news of the new one on BBTS last night advertised as closer to the cartoon. I thought I would go for that one but jumped back when I saw the price. Also, I searched and saw that there isn't a Masterpiece version of Jazz. Any other good options? Thanks.
  3. I was hoping that action series would pick up speed. Still waiting on Dangaio and Iczer Robo.
  4. Thanks. I have some of their ships on my list to get after seeing a collection here. Perhaps it's time to get one to check out the quality.
  5. I think Part 6 is the Xbox exclusive that I still haven't played. I didn't like Zero that much. I can't remember that many good things about that game compared to Parts 4 and 5. I don't think the music was good on that one either. So no collection for me as Parts 4 and 5 are the best of that group. Anyone play the PSP Ace Combat games? How are those and are they worth the time?
  6. I think for both of these shows and many others I happened to see the toys first before watching the TV show. Weekday cartoons were either on early morning or late in the afternoon. I was getting ready for school and usually getting up late so that meant no early morning cartoons. And school ended at around 3PM I think. And home was a ways away so I couldn't get back in time for cartoons between the 3PM to 4 or so hours. I thought the Psycho car was cool because it was a futuristic design. It even says "Future Machine" on the car. But I remember that motorcycle and a few others as not that exciting. My first Transformer was Sunstreaker and I remember not liking that his hands were separate. But still the feel and packaging was better. I think all the other Transformers I purchased afterwards were all better. I don't remember the pricing but I don't think it was crazy high for Transformers. I would guess higher than G.I. Joe figure pricing but lower than G.I. Joe vehicle pricing. Perhaps Optimus and a few rare bigger Transformers were more than a G.I. Joe vehicle.
  7. Maybe it's just me. But when I was a kid, I always thought the Go Bots were very generic compared to the Transformers. Both in look and transforming complexities. The only one I own is Psycho because I like the car mode. I still don't like the robot mode.
  8. I'll look around and see if I saved it. I'm sure I did somewhere as it was the best Southern Cross scene I've seen since I started really looking. But I didn't expect much of a fight since the last good Mospeada cel and background I saw didn't even break $100. In other news, I finally see the Urban Treasure Hunter as being way out of control. I was going to try for this Misa DYRL cel a few weeks ago. But guess who won it? https://www.ebay.com/itm/MACROSS-MOVIE-ROBOTECH-MISA-HAYASE-ANIME-PRODUCTION-CEL-3/163387649566?hash=item260aa9ae1e:g:eqsAAOSwwj5b9XrY:rk:26:pf:0 I think it didn't even break $100. I was checking ebay for Macross cels and surprise what do I see? That same Misa cel but the price! $700 but "on sale" for $525. No amount of discount they offer will get to where this cel should be priced for a possible United States buyer. They obviously try to make more money on the big name anime shows. They are doing the same overpricing for a Ghost in the Shell cel that ended around $500. Urban Treasure Hunter has that "on sale" for $1350 off a $1800 listing price. Or maybe they just want to get a rise out of people here if they lurk on this forum. Yet a $600+ mark up on Misa is insane for a barely average cel. This is the first time I really caught the crazy flip price. I guess I'm still lucky they never had anything I really wanted. The other person I know never paid they anywhere near that Macross cel price so the flip percentage wasn't there. But still, I shake my head at these mark ups.
  9. I remember bringing the Genesis game to school just because I wanted to study that box art. It is really cool. I like that water stage in Super Ghouls n Ghosts with the thunder and waves going up and down. The music is good too. There was a Capcom compilation disc with remixed Ghouls n Ghosts tunes. I think a remixed Strider tune is on there as well. I haven't played a good Ghosts n Goblins or Ghouls n Ghosts game since those two. I didn't like Maximo that much. I thought it was easy. I didn't get the second one. I thought about getting Ultimate Ghosts n Goblins on the PSP but I looked at some of that and it didn't seem that good. The last good thing from the series was probably the artwork on the GBA cover.
  10. The box art on that Black Widow is hot. I still have the original Avengers version. But I saw on Sideshow Collectors a few days ago someone doing mods to the hair. Those guys are always up to modding stuff over there. I never heard of this Paragon company. I'll check them out. On occasion I've been looking for a nice vintage GT car model. I thought about getting something with Gulf colors which it looks like you have something like that in the background. Looks like a McLaren.
