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Everything posted by ArchieNov

  1. Thanks for the confirmation. I tried twisting the torso again on mine and while it squeaks/creaks a lot, it’s no longer popping off. Maybe the ball joint just wasn’t properly seated in the factory, and after I reconnected mine it’s now a better fit. I can use the smaller connector if I make the stance wider or bend the legs, but it’s not long enough for my standing pose. Honestly, I don’t think they needed to include the smaller connector. I would have been happier if they gave us a Stoner Sunshine effect part instead.
  2. How’s the upper torso rotation on yours? I think the upper ball joint on mine is too tight, or at least much tighter than the lower one, and I think that was the reason why it took less force for it to pop off first than to move the upper ball joint. While I was able to restore it back to original condition, I am left a little hesitant to rotate the torso again. Otherwise, completely agree with your comments except for the one about a SOC Bandai version possibly being competition for it. As much as I like Bandai, I don’t see them surpassing Sentinel’s engineering. The only area where I think they’ll do better is the price point.
  3. Sure, no problem. I’m sure you’re gonna love your Shin Getter once you get it in hand. They look so good together.
  4. I wasn’t sure it would work. I basically wrapped the upper double ball joint in twine to prevent it from getting pushed back when trying to push the lower ball joint in. That gave me enough space to apply enough pressure to connect the joint. After it was secure, I just unraveled the twine which was no problem because there was enough space between the gaps for the string to pass through. I feel so relieved now. Everything is back to normal and Shin Getter is good as new again. Thank you God! @SuperHobo Are you moleman from the robotjapan boards? I wanted to post there but the admins seem to be taking their sweet time confirming my registration. Anyway, please let those guys know that I wasn’t twisting the joint farther than what was shown in the manual. So it’s not like I was twisting it to the extreme, but merely checking if the upper torso can twist as much as what’s shown in the picture.
  5. Holy sh**! I was able to finally pop it back on after an hour of trying different methods. And you would not believe how I did it. I used twine.
  6. Sigh I feel so sad and frustrated now. I wonder if I should try mailing it to Sentinel for repair UPDATE: Received a reply from Sentinel. They basically said that they have discontinued providing after-service customer support due to complaints from their official distributors. They will only provide this service if you purchased directly from their store or official retailers. Since I purchased this from AmiAmi, it meant I had to solve this myself.
  7. Okay, maybe I spoke too soon about the upper torso. I tried testing the limits of the twist and sure enough it popped off. Now I’m having a b**** of a time trying to get it back on. The angle of the ball joint is so weird that it’s difficult to put force on it. I shouldn’t have pushed my luck
  8. I had no issues with the upper torso. Everything is solid and holds together well. The unpainted red plastic is scattered in places across the figure, but again, it honestly does not bother me a single bit. Frankly I don’t understand why some people have such a big issue with it. It doesn’t look like Hasbro unpainted plastic that has swirl lines and stuff. The forearms are detachable for some reason. Maybe to simulate a rocket punch lol? The one thing that worries me in the long run are the joints for the wings. The wings have some weight to them, and the joints holding them up swing up and down. If they end up getting loose, it will prevent you from displaying it with the wings up. I don’t see any easy way to tighten them up again.
  9. Just spent a few minutes checking it out (I have to go to bed soon). But so far, what I can say is, THIS IS THE SHIN GETTER YOU ARE LOOKING FOR! It just looks so badass, especially with with the way it glares at you (pupils FTW). A lot of the joints and engineering is very similar to the Riobot Mazinkaiser, so basically that means it's excellent and beats anything else out there. I can confirm that some of the red plastic does seem to be unpainted, but honestly it still looks very good and I don't mind it. I actually am glad since it gives me less worries about paint scratching.
  10. I just realized the MB Mazinger is roughly 1/100 scale. His height is practically the same as a 1/100 MG RX-78-2 Gundam. Both are supposed the be 18m tall. Kinda interesting having him posed beside HMR toys and other 1/100 scale figures to see the size differences.
  11. There’s one big gripe I have with the Metal Build Mazinger. And it’s the display stand. It sucks, which is unusual because Metal Builds usually have awesome stands. The problem with this one is the smaller secondary arm is way too short and does to lock into place. Another problem is the clear attachment point does not securely tab into Mazinger’s crotch. These two are bad enough on their own, but put them together and it really limits the kinds of aerial poses you can have, and makes things really unstable that I’m not comfortable leaving it on its stand.
  12. Know what I find funny? The fact that the 2 FOX movie Human Torches (Chris Evans, Michael B Jordan) ended up redeeming themselves in the Marvel superhero films.
  13. Wasn't a Metal Build prototype already shown? I probably won't get it because it isn't to scale so I can't display it beside my Mazinger or Mazinkaiser.
  14. The hands aren’t articulated. Just 3 pairs of swappable hands. The engineering itself is very reminiscent of Sentinel’s (Riobot) designs. In fact, if you didn’t know it was Bandai, one might mistake it for a Sentinel figure because of all the moving panels, translucent pieces, and aesthetic (though the latter is due to the design in the movie). However, the execution is still not as good as Sentinel’s because sometimes the panels get caught up between the other moving parts (it rarely happens, but something to watch out for lest you break it). The joints are VERY stiff out of the box. It takes quite a bit of force to get things moving at first. But again, be careful that nothing is obstructing the articulation or else you may break something by mistake. And there are some things which I think can move, but are so stiff that maybe I’m wrong. But when I look at the opposing side, the orientation is a little different so I'm almost sure it should move. Don’t want to risk it yet. I might be wrong, but it feels just as heavy (or a little heavier) than the Riobot Mazinkaiser, despite being smaller. Lastly, I haven’t tried all the accessories and options yet, but I’m having difficulty getting the scrander belt to clip together on Mazinger. It clips together just fine when it’s off him, so not sure what’s preventing it when it’s on him. All in all, it’s a good figure. Anyone who bought it will generally be happy with it.
  15. Yeah, I watched both that video and wotafa’s review. Both of them seem to struggle a bit in getting them clipped together. I could probably do it if I forced it, but don’t want to risk damaging anything. On the bright side, if I do end up scratching the belly plate or snapping the scrander belt, the set does come with an alternate set of belly plate and scrander belts meant for displaying it with the missile punch.
  16. Metal Build Mazinger Z (shown with Riobot Mazinkaiser for scaling comparison)
  17. Sigh... I can’t seem to clip on the scrander. Been trying for the past 30 mins but can’t get the two yellow connecting pieces to join together while on Mazinger. They connect just fine when they’re off. I’m too scared to put too much force for risk of either breaking something or scratching off the paint. Hopefully others get theirs soon too and you can help me out on this. For now, I guess my Mazinger will be without his scrander.
  18. Just got my Metal Build. The engineering is very reminiscent of Sentinel’s stuff. Looks like Bandai is starting to take cues from them, which is great since I consider Sentinel to have some of the best engineered toys on the market.
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