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Everything posted by ArchieNov

  1. If this was really your main concern (getting a refund), wouldn’t you have been better off taking SlaveIV’s offer instead? You would’ve gotten more money out of it guaranteed. Plus SlaveIV may eventually get the Kairos for himself which he’s willing to wait for.
  2. I've never run into this issue on any of my VF-31's, including the Kairos. Have you double checked the transformation and alignment of the other parts close to that area?
  3. ArchieNov

    Hi-Metal R

    Maybe they let you off easy because the preorders haven’t sold out or closed yet. Normally they are much stricter with cancellations.
  4. Actually, there was. I said I got mine from N-Y last Wednesday (3/28). It shipped out Monday (3/26). I think saying Asia is too general of a statement.
  5. How long before we can talk about spoilers? While I enjoyed the movie, there are several questionable and dumb things in the movie I’d like to discuss.
  6. I wish someone could explain to me what exactly is “stupid” about the film, or why you would need to “turn your brain off” to enjoy it. I didn’t really notice any gigantic glaring plot holes or silly unreasonable antics in the movie. Granted it’s not perfect, but it’s definitely not something that looks like no thought was put to the story. I watched Ready Player One on the same night and I think that film had a lot more moments where I was rolling my eyes at something dumb. But I don’t hear anyone say it was a dumb movie.
  7. I also came into this movie expecting to be disappointed (especially since I loved the first one so much), but was very pleasantly surprised with it. I can’t really say which of the two is better, but I think 1 had the better characters while 2 had the better action. I don’t get why people hate on the focus on China in the movie. It makes perfect sense to me considering what China is capable of, especially when it comes to manufacturing. Also, I love Shao. She is my favorite new character. I thought I would hate the little girl (Amara), but I also like her a lot. I normally don’t like “young teen” characters but she didn’t act too childish and didn’t do most of the dumb cliches you’d expect out of children/young teen characters. Reviewers didn’t like what happened to Charlie Day’s character, but I found it okay. In my opinion, it was actually something that I could imagine him doing while being in character. Major contrast to Luke in TLJ, who acted totally out of character. All in all, I had lots of fun. Would definitely like to watch it again and will buy the blu-ray once it’s out.
  8. Got the last one. Thanks, Shizuka. I actually had 2 Drakens before, but sold my extra a few months ago. Not sure why I ended up getting another extra again, but I guess it was a combination of the huge discount, and the possibility of getting a “perfect copy” (my 2 Drakens each had a very minor issue that my OC-ness couldn’t get past). Maybe one other reason is so I could try CDJapan. Never ordered anything from them before.
  9. When (and how) will these be available for order?
  10. Alright, that’s what I thought. Thanks guys!
  11. Question: Does styrofoam packaging damage toys (e.g. paint, tampo, etc) when left alone and in contact with each other under long term conditions? I noticed that most toys that are packed in styrofoam are usually wrapped in plastic first. Is this because the styrofoam can damage it?
  12. Pardon my asking, but are you a girl? If so, it's quite rare to see a female fan of Macross show so much interest in the toys. At least, I haven't met any. Either, it's cool for the fandom when more people share their love for the merchandise. I'm honestly quite surprised at how well informed you are about the toys especially since you've only recently started collecting. You were able to avoid getting the duds. I guess we owe it to all the reviewers like jenius and the community feedback.
  13. It just arrived at my door. Whew! EDIT: Transformed it to battroid. Overall first impressions? I think the color actually looks better in person. Gives me a very “Full Metal Panic” kind of vibe similar to the Gernsback Arm slaves. I like it a lot. I would dare to say that it’s probably the best version of the 31 so far.
  14. Guys, I don’t think N-Y follows any particular order when shipping things out. I placed my order on 10/10. It went into Prep in Progress and shipped out same day last Monday 3/26. I’m expecting to receive it today unless UPS botches it, and in that case I’ll have to wait until next Monday due to our local holidays starting tomorrow. One thing that I have recently observed though is I think they may prioritize UPS shipments. I’ve been using only UPS saver ever since it became available at N-Y. I seem to recall an instance seeing one of my prior orders have a status called “Processing Priority Package” or something similar for a short while in between Prep in Progress and Shipped. Or maybe it was before it went into Prep in Progress? Can’t remember exactly.
  15. Hmm, NY already shipped mine 4 hours ago. I understand everyone’s excited and/or anxious, but if you got yours from NY it’s practically guaranteed you’ll get it. I don’t think I’ve ever heard of them failing to fulfill a preorder.
  16. I really like this one. The lights and shadows work really well.
  17. Messer’s super parts look horrible on the Kairos, IMO. Not sure why anyone would want to get them just for that purpose.
  18. Heh, my Fewture Shin Getter hasn’t been out if its box in a while. It was the first release version. Too bad they never made Shin Getter 2 & 3.
  19. Those look like the Sentinel BAF from the Toybiz Marvel legends line. I used to have 3 before I sold them off.
  20. Everyone seems to be looking for the extra legs/claws on the Iron Spider suit, but does the movie version actually have them? I didn’t see any in the trailer, and from what I’ve seen from the MCU they don’t always conform to the content in the comics.
  21. I always thought it was the other way around (Roid liked Keith)
  22. You’re not the only one that finds the 31F head as ugly as sin. I also think it has the least interesting color scheme in the squad. And I didn't like Messer as a character either and was glad he kicked the bucket in the way he did. I don’t consider him an ace. He’s just above average. If I wasn’t completing the DX releases since the Alto 29, I would’ve skipped the 31F. But if the head looked like that in the first place, I would have liked it a LOT more.
  23. Hmm, those new photos don’t seem to be as impressive as I’d have hoped, at least not for the price. But unfortunately, I already sold off my Yamato version in anticipation of this, so I have no choice but to keep my preorder.
  24. Thanks for the confirmation. I tried twisting the torso again on mine and while it squeaks/creaks a lot, it’s no longer popping off. Maybe the ball joint just wasn’t properly seated in the factory, and after I reconnected mine it’s now a better fit. I can use the smaller connector if I make the stance wider or bend the legs, but it’s not long enough for my standing pose. Honestly, I don’t think they needed to include the smaller connector. I would have been happier if they gave us a Stoner Sunshine effect part instead.
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