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Everything posted by ArchieNov

  1. I saw it last night. Personally, I thought it was mediocre at best. Actually found it pretty boring, especially during the first 2/3rds of the film. Almost fell asleep a few times. I’m also not sure exactly where it fits in the storyline. It seems like it’s after Civil War, but somehow it felt like the first part of the movie happened during Civil War, while the latter parts weeks later or longer. But that doesn’t make much sense because the events in the Black Panther movie don’t seem to take more than 3-4 days or so. They also nerfed T’Challa so much. He’s supposed to be at least as good as Captain America in hand to hand combat, but this movie makes him look like he’s just a little better than average. Oh, and it also felt like there was so much SJW pandering in the movie as well. Overall, I’d say this movie is comparable to Thor 1 for me. And that means it’s on the lower end of my Marvel movie rankings.
  2. I thought the Cloverfiled Paradox movie wasn’t good at all. And I’m a big fan of both the first movie and Overfiled Lane. I wish they cast a Chinese person that could speak English. It’s offputting when everyone else in the movie speaks English and yet Zhang Ziyi only speaks in Mandarin, although everyone seems to be fluent in Mandarin too because they have no issues talking back to her (but in English, not Mandarin). It makes me feel like they gave up having her try to speak English while filming (I’m guessing she wasn’t good at it).
  3. I voted Selvaria Bles from Valkyria Chronicles. Honestly, I would have preferred to get an awakened Alicia Melchiott instead, but I think Selvaria is the most popular from the game. My dream is that they make the whole main cast from the first game and the Edelweiss tank.
  4. That Voltes V does look good. I’d like to think it’s a Metal Build though rather than an SRC.
  5. ArchieNov

    Hi-Metal R

    To me, if someone’s not too happy with the HMR VE-1, I don’t see how the Yamato version would improve their opinion. I think people liked the VE-1 because of how different it was from the regular VF, which the HMR delivers just as well as the Yamato version.
  6. Just got my Akuma/Gouki this morning. He’s awesome. He’s overall beefier and bulkier than Ryu (as he should be) and looks as badass as they get. I think he’s currently the best one in the line. I’d post pics, but can’t seem to get imgur to work in these forums properly anymore for some reason. Almost forgot to mention that I got the Sheryl Nome too, but haven’t cracked her open yet.
  7. You know what I hate about these premium releases? It makes me look down on the regular releases I already own, because now I know it’s not the best version available.
  8. Personally, I don't see anyone saying the OT was perfect or flawless. Yes, I thought Ewoks beating Stormtroopers with sticks and stones was utterly ridiculous. I've been complaining about that since I saw it for the first time almost 30 years ago. It's one of the reasons I hate Ewoks. What I and many people are complaining about is the lack of coherency or continuity in TLJ with the films that came before it. There were things that were already known or established in the prior films that contributed to the lore (regardless of how stupid it may be) which TLJ totally ignored or contradicted (and not in a good way, meaning it contradicted it in a manner that made less sense or became even more stupid). I don't need to elaborate on these things any more since there's enough on that already. I'm very accepting of change in the SW universe, as long as the result makes more sense. For example, if the made Stormtroopers were made to be super accurate, no-nonsense soldiers in the next SW film, I'd be overjoyed. That's what I was expecting when I first saw them on the screen and how Obi-wan described them to Luke in ANH. I never liked how Stormtroopers have been depicted in the films as having almost zero accuracy and die to a single blaster shot or stone even though they wear armor. Lastly, I don't see how pointing out the flaws in any of the prior SW films justifies any of the nonsense in TLJ, or makes TLJ seem like a better film.
  9. How much do these cost nowadays? I think I got mine at a bargain bin price a couple of years back when nobody wanted it.
  10. If you have intentions of opening your items, regardless if it's now or in the future, I don't think that classifies you as a MISB collector. For them, the "S" in MISB is the most important thing. Take it away and it'll nullify most of the value of the toy in their eyes. At least that's how I understand it (I may be wrong about it, since I'm not a MISB collector). Keeping spares, having backlog, or storing items in their boxes to keep them clean and pristine is different from keeping a MISB collection. After all, if your intention is just to keep spares, etc, you wouldn't mind it if someone went ahead and cut the tape/seal or whatever from all of your spares and stuff without ever actually pulling the item out of the box. But I think that would be a big deal for MISB collectors since now the item would be MIB instead, which I think is no longer good enough for them.
  11. I think the TC is referring to those who collect purely MISB or majority of their collection is MISB. I also don’t understand the motivation for MISB collectors other than them seeing toys as an investment to sell for profit later on. Which ironically is kinda like a scalper IMO.
  12. No, it’s neither of those. The ones I had didn’t have any numbers or letters marked on it. I’m almost about to believe that what I had were unofficial figures. But they were definitely high quality though so it’s hard to think they were bootlegs.
  13. Does anyone know about any ride armor toys released sometime in the 80’s to 90’s that were pretty small (maybe 6 inches), non-transformable, and had lots of diecast? I had 2 of them back when I was younger (a red and green one) when I had no idea what MOSPEADA was, but thought the armor looked cool. I remember the red one had blades or swords, while the green one had missiles that attach to the forearms. Articulation wasn’t too great. If I’m not mistaken it just had neck, shoulders, hips, knees. Can’t remember if it had elbow articulation. And of course it was made in Japan. I tried looking for pictures online and the closest one seemed to be the Gakken, but it’s not it.
  14. Lol @Ridden001 You forgot the part about the DX potentially developing jaundice if their skin was excessively white during their youth.
  15. Thinking of buying the PG Exia Lighting version. Anyone here got it? If you do, can you share the dimensions of the base in inches? Is it the same as the PG Unicorn? Thanks.
  16. I thought Edge of Tomorrow was well-made. I actually liked it better than the manga.
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