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Everything posted by pfunk

  1. What do you mean inacurate? I mean that the Hikaru TV style doesn't have UN Spacy on the leg. Hmmmm... Poop, I cant believe I never noticed that, Im taking mine off, What about the gun pod? I think I'll just go with the std plane decals on the low vis and no UN SPACEY on those sexy legs
  2. pfunk

    Spare parts from HLJ

    Hey! Lets create a valk junkyard, we'll have a row of 1/55, 1/48, 1/60 the only problem,, looking for hinges on the 1/48 will be like looking for the rolls royce silver ghost amunst chevettes
  3. Awesome, one of those boneheads PMed me a pretty nasty message,,,,,,,,,some peoples kids <_
  4. Hey now...he was still winning those stupid "Sexiest Man" polls as recently as a few years ago. I can only wish that I'll be so highly regarded when I'm in my 60's. I never followed the "worlds sexiest man" competition Im a firm believer that if you dont use it, "it" goes away
  5. Yes, this is slamdunks father,,,,,,,,,,,,WIFE, get back in the kitchen and make me some pie,,,SON,, clean your room or else your grounded from the computor. YES MODS, whos logged in now?, I havent seen anyone and this thread is trash and a disgrace of human existance. I think this thread should be erased. I dont belive in banning anyone, but if it goes further, let it be warned to that person. Let CWmodels start a new thread so that we can enjoy the art of modeling and not the art of imaturaty and everyones guesses on what that should be
  6. pfunk

    VF-11B FP

    I have one, and Im not familiar with any of the previous problems and I LOVE it, its one of my favs and not a single problem, transformed 100 X's
  7. Folks, your forgeting the byproduct of fusion,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Oxygen/water, thiers your other propelant material for the heat from the THERMOreaction to accelerate
  8. pfunk

    Macross Destroids

    That would explain it, like the shoulder mounted missles and radar head look identical
  9. pfunk

    Macross Destroids

    I didnt notice untill my brother came over and hes a real Mecha fan (armored core) They copied all the destroid designs except for the monster and maybe the spartan. Like the missle packs and arms big time. Is yamato going to release all the destroids, I know they are releasing the Monster, But I think the tomahawk would be equally cool in 1/60 scale
  10. GOD, i feel like a punk with 2......................well make it one if someone want to put out $200 plus shipping,,,on second thought nah
  11. Lets see how many people bitch if they pull a HG and realease them on DVD. Probably none, since it's name isn't Robotech. I detect a little sarcasm I think you should put your old avatar back...........opps I typed that out loud
  12. AWESOME, I cant stand the added BS computor generated crap in the special editions,,,,,,KEEP IT A CLASSIC!
  13. AWESOME, I cant wait to see the results
  14. Yup, itll start that way, I started with the Low vis, now I have 2 of them and one of every other one out. The good thing is they hold thier value and some go up. Hell, I bought my Max for $89,,,,,,not too shabby and I bet I could get $89 out of it right now
  15. I cuncure, Ive lost a lot of (valuable) things through the years, mostly due to lack of interest,,,allways regretted
  16. no doubt, Im leaving my second in the box (thanks Will) and weathering/decaling/clearcoteing my 1st and maybe in a year or so, the unussed one will be worth the ton of money Ive spent on Macross items,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,yeah right <_< if you have 2, play with one, If you have one, get another and play with that one,,, simple math in my opinion
  17. eyesonyou79, JK, how about mecha imports
  18. pfunk

    Place your bets...

    Kakizaki, cause they need more cash off the "A" head and DYRL hands bit of sarcasm over the whole non GBP thing in 1/48 <_<
  19. ATTENTION WANNABE GUITARISTS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,YOU NEED ONE OF THESE http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...&category=11735 http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...8&category=2384 FOR THE BASSIST (TOM64SS heres one for ya) http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...4&category=4713 AND IF YOU NEED PARTS FOR YOUR "AIR GUITAR" http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...&category=22670
  20. That was one of the best but least watched cartoons. I don't remember if they ever made it out of the D&D world. SNARF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I concure
  21. HMMMMMMMMMMMM FastPack or no,,,,,,,,,,,,,,so many decisions, so little mula for toys with the "other" stuff agh,,,made up the mind,,,,no fastpacks,,,,,cause the box is prettier ahem "BS" <_
  22. Well, here goes. read Grahams review also incase I missed anything 1)Packaging typical Yamato 2)initial responce is WOW, this thing looks awesome 3)Fast Pack are prone to fall off (exspecially the larger ones on the lower body) 4)BITCH to transform. Getting the legs in where they are suppossed to go is a nightmare and a bad design, you have to bend the legs at the knee to get them out of the fuselage. 5)getting everything to align right in fighter mode is a painstaken process It is possible with a lot of patience. The 1st time i did it, I accedently pulled a pin out of where the intake pins to the body, and it took a long time to get it back in without breaking anything and also getting the intakes right requires transforming diferently then in the instructions. I put the legs in 1st and make sure that the intakes are level with the rest of the plane before going any further 6) the hips on mine are very loose, i mean the legs flop all over the place. I plan on taking them apart and modifying them to work correctly I love the looks of the plane and basically the main reason why I have it is to complete my growwing collection. I believe Quality Control at Yamato leaves something to be desired. I definatly wouldnt want this item in the hands of a child as it would be broke within 5 minutes. Other than that I think its a good sculpt and faithfull to the anime
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