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Everything posted by tekering

  1. More Than Meets the Eye, by James Roberts. Nothing else in Transformers fiction will ever compare (except perhaps Roberts' debut mini-series, Last Stand of the Wreckers).
  2. So, it turns out those rather amateurish voice actors were all non-union; Netflix didn't want to pay out for the real voice talent, despite their enthusiasm for the roles.
  3. I hesitate to do the same to mine, knowing its aftermarket value... but damn, you really demonstrate the potential there! You could probably turn around and sell it for a lot more, too.
  4. Nor was I, until I transformed mine for the first time... That's precisely why I love it.
  5. Still way more than I'd pay. They sell for about ¥4000 on Yahoo! Japan auctions, as this completed auctions search will demonstrate.
  6. I managed to track them all down on the secondary market, mostly near their original retail prices... sometimes less than that, even. The only pricey ones are Jeanne and Lana.
  7. Arcadia's only asking ¥5500 extra for the premium finish... Seems like a no-brainer to me. Ah, but how much longer is it when engaged in diplomacy?
  8. Well, I see more muted colors with a lot more detailing and color separation in Siege. That's perhaps the most egregious error, as it was with the Prime Wars cartoons... As toy commercials go, their timing is atrociously bad.
  9. Quite the opposite! Since the relatively higher gravity on Glorie exacerbates the problem, young women are fast-tracked into military and civil service at an early age, and quickly retired before the onset of menopause. That's why Lana occupies such a high-ranking position within the military police, even though she's still a teenager... ...and hell, Jeanne's not even old enough to have graduated high school, but she's already an ATAC squad leader. By anime standards, of course, this doesn't even bat an eyelash.
  10. I only bought the ones available at MSRP, "Sheige Star Screen," "Sander Lacquer," and "Warfork Cybertron Hot Link." I'm tempted by Redwing, but I can't find him under ¥6000... ...and Siege Skywarp was apparently some impossible-to-obtain US exclusive... ...and I wouldn't be caught dead with that ugly "Seeker Ion Storm" set. I have CHMS knock-offs that look more legitimate than that crap. I actually laughed out loud when the Autobots starting sprinting from Megatron and the seekers, and the Decepticons gave chase on foot...
  11. That's a good idea. I have thousands of images on my hard drive, but only a YouTube video online... I doubt your wife would appreciate my greatness any more than my wife does.
  12. You can have this one, buddy. I've got more exciting new toys to play with...
  13. That's a great deal on Gabe! More than can be said for most Transformers fiction, sad to say. I think you meant unremarkable. Most of the voices were so indistinct as to be interchangeable. What really elevated the experience for me, though, was seeing so many onscreen characters depicted almost exactly as their toys look. It was so satisfying that I bought a bunch more figures I hadn't been interested in before... Unfortunately, the characters that hadn't already been designed as toys (Bumblebee, Elita-1, Arcee) will end up looking quite different as action figures.
  14. Sacrilege! Whether it's been said or not, it's wrong. Mikimoto is credited as "guest character designer," for EVE (and they did a wonderful evoking his unique style in her depiction), but the other characters are the work of Toshihiro Hirano, famous for the Iczer-One and Dangaioh series. His girls are way sexier than Mikimoto's.
  15. I don't have to guess. Sorry, no DX VF-1 news today!
  16. A couple of local finds I picked up today... I figured somebody might be interested in 'em.
  17. Well, there's decades of precedent for that, at least... It's a toy commercial, and only characters from the Siege line participate in the story... but even within that limited cast, there were some surprising omissions. Where was Siege Springer, for example? Or Brunt? Or the Micromasters? Or the Battle Masters? You clearly haven't seen Transformers: Prime... or Animated. Much better casting and dialogue than what's represented here.
  18. Nah, that looks too much like... you know... a Star Trek design.
  19. Wow, what a horrible angle to have chosen to photograph. Perhaps XTB wanted to show off the sculpted detail on the trailer doors, but it's rather painfully obvious those fake wheels have no rear axle...
  20. While Sentinel's Legioss itself is arguably closer to 1:60 scale, the pilot figure is clearly 1:48 (which is why it barely squeezes into the cockpit!). The upcoming Riobot Mospeada Ride-Armor VR-038L "Bartley," which I assume you're referring to, is 1:12 scale.
  21. You'll probably found they've fallen apart in the box... but you won't be able to tell unless you actually take them out. The risk is up to you. The Evolution Toys Legioss are displayed with Moscato's Invid crabs and EXO's soldiers, the DX VF-1s, and everything else 1:48... The Sentinel Legioss are displayed with Yamarcadia's Valkyries, Bandai's renewals, and everything else 1:60... The Gakken Legioss remain in their boxes for sentimental value, along with the Takatoku chunky monkeys, the Matchbox SDF-1, and everything else vintage '80s. Any Toynami, Aoshima, or CMs Legioss can go to eBay, or go to hell.
  22. Like Cog, you mean? Or Impactor? Or Sideswipe? Mirage? Hound? It's totally inexcusable, I agree. In fact, it's downright lazy. With 35 years of toys, comics, and video game characters to draw from, this should not be happening in 2020. And just when you think it couldn't get any worse... ...the dialogue even tries to lampshade it!
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