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Everything posted by azrael

  1. I don't believe those are specific to the Dancing Skull special unit. Those insignias were done when were done back in '86 for Advanced Valkyrie and probably have more to do with that then the UN insignias. Kinda like a placeholder for group insignias.
  2. No, it's not overtechnology. It's actually a Macross-world implementation of a eye-movement targeting system which carries some minor yet significant similarities to the AH-64 Apache's helmet/sensor control system. http://groups.google.com/groups?selm=Dqxqn...m&output=gplain http://groups.google.com/groups?hl=en&lr=&...onoh.attgis.com The technology is actually used in real-life. However, eye-movement tracking has been primarily used in lots of research studies. So no, it's not Overtechnology, it's real-world. I wager that this manual targetting system is replaced with a computer targetting system (which is also used in modern-day applications, however in Macross, is probably much more sophisticated), which is much easier to use. Surprisingly, much of the control-system technology in Macross actually have real-life counterparts. Not really. http://www.eurofighter.starstreak.net/Euro...er/cockpit.html The Eurofighter (and this is what I like about it) actually uses a Helmet-Mounted Sight. This system projects info onto the helmet's visor, in addition to the HUD. In effect, you have a HUD display right on your visor. What is also neat about this system is that it also incorporates Night-vision equipment which can also be displayed on the HMS, eliminating the need for night-vision goggle attachments.
  3. Yes we do notice, however, we often turn to the Compendium for answers to most common Macross questions...like yours. 1) http://www.anime.net/macross/mecha/united_.../vf0/index.html The VF-0D is designed for enchanced combat and electronic warfare. Hence the reason for the canards and delta-wing design. (You may wish to read up on the F-16XL) Why is it called the VF-0D? Well, if you remove the wings, it's a VF-0. Why D? Why not. It's an retuned variant of the VF-0. A and B are used. C comes after B and the D-variant certainly is not modeled after the B-variant so why not skip a letter and jump to D. 2) No. http://www.anime.net/macross/mecha/anti_un...sv51/index.html It may look like a F/A-18, but it certainly didn't start that way.
  4. That is slightly excessive. Yes that is. Perhaps it's time to update the FAQ in the FAQ section with section guidelines. It might also be a good idea to post a copy of the rules in the more popular sections. If anything, start deleting off-topic threads with no warning. If people ask, tell them to read the rules.
  5. I would say it more like, "The reason you haven't seen them used as antimissile weapons before M0 is probably because nobody thought to animate it as such." edit: In fact, that's really what the head turret (in Macross or Gundam) is; an anti-aircraft/CIWS system in addition to being a sensor suite. The only reason we don't see it used as such in certain instances is because it was never animated as such.
  6. Umm...those pics of the VF-9 were done when it was still the VF-X-11. So no, those are not the insignias of the Dancing Skulls. Image is official. Markings on it are not. Umm....Dancing Skull wasn't even part of Skull Squadron. In fact, it was a special forces unit.
  7. But I LIKE the original character designs. And DYRL's flightsuits just look lame to me. My dream Macross is the TV show we have now, only with all the animation done to the same quality as the title sequence, and without Global Report(waste of a perfectly good episode slot...). oooh... hehe... that wasnt what i meant when i said DYRL. i meant the animation, u know, more detailed, smoother, etc. not the suit. But I like SDFM with its mistakes and inconsistant animation. I like it with its 1980s-TV-size budget and reuse of animation. I don't want the CG-colored cels and all that stuff. I like the nostalgia watching a dated show.
  8. Just so you know, we don't like picture sigs on this forum so please, use it anywhere but here.
  9. And ruin my childhood? How many times must you people ask for a remake?
  10. Unless the Girty Lue (the name of Bogey-1) was probably running silent (Engines off, etc. etc. etc). And since they were in the debris field, floating around with all that junk they would have blended in (And there were some considerably large pieces of junk floating out there).
  11. Thought it was Sega....oh well, knew it was one of those old systems.
  12. We don't know. Komillia is around, just not the focus of many stories. In an alternate universe (Macross 2036, game for Sega IIRC), Komillia has joined the UNS.
  13. As long as someone doesn't come along, take an animation mistake and make a whole new entity, *cough* VF-1R */cough* I won't worry too much.
  14. More like reused footage....get use to it. The default client is meant to be a a basic client for the overall protocol. It is not suppose to be a customized client with bells and whistles. Have you tried this one: http://www.bittornado.com/
  15. There actually is something about that. See the endnotes here: http://www.anime.net/macross/mecha/united_...nese/index.html Also, the folks at Studio Nue were sci-fi fans at their youth (although, they still might be.....) so it's not surprising if they borrowed a few ideas from here and there.