  11. Yeah new figures. I've seen the old kits. I thought about getting one for the box art. But once again, I'm surprised that we didn't get new figures when they released the series on Blu-ray.
  12. Perhaps she's working on the new Ghost in the Shell?
  13. I usually wait and see if a game of the year edition comes out. Or just the major discount on a "collector's edition" after a while. So few games have extras that are really worth the premium price. And if you are behind on games there is no need to rush and get something new when you are already playing something else.
  14. I still need to get a Thor figure. That light up looks really good.
  15. If that was a recent win that must have been a short auction as I don't remember seeing that one. You should post some of those in that No Love for Southern Cross topic as there doesn't seem to be much cel talk for other series in this topic even though it's a Macross/Animation Cel Collection topic. I hope you aren't the person that defeated me for that Dana in Wonderland cel and background with her on the hovercraft. I thought I had that one. Still I got a cool Megazone Eve cel afterwards.
  16. They need to start work on some Eve statues. I would get an Eve from parts 1, 2, and 3.
  17. This isn't the coming comic show in Japan is it?
  18. Does your friend repair them for sale or just fun? I remember years ago when I first looked into owning arcade games, I didn't know that they could be restored. I saw a few with poor repairs and in bad condition with missing or torn decals. Now I wish I got a few as they were cheap. I don't think the guy selling them was really into games or condition as he just said put the one with the bad decals against the wall so you can't see the missing decal. I couldn't deal with that. Dragon's Lair was and is still difficult. I didn't see anyone beat it in the arcade. Even if a person made it to the Dragon's Lair, it was like seeing something rare. No one could believe someone made it. The game was something to see back then compared to the other game graphics at the time. Both Space Ace and Dragon's Lair II: Time Warp are easier games. Dragon's Lair II is the easiest. I think that one gives you flashes for just about every move. I could beat that one. Viewpoint is kind of slow but I remember owning a portable version of Zaxxon and Viewpoint is like a far better version of that. I love that Ghouls n Ghosts cover. I think Last Gamer said it was rare or expensive. I think it's on my list as the best games in the series to me are Ghouls n Ghouls on Genesis and Super Ghouls n Ghosts on SNES. A guy I knew loved PC Engine stuff back in High School. I think he had a Super Grafx. I know he wanted it for Strider but according to wiki it never came out.
  19. I might take a Dana in the shower scene from Southern Cross since that was a cut scene that never made it into Robotech. I still need to see those original versions. At least you could frame something up like that of Dana after a battle sequence or something. I have no problem with the nude Ghost in the Shell opening scenes. I was close to getting one of those but the shot wasn't the one I was looking for.
  20. What grades would you consider grade school?
  21. I was kind of hoping at best that we would see a Rook prototype at the next show and a painted Lancer version. Also a painted Alpha. But as long as we are getting them eventually I'm happy. I'm far more confident about the showing compared to the Beagle days.
  22. Anyone collect other retro stuff? Perhaps arcade machines, marquees, flyers, artwork, arcade tokens, vintage game magazines or anything else? I posted that Dragon's Lair Castle print on the last page. Limited Run Games put together this Laserdisc sized box set for the trilogy of Dragon's Lair, Dragon's Lair II: Time Warp, and Space Ace. Limited to 2,300. I've seen some nice retro rooms with cels from the games. I know I have some old Neo-Geo flyers when the home system first arrived. I still need to get some of the more rare and expensive shooter titles on that system like Viewpoint. That one is pure nostalgia though as I remember playing it in the arcade and only barely getting to the third level. But the music was cool as were the graphics for the time.
  23. Why lucky? Haven't they showed the prototype the show after the announcement? I don't think they stretched things out like the Figma Bubblegum Crisis Motoslave.
  24. I hate it when they show something and then don't make it. I'm still waiting on Endor Luke and Leia. I don't know who really wants that Empire dress Leia. But at least we will get an Empire Han Solo. I think I prefer an Empire Han over Endor Han. Maybe. All Hot Toys needs to show is Endor Luke, Han, and Leia. That's a $600+ guaranteed set for me.
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