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Everything posted by azrael

  1. Phase-shift is nothing to beam weapons. The Windam won't show up until episode 9 (according to the text) so we won't know it's potential until then. It kinda reminds me of the Nero (MSA-007) from Gundam Sentinal.
  2. Shinn is quite fresh at the beginning of the series. In fact, his combat experience is next to nill. He's good enough on paper to be in the Special forces....But compared harden war vets like Athrun or Kira....the boy will get a serious whippin. In fact, in episode 6, he gets lesson #1, never get close to a suicidal GINN pilot. I think we need to fill you in. That flashback on episode 1 took place 2 years ago on ORB. Shinn's family were citizens of ORB and they were making their way to the transport during the attack on ORB by the EA. Well, you saw the grusome details. After that, he joined ZAFT (for obvious reasons, he's a Coordinator) and was assigned to Minerva as the test pilot for Impulse. Just shows you how much of a newb Shinn is. Shinn can't even damage them while Yzak and Athrun send them home in pieces...in one battle. edit: Oh yeah....Windam, EA's new mass-production suit. According to Gunota, it's got mission-specific weapons packs (Striker packs). Looks like a it's more of a space -MS than a all-environment MS.
  3. That's one of her more recent publicity pics. This is her official site. http://www.marimusic.com/
  4. I think someone mentioned he's been having server problems lately. The site has been off and on since the beginning of the month. Technically, yes. But the Sword parts are still effective for MS-melee combat (look at Sword Calamity).
  5. Remember, Ms. Ijima was 18 when she did the voice and songs for Minmay (for SDFM). That sweet innocent voice from 20 years ago ain't there anymore. In fact, I doubt any of us will have the same voice 20 years from now.
  6. Actually, it's just Shinn's bad luck that he's fighting at distances (which the Sword pack is not built for). Also, when he was hitting Gaia and Chaos, he was hitting them with the blunt ends (non-beam parts) of the blade/boomerang. Oops.
  7. It won't be much of a colony drop. They already cut it down to about 1/4 of its original size. And that 1/4 has been split into 3 pieces. Minerva will will be shotting down the rest with her positron gun so there won't be much of a drop.
  8. You may wish to post this thread in the "Other" section as this has absolutely nothing to do with Macross. Or you can have a mod move it for you.
  9. Yep yep. It's even mentioned: http://www.anime.net/macross/mecha/united_.../vf1/index.html TV-style: Block-5 or earlier DYRL-style: Block-6 or later And using the excuse that the VF-0 uses DYRL-style controls does not work as the VF-0 does not equal the VF-1.
  10. Remember, this is a educated guess. So don't go quoting us here.
  11. Well, irregardless, the 3 are, what I would call, enhanced naturals (of some sort). Their abilities are probably close to Coordinators so they could use the OS. They still have to do some minor reprogramming of the OS to get the MS to be combat-ready right there.
  12. Which variant? Who knows.... But this should help you. http://www.anime.net/macross/mecha/anti_un...ig29/index.html
  13. no its not. this is the sdp-1 stampede valkyrie. man, these pics are horrible. i got to find REAL pictures of these. these were puny to start with. i had to enlarge it and fix it as much as i can. I was editing as you were posting so
  14. We got roughly 45 episodes to go.....and remember, Providence wasn't introduced until episode 48 of Seed.....We got a ways to go...
  15. edit: Oops, that's why I couldn't remember what game it was from...It's not the Stampede Valk. It's the Star Crusader. http://www.anime.net/macross/mecha/non_stu...vfx3/index.html LOL....oops...
  16. Yes, the VF-1 is his favorite, and the VF-17 was his least favorite (We've had interviews and other stuff lying around here to confirm that....). But the VF-1 is his baby, his first-born VF. When he was designing the VF-17, he kept staring back at the F-117 and saw that it worked for some reason even though he didn't like the look of the F-117. It worked, so Kawamori was happy and Graham is happy.
