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Everything posted by blackconvoy_D01

  1. The new VV looks better than the Mattel and Toynami renditions of the Lion Voltron:
  2. need more money sooner than fall: http://www.ebay.com/itm/YAMATO-MACROSS-1-60-VF-11C-with-Super-Pack-Macross-7-Robotech-/111076791330?pt=US_Action_Figures&hash=item19dcb15422#ht_129wt_1170
  3. It took me three weeks to sort it out between Youtube vids and the booklet. Its still my fav for the MF series.
  4. Since the VF-171 seems to be now the hardest valk to transform, can we have a contest to see who can do it best?
  5. Of course, everyone comes to MW first!!! This is just a little hideaway on FB for Macross Fans: https://www.facebook.com/groups/macrossUSfans/#!/groups/macrossUSfans/
  6. I would not give that, or any other toy outside of a low end TF to a 3 yo. I thought it was cute to let my daughter play around my Brave Max once, she stuffed it with food. Aside from that she could break something off and hurt herself.
  7. Thanks for the advice. Took the shoulder apart and tightend up with the glue. Does anyone have any tips for the loose ankles without taking them apart? Im a bit more hesitant about doing that.
  8. Speaking of: http://www.ebay.com/itm/121110719527?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649#ht_44wt_1170
  9. I just purchased a v1 VF-27 from someone who claimed that it's been dormant for some time, but the way the toy stands and handles tells me otherwise. Can anyone please direct me, or tell me how to take apart and tighten these joints?
  10.    Correct, I mean- what else could one spend $2600.00 on? I could save it, or weekend getaway...
  11. I did. I hate to wait for this stuff. I want it now or ASAP (not 3 months out), so its v.1 for me.
  12. LoL, the most I ever got for a mpc appendix was $150. And I got that much because it had a custom strike cannon added to it. It was a good sale.
  13. I agree. I transform my recently acquired valks at least once a week, so it'd be all worthless by the time it left my hands. Flipping them is hard business (I flipped my Robotech MPC's to expand my Yamato collection). It's even harder to sell them and get back nearly what you paid/ need if you're doing so because you happen to find yourself in a financial pinch.
  14. I feel similar. I want it, but I dont think I have the patience or drive to go out of my way for it. Ill settle for a v-1 at a good price.
  15. True, but at least you know it'll be there when its suppose to be. There are worse things to preorder for nearly half the price: http://www.bigbadtoystore.com/bbts/product.aspx?product=TOY10400&mode=retail I wonder if the v1.5's booster will be to heavy in gerwalk without the stand supporting it?
  16. Looks like some are starting preorders sooner than Wednesday; http://www.gundamplanet.com/special-offer/pre-order/dx-chogokin-vf-27-lucifer-super-parts-set.html
  17. Wait a sec, the VF-27 didnt have super/ armored parts in the series or the movies- right?
  18. I didnt like it before either, but now its grown on me. Especially with the super parts!
  19. Very happy I noticed this before buying a v-1. Love the armored parts.
  20. I collect for a number of reasons depending on the line of toys, for example; TF Classics/ Generations- I use these toys as an expansion of my love for TF:G2. MOSPEADA- For what used to be a like of RT, but I love MOSPEADA more. I imagine that my collection has to take back out into space because of some reason or another. I kinda like crossing it with BSG, because like the reimagined series the designs are somewhat dated, but MOSPEADA is so versitile- between the Legioss, Tread, and Ride Armors. Macross- similar to MOSPEADA as to an old RT reference, but the community has opened my eyes. You can appreciate so much in the world of Macross becuase there is something for everyone. You can own two valks and reimagine them in practically any series. If you dont like one portion of the series, there are so many other variations to choose from. Also the toys are real high quality and I've never looked back and said; "I regret buying that valk." Batman- always was a huge fan. It got heavier when I lost my mom last year (which was the only reason I sold my Macross and other collections. I sorta channeled Batman- in the respect of his fitness routine- to refocus my feelings- getting into shape was the best thing, aside from the support I got from my wife and child to help me get over the worst. Guyver, Cowboy Bebop, GITS, and so on, just love 'em. Better that than drugs and alcohol.
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