  16. True, it probably doesn't waste that much power, but the price of that is now you are unprotected for the duration from leaving port to the combat zone. That is quite dangerous. Better to be safe than sorry. Now you got it. Again, I was only referring to the PS-armor. That's just one slice of the pie. For the Silhouette packs, that's another slice. The Silhouette packs no longer require a manned-fighter to deliever the equipment. That is done via a UAV. So there is no need for a pilot to risk his/her life. With the packs just limited to the backpack, there is less worry about individual parts. It's now all contained into 1 unit and docking is simplified to just 1 unit. At most, the Striker packs contained 3 different parts/sections to worry about. That is quite a lot to worry about. Plus each piece had to be literally dropped into place (with the exception of the Aile backpack). Not only is that inefficient since you have to wait for all pieces to dock to take advantage of the whole package, but dangerous since you have to worry about 3 things at once while being shot at (when applicable). The Silhoutte packs unify all of those pieces into 1 unit and includes a built-in flight system. Impulse no longer has to juggle with falling pieces from the sky. They could be docked in mid-air. Also with the single-unit approach, you reduce the time needed to be ready. Getting it done in one shot is much more efficient than having to drop each part, and repeat until the process until all parts are on.
  17. On a side note to all these essays.... http://www.anime.net/macross/ Egan has updated the Compendium with the info from ep. 5.
  18. Yeah, that comparison has been around for 1.5 weeks.....They reused a few movement sequences in Destiny (if you compare when Strike and Impulse pull out their beam sabers , you'll see some similarity). I can name a few more but meh.
  19. The problem with that is if you treat it as a light switch, turning it on and off at a whim, so to speak, that would be like telling a soldier to run out of the transport without a flak vest and only giving it to the soldier when he/she is fired upon and then taking it away when their not being shot at. That's quite inefficient and quite dangerous. Of course, that only explains the PS-armor (which is still quite impractical for mass-production). As Anubis said, rapid deployment. And as I said earlier, those pieces also improve pilot survivability and are modular components.
  20. Or they could have just used a thicker coating....But remember, Genesis was big. Very big. Chances are that it would have taken several shots to take out Genesis. The damaged to Genesis would have been minor for a target of that scale from 1 shot. And the 2 ships only had a chance for 1 shot. Which would also prove my point that the anti-beam coating would fade from wear-and-tear. Strike was able to last...what a whole 4-5 seconds before disentegrating? The shields in the UC timeline were designed to withstand only kinetic weapons, more importantly, shots that came from any kinetic weapons up to a Zaku 120mm rifle. Beam weapons (which is what we saw a lot of in 0083) would have just wasted those shields. It wasn't until F91 that we got to see beam shields which was designed to deal with beam weapons.
  21. Actually, it says " conjectured to be over several ten thousand years old." The idea behind that dialog was to indicate that AFOS was really, really, really, really, really, really, really.... old. Which means they can accurately guess only up to a certain point on how old it was. It is probably older but they cannot accurately determine how old that thing is.
  22. Well, according to the official site, ZAFT ships used a similar version of Anti-beam coatings on their ship. But the key point to remember is that even Anti-beam coatings will fade after heavy usage (Duel threw his shield up to block Strike Rouge. And when Yzak did it again, Forbidden's shot just went through the shield like a hot knife through butter). Think of it as polish. After a certain amount of wear-and-tear, it's gonna fade, in which case, you have to reapply the polish. I imagine with kinetic weapons, that coating would would last as long as it takes to scratch it off. So if you pound the mobile suit with missiles and kinetic rounds (their probably using armor-piercing/HE/HEAT ammunition), the coating would just fade to the point where it couldn't disapate any beam weapon. The same applies to PS-armor. The effectiveness of PS-armor (and TP-armor) would last as long as the battery holds. But even then, wear-and-tear take effect and the effectiveness of the PS-armor would decrease as usage increases. But in the case of Freedom/Justice/Providence, even though the duration of the PS-armor is practically unlimited, it would probably decrease in effectiveness over time. If you punish it enough, the armoring system would either (A) stop working due to sustained wear-and-tear or (B) begin to produce "soft-spots" or "holes" in the system, or areas where the PS/TP-armor would not be as effective as other parts. One thing I did notice is that Impulse kinda deals with the problem with the shield. Not only does it have the anti-beam coating (by default, all of the shields are suppose to withstand kinetic impact, I won't count that), but it also produces an energy field (you see it in episode 2 when the shield expands and a slight distortion when Impulse hits Abyss with the shield), which may also reduce the "impact" (for a lack of a better word) of beam weapons. edit...this is what happens when I'm freezing my ass off...I can't spell.
  23. Bingo. As for the question on who was the Anti-UN. Lots of people. And it probably wasn't a single entity. Look at the SV-51 (Sukhoi/Israel Aircraft Industries/Dornier SV-51). Sukhoi (Russian), Israel Aircraft Industries (Israel), Dornier (Germany). You have elements of many major nations in the UN (namely Soviet Russia, and West Germany). And with outbreaks all over the world (Even in the Americas, guerilla warfare did break out), you have Anti-UN elements within the UN. So it becomes hard to pinpoint who was on which side.
  24. I'm surprised...someone actually remembered. And I think I have the wallscroll of that pic....
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