  17. It would depend on where it hits. If it hits water or coastal areas, then there would be sufficient water displacement (seriously big tidal waves). Maybe I should rephrase that since I was thinking if it hit the middle of a continent and I need to rework some math. If the entire piece should hit, any city caught in the blast radius would be gone. Wiped off the map. As we move away from the impact zone, we have a big dust cloud and ash covering the area. Plants and people would die since they are breathing in contaminents and large amounts of dust. This area would be uninhabitable for quite some time. We now have the dust cloud to worry about once we get out farther (which would bring significant health problems). At this area, you have people have lung problems and other problems. Then we have greenhouse effect and all of that other stuff which would lead to a slow painful death for those caught in the area. Earth would not be destroyed but for anybody lucky enough to be caught in the blast and surrounding areas, would either be dead, dying or have permanent health problems. The end result of the affected area would probably be the size of Texas, maybe a tad bigger, maybe something the size of Algeria. But that's assuming the whole thing hits.
  18. There's also the fallout. The impact crater would be the size of Texas, however then there's the fallout from the impact ala the dinosaurs (still under debate). Areas surrounding the impact point would become uninhabitable and then the population would have to move to the outer edges of the continent. In otherwords, you'd have a lot of pissed people. It's not BC who would set up the military force. It would be EA. When Junius 7 drops, Coordinators get the blame. Anti-Coordinator sentiment rises to levels larger than during the war thanks to the propoganda war from BC. Military production increases to insane levels. EA would declare war on PLANT. And the flow of events would just follow through and they would be at war again. That would lead to nukes, Genesis, etc. and the flow chart goes on and on. With Azrael gone, BC lost a lot of pull with EA. Imagine getting it all back just from 1 colony drop.
  19. I don't think he was the leader of Blue Cosmos. Very influential member...yes. Considering he supplied the money and the weapons. The gentlemen in episode 5 appear to be the actual leadership of BC. Lord Jibril appears to just be one of the more vocal members of the club. Much like how Siegel Clyne was the leader of the PLANT council while Patrick Zala was its most vocal in the group.
  20. This is a Character Model magazine exclusive column, VF-EX. It's like Kawamori's scratch paper. These are just some ideas he's come up with over the years. VF-EX is like Gundam's MSV artwork. Not official (yet) but it give him a chance to draw to his heart's content.
  21. Actually...there are a few designs in M7. There's the standard pilot version used by the VF-11 pilots on M7, the version used by the M5 Zentradi pilots, the M7 Spec Ops version, the Varuta survey group version, and the version used for the VF-22. So there are quite a few more missing from that comparison.
  22. 2 words: Jolly Rogers. Now use Google. No one help. Let the boy look it up on his own.
  23. The Inertia Vector Control system is something from the Quimeliquola Quaedluun-Rau. http://www.anime.net/macross/mecha/zentrad...eadluunRau.html The "flap/fin thingy" is just thrust vectoring which has been around for ages. Please read up on it. http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=thrus...G=Google+Search
  24. Hehe....Steelfalcon.....Don't rely on information from Steelfalcon or any RPG site, ever. Most of that information is altered for the game and doesn't reflect the offical stats. It has been neither confirmed nor denied that the VF-22's flight suit uses a HMS. http://www.anime.net/macross/mecha/united_...vf22/index.html (The Compendium, however, is something you should look at more) No. Not only are the economics of it infeasible but we haven't reached the level of sophistication that VFs in Macross have with their touch-screen LCDs and reduced physical knobs and buttons and switches. All that stuff requires lots of money which no country in our world would dare shell out for that level of sophistication.
  25. I agree with you on the VF-1A heads. I hate the tv version, but the little differences they made to the movie version make the 1A head one of my favourites. My problem with the Soundforce heads is pretty obvious, it's simply my preference for the more utilitarian head designs. I actually like the VF-1S head the least of the VF-1 head designs (besides the tv version of the VF-1A head). Hey, it's nice to see a break from all those utilitarian head designs with Sound Force. My vote goes for the VF-1A as the ugliest.
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