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Everything posted by LOW_ALT

  1. LOW_ALT

    Macross 30

    It does say "processing order" on mine, but nothing on shipping. No big deal if they drag their feet a bit, I'm out of town until Sunday anyway.
  2. LOW_ALT

    Macross 30

    I ordered from play-asia, but haven't seem any progress yet
  3. Looks like De Niro in the middle there lol
  4. It's weird seeing Aramaki with hair color, and Saito with...whatever he has going on top of his head
  5. I'm not gonna say it was aliens....but aliens man, aliens
  6. Actually if I remember right some of those scenes (particularly the lesbo boat scene) didn't actually happen and weren't real. It was just Batou's interpretation. There was even a paragraph explaining the situation IIRC, at least there was for that scene anyway.
  7. Hmm, Richard Epcar will be here for Naka-Kon next month. I wonder if he'll mention anything about Arise.
  8. The F-117 prototype, "Have Blue", was also build to a smaller scale. This has been the case for several other prototypes in the past I believe. They do this to test the concept of the air frame no?
  9. LOW_ALT

    Macross 30

    ^Agreed, or at least make them two different modes like MTF
  10. Can't wait for this. I still to this day have hopes for an open world Deus Ex-like GITS game. Maybe this new series will help that dream get one step closer to reality. I'll take anything though, the previous PSX & PS2 games were loads of fun, despite their shortcomings. Either way I'm stoked. Seeing Kusanagi wearing proper clothes again is refreshing. That getup from Stand Alone Complex wasn't very fitting for her tough-chick character in my opinion.
  11. I did the same. When the pre-order bonus was announced I posted it on GameFAQ's board and couldn't believe how many people got upset. SO much hate for Grey Fox . Despite the new badass Raiden I can never get past the wimpy, push-over Raiden from MGS2. Plus he just kind of looks like some kind of Final Fantasy/undead/cyborg freak show now lol.
  12. Ah yes, I did mean 1/24. And I believe you are referring to Kanuka Clancy, who does seem to be a bit tall. But then again Ohta is a bit on the short side.
  13. ^a Yamato 1/12 Helldiver and Python would be amazing. I know I'd fork over the cash.
  14. LOW_ALT

    Macross 30

    I wouldn't go as far as to say that. The way they brought the music aspect into the series, as a cultural element the (bred-for-war) enemy was not prepared for, may have been far-fetched but it worked and established the foundation for the future series. I especially think that Plus is the greatest example of Macross and wouldn't change a thing about it. But I do think that Macross-7 is a complete joke, despite having a few cool combat scenes. However the music isn't even what my previous comment was directed towards, if that's what you mean. Not only that, but I would hardly call Macross "entirely about blowing stuff up" if you take away the music. It's hard to deny there is far more to write a story about in war than there is about a few overly-dramatic characters that make mediocre music. Let's not forget that Gundam is a WAY bigger franchise without having the need for silly bands and galactic divas. In some ways one could say that the music aspect of Macross is what held it back from being on par with Gundam, since (in my opinion) Macross has far more interesting mecha designs. Though I'm sure the whole of MacrossWorld will come down on me after these statements. Anyway I'm not saying change Macross. I'm just saying I would prefer the game actually be centered around combat and warring, not ballads and bubbly girls. P.S. - Before everybody breaks out their flamethrowers, I'd like to point out that the above is simply my opinion.
  15. LOW_ALT

    Macross 30

    lol yeah MW wasn't the best for of combat, I'll give you that. But the mission/story concept was solid. I'd like to see a Macross game that's geared more towards a military campaign than a kid's high-school life or something of the sort. I've never quite understood the relation between giant robots at war and cutesy kids, kind of waters it down.
  16. LOW_ALT

    Macross 30

    It's kind of a shame that there is so much effort put into the characters/story of this type of game. I miss the old Mechwarrior kind of games where there was no character and not much story either, just endless missions and deep customization. I can only imagine how much more tuning and customization would be available to us if they could have exchanged time/cost of developing a story & new characters into better gameplay. I'd much rather have a valk chop shop than a stretch of a story with pointless things like silly swimsuit scenes. But I digress. I'm one of those guys that's into anime solely for the mecha and have little interest in the story/drama
  17. ^Though it seems like they're rushing the new models before complete safety can be achieved, as seen with the F-22, F-35's, Osprey, etc. But it's nice to see the old favorites getting the cool modern upgrades like the F-16's getting the HUD helmet visors and such.
  18. LOW_ALT

    Macross 30

    I'm running ECFW through Gravity Grash, which allows use of my old backed up PSP games. MTF looks superb on the better screen.
  19. LOW_ALT

    Macross 30

    ^It should work for you. That game is great, I play it on my Vita more than any of my new games.
  20. ^The VTOL version should be replacing the AV-8's as well, no? I'm a big fan of the 35's as well.
  21. There definitely was when the Concorde was operational. Also if you guys enjoy cool aircraft photos, check out my site http://www.xprmntlgarage.com. Most of the aircraft that I post are military though.
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